Download Malice Striker for FREE!


Malice Striker, Book#1

in my

Viking Vengeance Series



FROM SEPT 20 – 21, 2013

AT All Romance eBooks, LLC (ARe)

Click on the cover to start your FREE download


Malice Striker won 3rd in the Passionate Plume Best Historical 2012 Contest.

Death Blow (Book#2) was the overall winner in the Passionate Plume Best Historical 2012 Contest.

Here’s the link just in case:

Other free books are also listed in the flashing header banner on the site.  Enjoy!

Nice way to start the weekend, eh, with FREE books?

Have a great one!



For the Love of Mythology Blog Hop June 1-8, 2013

Welcome to the For the Love of Mythology Blog Hop. This hop runs from June 1 – 8, 2013.

The list of the  incredible Grand Prize is at the end of this blog. Don’t forget to enter!

My prize for the contest is an ecopy of The Bear and The Bride.

To enter my contest, simply leave a comment with your email address. Please put NO in the comment if you do not want to receive notices of my upcoming releases. Note that by leaving a comment you are also entered in my

Fireworks for a Fire Contest!

Grand Prize – Kindle Fire

I’ll announce the winner on Monday, June 10, 2013 in three places, here on my site, on Facebook, and on Twitter. The winner  has 5 days to claim the prize in one of three ways, leaving a comment here on the site, leaving a comment on my Facebook author page, or replying to my contest winner tweet.

Nine worldsI am obsessed with Viking mythology. In the Norse cosmology there are nine worlds interconnected by the world tree, Yggdrasil.

One of my favorite Viking tales is of Heimdallr the guardian of the burning rainbow bridge, Bifrost, that connects the world of the gods, Asgard, and Midgard, the world of mortals.

Heimdallr possesses the resounding horn Gjall, owns a golden-maned horse Gulltoppr, has gold teeth, and is the son of Nine Mothers. Heimdallr has foreknowledge, incredible vision, and his hearing is so acute, he can hear the grass growing. Heimdallr is “the whitest of the gods”. He keeps watch for the onset of Ragnarök while drinking fine mead in his dwelling Himinbjörg, located where Bifröst meets Valhalla.

In my latest release, Vengeance Hammer, the heroine, Xára, is Heimdallr’s half-immortal daughter.

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-133x200Here’s a clip from the book:

“Heimdallr?” Dráddør frowned. “What has the watchman of the gods to do with aught?”

“Xára is his daughter,” Nyssa replied as she and Konáll vanished into the hallway.

“’Tis true?” Shifting Xára in his hold, Dráddør closed and barred the door.

When Xára related what had happened on the night she lost her voice, his fury surged. Though his rage was directed at Magnhildur and Néill, he could not help but be angered with Jennie for not protecting Xára the way a mother should. “Why did your mother not tell you of your sire?”

Xára focused on a spot above his shoulder. She shook her head. “Jennie feared for our lives, if Arnfinn discovered we were not his get.”

Yet Evie knew of her real father. Had Jennie felt it safe to tell the sprite after Arnfinn’s death? More so, did she feel the need to assuage her guilt, for she had killed her husband? Then he recalled Xára’s claim Jennie had not poisoned Arnfinn.

“Do you leave Earl Tighe in charge of Lathairn?”

The worry in her voice distracted him. He sought to appease her concerns. “Aye. Tighe will remain, as will his warriors. Brökk, Konáll, and I will split our forces as we have no notion of Wazir Niketas’s direction. I will go east, Konáll west, and Brökk north. I will take only a skeleton crew. Egron will remain here. There is no need to worry, sváss. All will be well.”

“I will use the time to prepare the castle for the coming winter.” She gave him a shaky smile.

Dráddør’s focus shifted to the bed. He winked at her. “I seek now to give you a swiving memory to fill the long nights while I am gone.”

Color rioted all over her face and throat. His gaze strayed to the spot where the scar had been. He laid her down on the covers and sat on the mattress. While unlacing her cyrtel, he inspected her collarbone, and then smoothed his thumb over the pulse leaping in the hollow of her throat. “’Tis as if it ne’er were. Do you recall aught of what happened in the hall?”

“I remember Nyssa setting her fingers there. Then naught, but the dream of what happened the night Magnhildur pierced my neck and stole my voice.” She shuddered.

“She will ne’er harm any again.” Dráddør had chosen to go east as he knew that Godfraid must take that route to travel to Kenneth’s court. ’Twould be a simple detour and the perfect vengeance. ’Twas the time of year when storms frequented the channel and all he had to do was wait for a squall, separate Godfraid’s main boat from the two others, and sink the vessel.

