Primal Lust – Sneak Preview!

I’m so thrilled this Magnificent Monday morning. Taliesin Publishing has not only contracted the first book in my new Prymal Series – Prymal Lust – they’ve agreed to contract the whole series! So, you know that means  I have to do a sneak preview today. First, here’s my hunky inspiration for the Prymal alpha hero of the book, Axe R. Smith:

FrankSepe18 (2)

Here’s the blurb for Prymal Lust:

Tania, a Wylfen aristocrat, hooks up with a stranger right before her twin’s graduation from military college. Not hours later, the bottom drops out of her world when she’s introduced to Axe, her twin’s new SEAL commander. Then she discovers he’s a Prymal Wolf, the arch enemy of her people. Wylfen laws prohibit her from mating with a half-breed. If anyone finds out she’s mated with Axe, exile is the least she has to fear…

Prymal Lust – Sneak Preview:

Unable to resist, Axe nipped Tania’s claim spot. Breathed in the essence of his mate. Knew in that moment he couldn’t let her go. From the second he’d scented her in the stadium, he’d been a goner. The need to claim her, to mark her, to protect her had overcome him.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

The word boomeranged in his head.

His fangs ached. He ran his tongue over the pointy tips. His dick began to swell at the base. His mating instincts were on overdrive, ready to seal his sperm in her. If he didn’t get out of her blistering heatright away, their fates would be cemented.

He had to stop inhaling her fragrance. Had to force his fingers to stop petting her silky skin. Had to stop tasting and feeling the pulse beating in the hollow of her throat. She was making these sweet little noises, a whimper-purring kind of sound.

Axe lifted onto his forearms and glanced down at her.

She wore a Madonna smile.

He grinned. Kissed the tip of her nose.

Her eyelids flew up. She stared at him. Color rioted across her face. She ducked her head. Clamped a hand over her eyes. “I can’t believe we just…”

Nudging her chin, he teased, “Screwed like minxes?”

She whipped her hand away and wrinkled her nose at him. “Do you have to put it that way?”

“My bad. Made love like minxes.” He waggled his brows. “Better?”

“No.” She shoved at his chest. “How long—”

“Not long enough. Next one, we take our time.” He forced himself to ease out of her tight, hot sheath. Regret dogged every millimeter of his withdrawal. He stared at damp mahogany curls framing her core. Blew out a sigh when his cock popped out of her with a loud sucking noise. His dick had found home and didn’t want to leave.

He yanked out his pocket square and gently wiped the creamy dampness from her folds. Every instinct urged him to roll her over onto her hands and knees, instead he patted dry her pubic hair, and reluctantly pulled her skirt back into place.

“You’ll have to write off the panties. They got ground into the dirt.” He bent down, retrieved the brown-stained strip of lace, absently rubbed the crotch over his nose, and then stuck the underwear in his pants pocket.

Finger-combing her lush brown locks, she declared, “No one can know about this.”

He grit his teeth. “I wasn’t about to broadcast our matin.”

She narrowed her eyes and jammed her hands on her hip bones. “And there isn’t going to be a next time.”

Hope you liked!



Wilde Wolf!

chest - shower - ThomasJames18 (2)I’m hot and heavy into my new paranormal suspense, Wilde Wolf. My poor dh is going nuts as I ignored him for the whole weekend. I did take the time off to cook  him and my two sons an incredible dinner last night, but it seems that wasn’t enough. Sigh. When a story’s flowing like Wilde Wolf is, it’s hard for me to think of anything else. Also, it kind of pisses the dh off when I paste my pic of my new hero at my desk. Yeah, that’s right. That’s my vision of the hero of Wilde Wolf. Yummy, huh?

Here’s a little teaser from Wilde Wolf:

Jas cut in between Mishe and Tania. He turned, half-backing her, and she glimpsed the top of a white Navy cap emblazoned with a silver eagle and gold bands.

“Senior Chief Johnson, meet my father, Arman Prakov, my mother, Orlenda Prakov.” Tania scooted around Mishe and peered at the striking man standing beside Jas.

A drop-dead walking testosterone hunk. His wide shoulders and military stance, spine board-stiff, seemed vaguely familiar.

