Hot for The Holidays Winners!

holiday-blog-hop-buttonI totally love announcing contests wins!!! Why? Because I never win any fricking thing and I can only imagine how great it must feel to hear that you’ve won a prize.
That said, here are the winners for the Love, Lust, and Laptop Hot for the Holidays Blog Hop:


That Pearly Drop – Christine Maria Rose
Alpha Me Not – Robin Mlckovsky
The Dragon Slayer – Tracey Gee

And since it’s Christmas time and I’m a total suck, I’m giving consolation prizes to everyone who commented as follows:

Prymal Obsession – Shadow, Donna, & Krystle
The Bear and The Bride – Angie, Savannah, & bn100

Winners—please contact me at [email protected] with your choice of eBook format.

Happy Holidays To All!!!



Hot For The Holidays Blog Hop From The Love, Lust, & Laptops Ladies!

holiday-blog-hop-buttonHappy Holidays to Everyone! We Love, Lust, and Laptops Ladies are full of cheer and want to share. So we’re doing this hop to giveaway what every naughty female secretly wants seriously sexy romance books full of hunks and happy ever afters!

To participate all you have to do is visit each of our sites and leave a comment – any comment! The hop runs from December 6 through December 10. The GRAND PRIZE WINNER  will be drawn and announced on December 11, 2014. To Go onto the next site simply click on the book covers at the end of this blog or you can follow the #HotfortheHolidays hashtag.



Prime Imperative by Monette Michaels, Bayou des Enfants by Lynn Lorenz, Predator’s Fire, Gemini Island Shifters 5, by Rosanna Leo, Straitlaced by Robin Danner, Seducing Kate by Emilia Mancini, Christmas in Cancun by KaLyn Cooper, Prymal Lust by Jianne Carlo, Come by Becca Jameson, Double Up by Vanessa North, and Cowboy Redeemed by Parker Kincade.

I’m going to do three prizes for three lucky winners!















































Happy Holidays & Good Luck on the Hop!





Holiday Blog Hop Banner

The Weather Outside is Cheerful — But Only in South Florida!

our backyard may2014It’s the Friday before Thanksgiving and already the traffic seems busier. We’re having perfect weather (albeit a tad on the gray side) in South Florida. The temperatures are in the mid-seventies and I can finally don a sweater. Heck—I may even do boots today!

The Viking and I are trying not to feel too smug when we see what’s happening in the rest of the country and Canada (being that he’s Canadian). However, he did inform me to tell his cousin, via the cousin’s wife, that he played golf yesterday. The cousin’s snow blower broke when he tried to get the three feet of snow off his driveway. *snicker*

I’m currently finishing up Prymal Passion—Bandit & Kata’s tale—and it was wonderful to write yesterday with all the doors and windows open. Toward the evening though, I had to run and get socks. My toes were frozen.


Anyhoo, I thought I’d give those of you who are locked behind frozen doors a teaser excerpt from Prymal Passion (unedited):

“I lied, darlin’.”

Bandit’s raspy growl sent delicious shivers up Kata’s spine. It took a few seconds before his words sank into her consciousness. “Beg pardon?”

He lifted her chin with a rough-tipped finger. “I told you a fat lie. I want in you so bad my balls are so blue as to be black.”

“Oh.” Her mind went on a sex-cation hiatus.

Her pussy ached with emptiness and her inner muscles clenched. He made her feel so safe and warm and right. Would it be too terrible to simply let it happen? To lose herself in the magic of sex and intimacy just this once? Who knew what the future held for her and Natusya? This might be her last hurrah, the last chance to grab the brass ring, if only for a brief snatch of time.

“Darlin’ the way you’re looking at me has me loaded and ready to fire. Is this what you want?”

He nuzzled her cheek and nibbled his way to her ear.

Kata sighed. Her ears were super sensitive. All at once she remembered biting his lobe to the point of drawing blood. She drew back so their noses bumped. “I’m sorry. That I bit you.”

“Was nothin’ darlin’. No worries.” He ran his tongue over the seam of her mouth. A slow, languorous lick that zinged eclectic darts straight to her nipples and clit. “Jaysus, you taste like manna.”

She let her eyelids fall and breathed in his sexy smell, a hint of aftershave, musk, and Irish Spring soap. His soft lips sipped hers, in delicate, almost-not-there grazes. A whimper escaped when he delved his tongue into the corner groove where upper and lower lip met. He tugged her tingling flesh with his teeth. The gentle nips had her craving more. She looped an arm around his neck and opened her mouth over his.