But ’twas not the moment for dwelling on vengeance. Nay, ’twas the time to give Xára a babe. He grinned. And if his seed didn’t bear fruit on this joining, he had many a long winter’s night to correct that.

Xára peeked at him when he stood and disarmed. After he pulled off his tunic she stared at his chest with such fervor in her eyes that he preened. ’Twas quick work to shed his boots and breeches.

Her gaze dropped to his jutting erection and she licked her lips.

Hope you enjoyed!

Click on the links for the next hop on the blog and/or for the rafflecopter giveaway. Cheers,

a Rafflecopter giveaway



P.S. I’m also taking part in The Romance Reviews Sizzling Summer Reads from June 1-30, 2013. Click on the icon below to join the party!

Caliente Blog Hop – May 6 to May 12!

Caliente Blog Hop   Welcome to the Caliente Blog Hop!

This hop has awesome prizes:

A $25  iTunes GC

A $15 Starbucks GC

A $10  Amazon GC

A $10 Bookstrand GC

Plus eBooks & Paperbacks & More!

 Caliente Grand Prize Graphic

 And I’m also giving away a prize – a free copy of Vengeance Hammer

Caliente – I love that word. It’s seductive and sultry and makes me visualize hot nights, a hard bod, sweaty sex, and mind-blowing orgasms.

What’s hotter than a Viking and a half-immortal goddess? (Tell me the hot combos you can think of in a comment)

Not much.

With that in mind, here’s an excerpt from my latest release Vengeance Hammer, Viking Vengeance Book Three.

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-133x200Excerpt – Vengeance Hammer

But ’twas not the moment for dwelling on vengeance. Nay, ’twas the time to give Xára a babe. He grinned. And if his seed didn’t bear fruit on this joining, he had many a long winter’s night to correct that.

Xára peeked at him when he stood and disarmed. After he pulled off his tunic she stared at his chest with such fervor in her eyes that he preened. ’Twas quick work to shed his boots and breeches.

Her gaze dropped to his jutting erection and she licked her lips.

Dráddør groaned. “What think you right now?”

Twin splashes of color dusted her cheekbones. “’Tis wet.”

He fingered the seed leaking from his slit and spread the liquid all over the crown of his cock. “Aye. It means that I want you, Xára. Sit up and take off your gown.”

She gave him an uncertain sidelong glance, but obeyed his command.

The sight of her in the transparent chemise nigh did him in. He stroked his pecker and slid the foreskin up over the head and then back down.

Her eyes followed his hand’s motion. “Come closer.”

She lifted onto her knees and scooted to the edge of the bed.

“Put your hand o’er mine,” he ordered. “Aye. Like that. Now stroke me.”

When she gave his cock a tentative rub, he let his hand fall away.

Unable to do anything but stare at her lithe fingers on his shaft, he said, his voice hoarse with need, “Stroke. Up and down.”

She shifted closer and added her other hand. Her curls tumbled about her shoulders and tickled his groin. He fisted his hands when she adjusted her grip. She worried her lower lip and peeped up at him. “’Tis the right way?”

“Aye,” he grunted and sucked in a breath when she cupped his balls. “Nay.”

He captured her wrists. “Enough. ’Tis the sweetest torture, but I want to spill my seed inside you, not on the sheets.”

Grinning when her eyes widened, he kissed the center of her palm. “Ask. I can see the question forming on your lips.”

“’Tis possible?” Their gazes met.

“’Tis a certainty. My stones are aching.”

“Stones?” She glanced down, tugged her hands out of his hold, and cupped his balls again. “These are stones?”

“Stones, balls, sac, testicles, nuts,” As he spoke each word, she weighed his testicles and squeezed each one lightly.

His desire flamed. He fumbled with her chemise and when the garment refused to cooperate simply tore it down the middle. He palmed her arse and growled, “Wrap your legs around me when I lift you.”

I’m giving away a free copy of Viking Vengeance to a lucky commenter. Please put NO in the comment if you don’t want to receive announcements of my new releases. Anyone who likes my Facebook Author Page gets an extra entry in the contest – just let me know that you did this in your comment.

The Winner will be announced on May 13, 2013.

Good Luck and have fun on the hop!

I promised to announce the winners of my recent contests today and here they are:

Winners, winners, and more winners! Here are the winners of the last few contests!

Let’s Get Lucky Blog Hop:

Terry Amber and FLChen1

A to Z, X is for X-rated Contest:

Angelica French

Countdown to Vengeance Hammer Release Contest:

Donna Antonio

Vengeance Hammer Release Launch Contest:

Mel K

To continue on the hop, click on one of the sites below or on the BADGE to go back to the linky list.

