H is for Hedonism

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order, of course.

H: hedonism, horny, hot-blooded, head over heels, and hunky.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic H words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the seventh day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the word hedonism -mainly because my first born was conceived at the Jamaican Tropical resort that goes by the same name – Hedonism II (no clue as to where Hedonism I was or is).

Hedonism: Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.

We won the trip to Hedonism II. Actually, my girlfriend won it and then gave it to us. We’d attended an  “Air Jamaica” launch cocktail party and they gave out raffle tickets as we entered. I told the woman giving out the tickets – “I never win anything – give them to someone else.” My girlfriend glared at me and said, “I’ll take them.”

Yep, you just have to know it – one of those 3 tickets won the prize – a free trip to Hedonism II.

When we landed in Jamaica, there was a bus waiting for us. As we boarded, the driver gave every person a ginormous plastic filled with rum punch. You have to know how that trip went – there was a babydoll disco party (you had to wear a baby doll costume), a pool that was a bar where everyone went skinny dipping, cocktails on beach chairs, a nude beach, a nude sunset (go figure) cruise, and no TVs.

One of the best vacations of my life.

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

Clicks Lemonade Stand

Sweetbearies Art Tips

The Wayward Gifted

Bookish Geek

The ScribBLINGDivas (WR)




G is for Grenade & Genicon

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order , of course.

G: genicon, g-spot, and grenade.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic G words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the seventh day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the words genicon and grenade – simply because I haven’t a clue as to what they mean or why they’re considered sexy.

Genicon: A genicon is a fantasy sexual partner who is envisaged or invoked while having sex with someone else.

Grenade: The ugly girl with a cute friend. Your buddie has to jump on the grenade to save the team. AKA. wingman.

I find both of these words insulting. What do you think?

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

A Writer Weaves a Tale

Writing Like Crazy

Gone Gardening

Bits & Bytes ~ Food, Tech & Everything In between

The Write Pursuit






F is for Fantasy

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order , of course.

F: fickle, fantasy, fellatio, f**k, and fuzzy pickle.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic F words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the sixth day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the word fantasy.

Fantasy: The faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible or improbable.

I love this word and its definition because we human beings spend much of our time on this earth struggling to live out our fantasies, and you know what—we’re all the better for it.

Everyone’s fantasy is different and, as the saying goes, that’s what makes the world go around. I have several and each one surges or abates depending upon what’s happening in my life. One abiding fantasy is to eat my way around the world and, lord, would I love that one to come true.

The thing about fantasies though, is that there are some you really don’t want to live out. That’s why, in my opinion, erotic romances about ménages are so popular. Women like the idea, but they’d prefer to read about it than to actually experience it.

What do you think?

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

Lucys Reality (PR)

A is for Anxiety

Ordinary Never Sleeps

Collateral Damn-Edge (WR)

The Cherry On Top



Does Exotic = Erotic?

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-453x680I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order , of course.

E: exotic, ecstatic, evocative, erection, ejaculate, and erotic.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic E words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the fifth day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose two words erotic and it’s kissing cousin exotic.

Erotic: Of, relating to, or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.

Exotic: Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange: From another part of the world; foreign

If someone or something is exotic, does that make them or it automatically erotic? And does the reverse work?

Antonio Banderas is both exotic and erotic as far as I’m concerned. So are Salma Hayek and Shakira. the cover above is for my coming release, Vengeance Hammer. Is it erotic, or exotic, or both?

What do you think?

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge :


Meet Adam Jones (AC)

Freelance Tourist: Travel Tips (TR)

Lisa Buie-Collard (WR)

As the World Flops

Whirled Peas



The C Word!

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001Hah – it’s definitely NOT what you’re thinking.

I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows:I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order , of course.

C: cock, clitoris, c**t, c**nny, clusterf**k, c**chie,cum, cunnilingus, and (this one really boggles my mind) camel toe.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic C words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the third day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the word Clitoris.

Clitoris: a small erectile female organ located within the anterior junction of the labia minora that develops from the same embryonic mass of tissue as the penis and is responsive to sexual stimulation.

The clitoris is the only organ devoted entirely to sexual pleasure.

It’s composed of 18 (that’s right) parts divided into three distinct components, a head, a shaft, and a base. With more than eight thousand nerve fibers and interaction with  the fifteen thousand other nerves that service the entire pelvic area, the clitoris is a vast erogenous landscape that literally throbs with potential pleasure. One of the best books I’ve ever read on female sexuality is She Comes First by Ian Kerner, Ph.D. The chapter titles alone are enough to make you grin and read more. Here’s a sample; Chapter 2 – Her Clitoris: The Little Engine That Could.

I love this quote from Greek mythology when Zeus and Hera went to the hermaphrodite god, Tiresias, to ask who experiences more pleasure from sex, men or women, he/she answers, “If the sum of love’s pleasure adds up to ten – nine parts go to women, only one to men.”

What a great note to end on!

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

Father Dragon Writes

Nandini Speaks ( AC )

Delusionary Cinderella (AC)

Pennies in the Jetstream (WR/PR)

Cerebral Milkshake (AC)

