I’m one of those people who’s so dyslexic that no one asks me left or right. Nope—they say—which hand? That goes quadruple for any kind of graphics or drawing. People who’re talented spatially have my utmost admiration. Like Georgia Woods of Hartwood Publishing, and artist Fiona Jade. These two women can whip up a stunning cover in no time. Needless to say, I suck at Pictionary.
Why am I rambling on about this? Because I have tremendous awe and respect for those who have these amazing talents.
And because Nita, of The BookChick reviews created this incredible trailer for Prymal Obsession. Amazing, huh?
Made my day.
And now it’s my turn to make someone else’s day. The winner of the Naughty Girls Writing Naughty Scavenger Hunt on my blog is…’
Drum roll…
Evelise Archer & June M
June- You’ve won a $5 Amazon Gift Card!
Evelise – You’ve won a free eBook copy of Prymal Lust!
Evelise, please contact me ASAP via email (jianne@jiannecarlo.com) or by leaving a comment here and let me know your preferred format for Prymal Lust.
Have a Majestic Monday everyone!