A dam within her burst, when he assumed full control, cupped her head, and slanted her head so their lips fused. He ravaged her depths, his tongue tracing every secret crevice, the erogenous silk of the roof, the bundle of nerves above her canines, and the prickling flesh below her lower front teeth. She trembled all over, quivering from the inside out. Her breasts grew heavy and her nipples budded to the point of pain. On every inhale the cotton sweatshirt abraded the tingling peaks.

His hand slipped down the front of her shirt, brushed first one pouting nipple, and then the other.

Kata mewled and bowed her back in a silent plea for more.

He laved the pulse beating in the center of her collarbone.

She tangled her fingers in his thick curls to hold him in place.

But, he nosed his way up her throat and traced the outline of her lips.

She peered at him from under weighted eyelids. “Please.”

His hot palm draped her cheek.

Their stares met.

“Be sure, darlin’. I’m not going to be able to stop.” She loved that his brogue had returned, loved his flushed face and flaring nostrils, but most of all loved she affected him as much as he did her.

Have a fantabulous Friday and enjoy the weekend!



Prymal Obsession – TOP PICK from The Romance Reviews

Hartwood---prymal_obsessionlogo - trr top pick  Five stars

Isabelle of The Romance Reviews made my day with this 5 Star Review and TOP PICK of Prymal Obsession. Here’s what she had to say:

Do you have any ideas what happens when dynamite meets fire? It burns extremely rapidly until it explodes. When Brut Jurango and Sidonie Walker meet, it’s boom, baroom, badaboom… very explosive.

Brut Jurango is a Rogue. He is not a Prymal, but he is friends with them, and they help each other. The first moment he sees Sidonie Walker, he knows she is trouble with capital T, and he tries to avoid her. But when he smells her fear, he knows he is doomed and he must help her. Now they are stuck together until she is one hundred percent safe, but will he be able to keep himself safe from her?

Sidonie Walker is full of shame and secrets from her past. Now she uses slutty clothes and make up to portrait a facade to the world. After meeting Brut, she has been shaken, but has vowed to not let a human/wolf/cat destroy her perfect foundation. She only wishes that her body would listen to her head when near the mouth-watering Rogue.

PRYMAL OBSESSION is a thriller packed with danger, excitement and explosive chemical reactions. It brings together another drop-dead gorgeous alpha and a surprisingly brave heroine. It also has strong secondary characters and one amazing sub-plot mystery.

Ms. Carlo’s passionate scenes are works of art. The chemistry among her characters is undeniable, and the amount of tension and heat generated in each description is explosive.

While Prymal Lust was a promise of a great new series, PRYMAL OBSESSION is a certainty of a very addictive series to follow. I would recommend this book and series to everyone who is ready to be awed and blown away.

“I know your deal. You had a mate. Your kind has one in a lifetime. Whatever happens between us is temporary. As soon as this…this situation is resolved, we’re done.” Brut stifled a wince. Did she have to put it so badly? And did she believe for a moment she could set the terms of their relationship?

What a great way to start the week!



Brunch in Los Altos


Los Altos, Rick’s Cafe

Traveling has to be one of my  favorite hobbies, topped only by spending time with family and friends, and having great meals. The wonderful thing about traveling is that I can combine three of my faves into one.

The Viking and I spent three wonderful days with my wayward son, his amazing and gorgeous girlfriend, and some of his roommates,  co-workers, and friends. Last night our son and his girl took us out for dinner to a fantastic Jordanian restaurant located on historic Murphy Street in Sunnyvale (their new home as of next week). What a wonderful evening! Our son’s new ‘babe’ totally won us over. Smart as whip, pretty, diligent, ambitious, and she adores my wayward one. The latter’s all that’s important to me, but the rest—the equivalent of a kazillion dollar signing bonus! (sheesh, you have to forgive me—my son’s a recruiter, and I’m starting to think in his lingo).

Yesterday, we said farewell to our son and his girl, and I did not tear up in front of him-an accomplishment I’m entirely proud of even if it means I’m a total suck. We had brunch in Los Altos at Rick’s Cafe, and then headed down to Santa Cruz. Here are some photos:




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Have a marvelous Monday!

