Prymal Hunger

I know it’s been a while since I posted and I apologize. The Viking and I were out of the country and our internet access was dismal.

Can you believe that? In this day and age?

Though I’m loathe to admit it, I realized how much I depend on the net to simply exist during the last while. It was so frustrating not being able to Google anything I wanted when I wanted. When your phone’s in airplane mode and there’s no universal net access,  you’re screwed. Unless you want to pay a fortune to tweet or text.

Sigh. I’m praying that we encounter plenty of cheap internet cafes during our three weeks in Scandinavia, Russia, Latvia, and Estonia this coming June.

Meanwhile, I’m scrambling to finish Prymal Hunger ASAP.  Unfortunately, my deadline date’s slipped and that means Prymal Hunger’s release has slipped to August, maybe even September. I’ll keep everyone posted.

No cover as yet, mainly because I haven’t handed in the form. (Aarggh! Another to do to add to my list.) So, I’m going to show the covers of the first three Prymal books:

Prymal Series to Passion

To make up for that bad news, I figured on giving you an unedited peek at Prymal Hunger.


A whiff of coffee teased Kydd Kolton’s nose and memory.

Damn, he was supposed to meet Helle, his new PA. His mood soured. He re-traced his footsteps and walked into the only Starbucks available for the three studios situated on the lot. His wolf-vision adjusted to the dimness instantly. He scanned the crowded coffee bar, realized he had no clue what the fuck Helle looked like, and waited for the blasted female to approach him.

Right then, Kydd spied Juicy Darling, waltzing his way. He stifled a groan. Crap. She was the last female he wanted to deal with. Kydd had a strict hookup policy—he never fucked the same woman twice and each and everyone knew upfront their screwing was a one and done. Juicy refused to accept that status.

Juicy, the star of the re-make of One Million Years B.C., wore a skimpier version of the ripped and torn costume that zapped Raquel Welch to sex-bombshell status some half a century ago.

“Kydd Kolton. It’s been way too long.” Juicy looped her arms around his neck. She nuzzled his jaw and licked his mouth.

Kydd repressed both a gag and a shudder when Juicy’s signature perfume, a cloying mixture of musk and frangipani, hit his nose.

Behind him, he heard a throat clear, and a dusky-CFM voice drawled, “Shall I take it that our appointment’s been postponed?”

Snatching at any excuse to rid himself of Juicy, Kydd captured her wrists, removed her hands from his neck to her sides, and pivoted, giving Juicy his back.

He just about swallowed his tongue.

The name Helle suited her. For even without benefit of his wolf-hearing, he recognized the sex and cigars voice that had awoken him and his cock this morning.

A riot of glossy flame-colored windswept curls framed an elfin, freckled-faced woman-child. Honey-hued doe-shaped eyes lobbed scorn and infuriation at him. Her strawberry-ripe plump lips curled into a sneer Freddy Kruger would envy.

He pictured those lips wrapped around his dick and hardened on a heartbeat.

“Well?” Hands jammed on lean jeans-encased hips, she tossed her head back to reveal a graceful, slender neck.

Claim-bite her.


Hope that makes up a tad for the release delay of Prymal Hunger!

Have a magnificent Monday!



And The Winners of Sinner, Prymal Passion, and Lucifer Are….

                                           Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-100x160      Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-100x160      Lucifer-Jianne_Carlo-100x160

Now that Prymal Passion, Sinner, and Lucifer are released, I have winners to announce!

Remember in case of blame complain to the Viking because he picks the winners.

It tickles me pink that I began the week announcing winners and I’m ending the week doing the same thing. The winners from Monday’s Contest are:

Cindy Hazelwood who wins Sinner

Violet Barker who wins Prymal Passion

Shadow who wins Lucifer

Congratulations Everyone!

Have a fabulous Friday!

I’ll be at Allie Ritch’s blog tomorrow—Saturday February 8, 2015—drop by if you have a chance.





Three Books on One Day – February 5, 2015!

I’ve never had three books release on one day! But it’s happening this week. On Thursday, February 5, 2015 three of my books go live on Amazon!
Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-200x320The Hades Squad Books One and Two, Sinner and Lucifer, both with revised and re-edited and with new Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-200x320chapters, are available for pre-order right now on Amazon and will go live for sale on February 5th.

Prymal Passion, Book Three of the Prymal Series also releases on February 5, 2015.

Though all of these books are part of a series, all of my books can be read as standalone.

To celebrate release day, I’m going to give away a copy of each one of these books to three of the people who comment either here on my site, on my Facebook author page, or tweets about the releases.



Have a Marvelous Monday!

Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt



Prymal Passion, Sinner, and Lucifer Available for Pre-Order!


Thrilling news—for me anyway! Prymal Passion, Sinner, and Lucifer are all available for PRE-ORDER at Amazon!

Click on the covers to go to Amazon

Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-150x240         Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-150x240       Lucifer-Jianne_Carlo-150x240


Release Dates:

February 5, 2015: Prymal Passion. Prymal #3

The Hades Squad series will be released two weeks apart starting in March. There are five books in the series, Sinner, Lucifer, Devil, Demon, and Satan. Here’s the blurb for the series:

Sinner, Satan, Lucifer, Devil, and Demon, are ex-SEALs embarking on civilian life by starting a new security firm, The Hades Squad. Each man meets his mate in unusual circumstances. Sinner lands in Destiny’s pear rree, Devil finds his all-American Jess in a BDSM club, Lucifer doesn’t recognize his best friend’s grown up sister, Nalini, Demon rescues his Jacinta from a gang rape, and Satan…well you’ll have to wait for that one.

The Hades Squad books, Sinner, Lucifer, Devil, and Demon are re-releases. Each one has been re-edited and changed. For all of those who’ve read the first four, Sinner has a new chapter and new characters. Satan, of course, will be completely new, and his book will be released at the end of April, 2015.

Amazon will be running $.99 specials on the first four over March and April, and anyone who’s interested in getting advance notice of the special pricing dates need only sign up for my newsletter. I will also tweet and FB the dates as well.

Each Hades Squad title will release every two weeks starting in March, 2015. This will be followed by Prymal Hunger, Kydd Kolton’s tale, in May.

As you can see, I’ve a busy bee for the first month of the year.

The winners of the Nice Girls Writing Naughty HEAT UP THE NEW YEAR EVENT are:






Have a marvelous Monday,





Prymal Passion Edit-Cave

Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-200x320             Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-200x320

For the first week of 2015, I’ve been  in the edit-cave juggling between Prymal Passion—Bandit and Kata’s tale and Sinner—Sinner and Destiny’s.

I wanted to start my 2015 blog with both book covers and that’s the reason for delaying the post until today.

Aren’t both yummy?

Hope you’re having a salacious Sunday 🙂 Have a great week everyone!










Merry Monday!
