A Four Year Conundrum…

For four interminable years, I’ve been unable to put pen to paper for anything other than boring IT technicalities. Finally, last month, I woke up at four in the morning with the idea for – not just one series – but two. Go figure. It’s always been go big or go home for me. So, now my writer’s brain is on overload and I’m frantically going from one tale to another.

Luckily for me – or perhaps it’s just how I’m wired – one series is historical and one very much contemporary – as in COVID-19 contemporary – so it’s muy facil to switch back and forth.

A whole ton has happened in four years.

First, my publisher – Hartwood Publishing – the CEO, Georgia Woods, my longtime mentor and, indeed, the person I credit for my writing career – decided to close down for financial reasons in the first quarter of this dreadful year.

Because Georgia is who she is – a remarkable, ethical, and honorable woman – all the rights to my books were returned to me in a timely, professional manner (kudos to Georgia and Lisa). I’m aiming to self publish my books in 2021 beginning with the Hades Squad series, but I intend to first finish the series by writing Jinn, Volac, and Nikar’s tales.

That means expect to see the return of the Hades Squad either second or third quarter 2021. Even though Georgia’s now retired, I’m hoping to persuade her to do the covers for the final three books and redo the design of the first five novels…love those covers.

I’ve also decided to publish all my historical stories under another pen name to simplify everything…anyone have suggestions? I’ve a couple of pseudonyms in mind, but haven’t settled on anything as yet.

While I’ve never been an avid blogger – is that still a thing in this Tik Tok age?- I intend to keep anyone who’s still interested in my tales posted on how things are progressing right here on this home/blog page. So stay tuned for irregular excerpts, news, and the odd, facetious musings.

I’m back and I sincerely hope it’s all for the good…




I love announcing contest wins and what better way to start the week? Andrea Lovette wins the photo contest for Bandit of Prymal Passion, and Nikki Lynn Vale wins the same contest for the Kydd Kolton lookalike (Prymal Hunger).

Nikki Lynn and Andrea – please email me with your format choices for Prymal Lust and Prymal Obsession!

Have a marvelous Monday!



Prymal Obsession Available for Pre-Order at Amazon!

Hartwood---prymal_obsessionSo Excited!

Book Two in the PRYMAL series, Prymal Obsession is now available for pre-order at Amazon: tinyurl.com/oh9uz2m

The primal call of Mate Claim sparks a battle among the three species of shifters—Wylfen, Feral, & Rogue—and has for generations. These violent feuds incite hunts by humankind, driving shifters near extinction. To protect their people the aristocratic Wylfen ban the practice of Mate Claim. When a Rogue alpha claims a Wylfen female, the mated pair forms a coalition with a Feral male. An alliance is created: Prymal, a new species & pack born of Rogue, Wylfen, & Feral. And war begins…

Brut Jurango’s pack is one of butt-ugly misfits, and he’s devoted to each and every member. When his mate and his entire pack are slaughtered, he lives for one sole purpose–revenge. Brut’s a mixed breed, wolf, panther, and human. He had a mate, and shifters are supposed to have only one in a lifetime. So why can’t he resist Sidonie Walker’s call? Or is this just one more lie proliferated by the Wylfen?

Here’s a sneak preview:

Brut leaned closer and slid the coarse pad of his thumb under her bottom lip.

Sid’s heartbeat hitched.

“I want to taste your smile.” He wrapped one hand behind her nape, tangled his fingers in her hair, and dipped his mouth to hers.

His lips were soft, his touch a mere whisper. But the feelings his tender brushing of their closed mouths engendered had her reeling. She’d expected him to ravish her, that his kiss would be harsh, and passionate to the point of pain.

Brut’s gentleness overwhelmed her. He skipped tiny kisses along her eyebrows pausing to explore each arch. The tip of his tongue traced a circle along the sensitive skin above her eyes.

Who knew of the direct connection between eyebrow kisses and breasts? Her nipples budded into hard points and when she struggled to find oxygen the aching tips scraped against the cotton of her shirt.

Her sex clenched and she drenched the crotch of her panties. Sid clutched Brut’s bare forearms needing some purchase, any purchase because the heat searing through her had her a boneless mess of burning want.