Caliente Blog Hop K. E. Saxon


Fall Under My Spell!

Rhonda Laurel








Coundown to Vengeance Hammer Release – 1 day to go!

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-453x6803 Days to go for Vengeance Hammer’s release!!

Yay – I am so excited *doing a snoopy happy dance* 🙂

For the next five days, I’ll be featuring excerpts from the last book in the Viking Vengeance trilogy, and running a quick contest for a free copy of Vengeance Hammer. Simply leave a comment and you’re entered! The winner will be announced on Wednesday, May 8, 2013.

I thought I’d celebrate the countdown by announcing the winners of the Let’s Get Lucky Blog Hop and the A to Z Challenge Blog Hop.

I loooove announcing winners.

Drum Roll….

The Let’s Get Lucky Blog Hop Winners are:

Terry Amber and FlChen!

The A to Z Challenge Blog Hop Winner is:

Angelica French!

Winners, please contact me ASAP to claim your prize.

And now for the big reveal – here is your first Vengeance Hammer Excerpt:

Vengeance lost.

Fate had cheated him. Dráddør fingered the runes carved into his weapon, the enormous steel mallet he’d named Hefnd Hamarr, Vengeance Hammer, in anticipation of the day he would fulfill the oath made to his dying father. Disgust, crippling and oppressive, banded his chest as he surveyed the smoke-infused, empty great hall.

“’Twas an easy victory.” His friend and ally, Tighe, Earl of Dalriada, heaved a long sigh. “Not a fitting one, mayhap…”

“Arnfinn died by his wife’s hand. Not by mine.” Dráddør snorted. “I cannot fulfill my vow of vengeance.”

“Nay, I beg to differ. You have in your hand the ultimate revenge. Once you wed and bed his daughter, the title is yours, all that he ever owned is yours, and his line is erased. Think you, Arnfinn, Earl of Caithness, will rest easy knowing that your blood prevails? That his daughter will sire your son?”

Tighe rested a booted foot on the fireplace’s lintel and prodded the half-charred mound of logs with a metal rod. Bright orange sparks sprayed in a wide arc and the fitful flames blossomed into long plumes.

“The notion of swiving Arnfinn’s spawn holds no appeal.” Dráddør scowled.

Tighe shrugged. “One prick and you are Earl of Caithness. Shite man, you have gained a region as vast as Dalriada with no effort. The castle is intact and the keep secured. Take your nose out of your arse and do what must be done.”

Hope you enjoyed!

I’m at the Romantic Times convention in Kansas, Missouri this week. I’ll be posting pics on Twitter and Facebook, so stay tuned. Let me know if there are any author pics you’re interested in and I’ll try to get them for you.



What’s Cooking for The Hades Squad & More!

I’ve finally had the time to talk to my editors and plan the writing year. Yay! I have goals and too many ideas to get onto paper/screen.

Release dates etc. will be finalized as the year progresses.

I will be adding a WIP (Works in Progress) section to the website, which will be available to anyone who’s signed up for the newsletter.

Here we go!

Existing Series and Books

VV banner

Vengeance Hammer, Book Three:  Release Date – May 17, 2013

White Wolf Banner 2 - Jianne_Carlo940x300_v2

The Wolf With The Broken Smile (Chad & Lizzie) – est. completion date – May 2013

Hades Squad banner4

Two books this year.


Caught you!

Thought there was only going to be one more, huh?

Shifty, Sinner’s cousin, will have his own tale.

Shifty’s Bacchanal – estimated completion date – July 2013

Satan’s Angel – estimated completion date – November 2013

New Books and Series

Murphy’s Laws of Time-Travel

A time-travel, fantasy series set between 2013 and 1763.

Book #1 – That Pearly Drop

Orca Rules

A contemporary, wounded SEAL series set in the north-west.

Book #1 – Torch the Wind

Ricky’s Landing

A paranormal, contemporary suspense series set in the Caribbean.

Book #1 – Wolf Without

Varangian Fury.

A Viking series set in the tenth and eleventh centuries.

Book #1 – The Viking’s Chains

As of today, I am about three weeks shy of getting previews up for The Wolf with the Broken Smile, That Pearly Drop, and Torch the Wind. The rest will follow *fingers crossed* soon after. It seems as if I may be having a creative tsunami. Here’s hoping my time and fingers keep pace with the tidal wave of new ideas.

Send me an email if you want to know more.




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