Heat scaled her throat when she visualized the broad back of her gym lover. For long moments all she saw, felt, and smelt was the fragrant steam in the shower stall coating her skin while he hammered into her. Flustered, she stared unseeing at the medals above the man’s left pocket.

“Pleasure to meet you both.” Senior Chief Johnson shook her father’s hand and tipped his hat at her mother.

“Senior Chief Johnson is the lead trainer for BUD/s Class three twenty-one. I signed the contract for the class two weeks ago.” Jas made the announcement in such a blasé tone that, at first, the meaning of what he’d said didn’t penetrate Tania’s gray matter.

Her jaw dropped. She snapped her teeth together so hard they squeaked. Omigod. Jas had signed up for SEAL training.

Dad’s complexion turned a painful red. At any point, Tania expected to hear him roar.

“I’m certain there’s been some sort of mistake.” Arman crossed his arms and wolf-stared the senior chief.

“No mistake, Dad. I enlisted four weeks ago. Contracts are signed. I leave for Coronado in the morning.”

“Jashuka—this can’t be true.” Her mother wailed as she grabbed Jas’s forearm. “What have you done? Arman, do something. My baby’s not going to war.”

Red blotches stained Jas’s tanned cheeks. “Dad, Mom, let’s take this discussion elsewhere. Breede, Mishe, Tania, Senior Chief Johnson, we’ll hook up with you in the dining hall in a few.”

“Problem, Jas?” Another man in uniform emerged from behind the senior chief.

That voice.

It couldn’t be.

She craned her neck and met her gym lover’s contemptuous glare.

Tania’s knees wobbled. She grabbed Mishe’s arm.

“No, sir. A slight misunderstanding. Easily remedied.” Jas addressed his answer to the man who’d screwedTania silly not five hours ago. “Senior Chief Smith. This is…”

She didn’t hear a word beyond that. Her mind froze. Her fingertips iced over. His musky aroma surrounded her like a whirling top, wrapping tighter and tighter until all she smelled was him, them, sex.

“This is my sister, Tania. Senior Chiefs Johnson and Smith are the lead trainers for SEAL Class Three Twenty-one. Of which I am part.” Jas elbowed her when she didn’t respond.

Hope you enjoyed!



More Good News!

DeathBlowYesterday, my fellow LLL (Love, Lust, and Laptops) author and buddy, Cherie Nichols, emailed me that Vengeance Hammer, Vengeance Warriors #3, was nominated forLR Cafe’s  for the ‘Best Historical of 2013’ Award.  

I am so thrilled. What a year this is turning out to be! So far, I have two TOP PICKS from Night Owl Reviews AND a best historical for 2013. I’m tickled pink about the Vengeance Hammer nomination as the second book in the series, Death Blow, won Passionate Plume’s Best Historical of 2013!

Here’s the beginning of Arianne of Night Owl Review’s  Death Blow TOP PICK: logo - nowl top pick

I loved this second book in this historical, paranormal romance series even better than the first one, “Malice Striker”. Death Blow has a hot alpha Viking male and a spitfire heroine who is part human / part Vanir goddess. Sparks of attraction fly between the two main characters in the books from the beginning. This book also has some terrific sex scenes that start at the beginning of the book.

You can read the whole review here:

I like 2014!

What a great way to end the week!




Starting 2014 with a Bang!

That_Pearly_Drop-Jianne_Carlo-500x800What a great way to start 2014—check out these terrific reviews for That Pearly Drop:

logo - nowl top pickFrom Night Owl Reviews by Hitherandthee:

Woohoo! What a fun and outrageous book! I just finished reading That Pearly Drop by Jianne Carlo, and I loved every second of this novel. The story progressed so fast and rolled so seamlessly together that it was easy to jump from one scene to another, and from one century to another. The characters are delightful and so sinfully enchanting, they will most assuredly leave a reader with some exceedingly steamy nights. This book certainly has plenty of spice. One caveat I will say, this book is not for the young readers. But for a more mature reader seeking lots of adventure, scorching hot romance, and more than enough devilishly hot men to tempt a lady? This is the book for them.