Eyes shut, she savored his oral caresses. The way he nuzzled the back of one ear, laved the lobe, and grazed his teeth along her jawline. He appeared to be in no hurry. His mouth lingered at the corner of hers.

Fierce sparks erupted wherever he touched down. She felt like smoldering, smoking tinder ready to burst into flame. Her neck and throat, her entire face, her ears and her scalp prickled in anticipation of his next move. She shivered when he licked the corner of her mouth.

He stroked her with his tongue, a languid lapping as if that particular spot where upper and lower lip met fascinated him.

Sid tried to twist to kiss him back, but he tightened his hold on her so she couldn’t budge an inch. He nuzzled the outline of her mouth, and she heard his prolonged sniffing. Was he inhaling the aroma of her skin?

His warm breath tickled the underside of the center of her bottom lip. She moaned in a wordless pleading for more, more, more.

He feathered erratic sips across her cheek, trailed slow tongue flicks down her throat, and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Encircled her breast and ran his thumb over her straining nipple. She raised her lids, blinked his hand into focus, and her back bowed at the erotic vision of his brown thumb on the white cotton toying with her breast. Her pussy convulsed. She was on the brink.

Brut straightened. Slid one hand from her nape to the tip of her nose, and all the while his wicked thumb rolled over her nipple. A halo of amber rimmed his dilated pupils. “Tonight.”

So, after that titillating excerpt – how can you not preorder?

Have a Fabulous Friday!



38th Anniversary – Where Has the Time Gone?

aberfoyle millThirty-eight years ago today, the dh and I tied the knot.

Our wedding ceremony was held in our college hometown of Guelph, Ontario. My family and a few Trinidadian friends flew in a couple of days beforehand and we all ate dinner at the restaurant where the dh proposed, The Aberfoyle Mill, back then the only option for fine dining. Quaint, isn’t it? Since we’re heading to Canada tomorrow, we’re thinking of dining there again.

Most of the day is a blurred memory for me. I recall our official photographers, an English husband and wife team—Gordon and Tina, plied me with champagne as we, my bridesmaids, mom, and I dressed. We lived in a tiny apartment back then, and Gordon went door-to-door in the neighborhood, until one homeowner gave us his permission to use his backyard for the pre photos.

My BFF’s boyfriend was in charge of getting my dad to the church. Turns out his car had a hole in the floor, which had my father totally perturbed! Two of my brothers were groomsmen, and my aunt, who’s two years younger than me, was one of my four attendants. It was a lovely day, the temps were in the low 70s, and there was a brisk breeze.

We had a great time. There was a sit down dinner with the usual speeches, and my dh’s BFF was master of ceremonies—we’ll be visiting with him and his wife on our trip. The Trinis partied down the place. There is such a thing as ‘last call’ in Canada and bars aren’t allowed to serve alcohol after 13:AM. My dad bribed the bartenders, the hall stayed open, and serving drinks until 4:30 that morning. We left with the last guests.

It’s been three decades and more, and there’s no one whose company I’d prefer to keep than my dh’s. He’s my best friend, my lover, my hero, and my partner. Together we’ve raised three sons who are all financially independent (whew! Wiping the sweat from my brow on that one!), and the two of us are thoroughly enjoying our ‘empty nest.’

Life’s darned great these days.

About the only thing I’d change is having my middle son, the wayward one, living on the west coast. But, he’s a happy Googler (what Google employees call themselves) and he loves his job and location.

Have a happy hump day!



P.S. I’m going to look at house exhanges for Mountainview, California.


Prymal Lust – One Liners

Prymal_lust2_Jianne CarloToday begins a month of four Prymal Lust One Liners on a daily basis.

Tania to Axe:

“I’m not in the mood for a workout. In a gym, that is. Want to have breakfast in bed with me?”

Axe to Tania:

“Do you one better. How about breakfast, lunch, and dinner?”

Self- explanatory:

Axe’d take whatever Tania was willing to give. For now.

Axe to Tania:

“My room or yours?” Axe had pushed Tania too far, too fast. “I have a suite.”

Have a merry Monday,




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