It’s Halloween Night 2013. Emma Perez is in Wales, searching out her family history. What she doesn’t expect the lightning storm that comes up, strikes her, and sends her back to 1763! When she wakes up, very disoriented, she finds herself in what seems to be an abandoned inn, with no one but a dead body. She searches the body, finding a letter of recommendation for a Diana Manley, and a ticket to Wye Castle. Having no other choice, she assumes the murdered girl’s identity and takes the ticket and heads to Wye Castle to become a governess. Upon her arrival there, she finds the master of the castle, Ian Wye, in a rather compromising position. Emma just can’t forget the sight of her now boss and his endowments when aroused. But Ian has found out something about Emma. She is his mate, and she’s in trouble. As two worlds and two centuries collide, can Ian save Emma and his niece, the adorable Fiona? Will Emma decide to stay in the past or return to her own time? Come along on a grand adventure and see for yourself. It’s an adventure not to be missed.

From Guilty Pleasures:

logo - guilty pleasures 4 stars

When this book was first presented to me I had to snicker at the title. I asked myself “is it really about that “pearly drop”?” I truly enjoyed this novel and found it to be a fun read.

The dynamic between Ian and Emma is beautiful. He is willing to give his heart and Emma’s uncertainty brings out a vulnerability that is not often shown in such a strong male character. He proves his point well when showing Emma what her hesitance does to him (you might want to throw the book against the wall for a moment) but when push comes to shove, he will risk everything to show her they are fated, and that Emma’s past is not at all what she thinks it is. She is slowly realizing that her entire future may indeed lie in the past, and she and Ian were destined to be with one another even if across time.

You can read the full reviews here:

I’ll end with my late dad’s favorite toast for the breaking of a new year:

May the best of 2013 be the worst of 2014 for Everyone!




Branded by Étaín, The Beasts of Bärvik Book One Releases!

Branded_by_Etain-Jianne_Carlo-banner468x60Release day for a new book is both exhilarating and downright terrifying for me. My poor gray matter’s a-buzz with stinging questions and worry.

Will readers like it? OMG – are the reviewers going to trash it? Except for the copy my mom always buys, will anyone fork out the $ to purchase it?

Today’s no different from any of my other release days. My stomach’s rioting and all I can gulp down is way too much coffee.

At any rate, Branded by Étaín is now available from the regular suspects, but here are the three main links, the book blurb, cover, and another excerpt:


Can a princess tame a beast?

Princess Étaín of Caul Carlinne remains unsullied by her violent past. When she chooses Brand of Bärvik as her mate, has she brought havoc and destruction to her people?

Excerpt – Branded by Étaín, The Beasts of Bärvik Book One:

Étaín interrupted Margie’s third iteration of what to expect when Brand consummated their marriage. She had not a shred of worry that the act would be anything but wondrous. “Be done with it, Margie. My head fair throbs with thoughts of peckers, stones, pearls, and quims. I trust in Brand. Did he not say he would cherish me when Da asked? I am a truthsayer. He spoke truly.”

“He is a very large man.” Margie picked up a tortoise shell horsehair brush and stroked Étaín’s springy curls.

“So is your Darren.”

“I am twice your height and weight. ’Tis easier for a woman like me to accommodate a large pecker. You must not overexcite him, otherwise he will be rough with you.”

“How could I overexcite him?” The mere sight of him made her woman parts moisten. Did the same happen with men?

“Do not caress his willy and touch not his balls.”

“Willy? Balls?” ’Twas a new language to be learned for this bedsport.

“Pecker, stones. Men have scores of names for their parts. Some e’en name them. Darren says his brother, Padraig, calls his prick ‘Olympus.’”

Étaín’s heart skipped a few beats when the sound of stomping feet reached her ears. “Did you hear that?”

“Aye. They approach. Quick, under the sheets. I will leave after the last man departs.” Margie drew the linen covers to right under Étaín’s chin and gave her a quick hug.

The doors slammed open, and the men of Caul Cairlinne, carrying a naked Brand above their heads, tramped into the room roaring the limerick Prick Her Well. The words ricocheted around the chamber:

Prick her well,

And her belly will swell,

Fill her with your seed,

And ease your need,

Make her see stars,

And sons be your rewards

The singing faded into the background when the men dumped Brand onto the other side of the bed.

I hope you enjoyed, and, if you did – Tweet it, FB it for me!

