5 Coffee Cups from Reviewer Delane!

I awoke to this wonderful email notice of a review for Prymal Lust from Coffee Time Romance.

Prymal_Lust-Jianne_Carlo-200x320PRYMAL LUST
Prymal, Book 1
ISBN#: 9781629160702
August 2014
Taliesin Publishing
216 Pages
Erotic Paranormal Romance
Rating: 5 Cups

Tania is a part of a long line of a Wylfen aristocratic family who always follows the letter of the law, or so she thought. She has begun hearing the call which if acted on leads to exile, but it is getting harder to ignore. When she runs into the one she is unable to resist she gives in unaware there is more to the man.

Axe is there for a reason he is unable to divulge, even to his mate. He is unable to control himself and scares the one for him away, which he believes is for the best, since anything else can get them both killed.

Tania and Axe think to deny each other but there is another plan for Tania; one Axe will never allow because it is his job to protect and see to her happiness. The problem is, the threat may be coming from within her own family and revealing that would hurt his mate beyond anything he is willing to allow.

Prymal Lust is a fast paced story full of hot alpha men and sexy women. This auspicious beginning to a promising series is worthy of more than one read. Jianne Carlo provides just enough information on each character to keep them coming back for more. I look forward to the stories of several characters and will definitely be returning to the Prymal Series and the writing of Jianne Carlo. I highly recommend the sizzling hot story of Tania and Axe and promise the reader will be unable to put the book down or leave the characters behind.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

– See more at: http://coffeetimeromance.com/BookReviews/prymallustbook1byjiannecarlo.html#.VDvbn_ldWSp

Great way to begin Marvelous Monday!



Prymal Obsession Releases Today!

Hartwood---prymal_obsessionIt’s always thrilling when your book releases. Of course, then there’s the will-anyone-buy-it anxiety followed by the suppose-everyone-hates-it trepidation. Thankfully, I have at least one good review out there courtesy The BookChick Reviews. Here’s what she had to say about Prymal Obsession:

Prymal Obsession was a wonderful installment in the Prymal series. In this story we find out more about Sidonie and Brut who are introduced in book one. I enjoyed the push-pull nature of their relationship. Brut tried to push Sid away at every turn but she pulled him with her “sunshine.” Both Brut and Sidonie bore series bruises from their past. Sid came from her horrible upbringing from absentee parents. Brut’s came from the slaughter of his mate and his pack. He swore that he would avenge them which is why he pushed Sid away — she was much too tempting for him. But Brut succame to his desire for Sid. His plan was simple…he would have a physical affair with her until they found her friend and figured out had taken him. But as Brut gave Sid his body, he gave her his heart as well, although he fought it tooth and nail. I appreciated how Carlo crafted the story so that it was not an insta-love kind of deal. Sure, those stories have their place in fiction; however, the fight to get to love makes the story even more enjoyable. I am greatly enjoying the direction of this series.


I’m an ostrich kind of author on release day. Basically, I hunker down, refuse to check bookseller sales rankings, and immerse myself in a curent WIP. So, today I’m working simultaneously on Prymal Passion (Bandit’s tale),  a new story based in the Caribbean, and my still unnamed Viking series.

In my last newsletter, I’d asked for suggestions on the title for this new Viking series. Karen Anderson, one of my readers, suggested The Warriors of Ragnarök. I love this title and am definitely going to use it. So, Karen, you get to star in this new series. I’ll email you so we can discuss the details. Cristina Machado also suggested Viking Realms and I’m tucking that title away as a possibility for a future Viking series.

Anyone know of a good calendar plugin for WordPress? My current one is so cumbersome that I avoid it like the plague.

Ah, shoot, I’m wandering all over the place today. Put it down to nervousness and forgive me. Have a great Thor’s Day!




Author Rosanna Leo is My Guest Today!

174727809It’s my significant pleasure to host author and friend, Rosanna Leo, on my blog today. Rosanna’s here to give us a exciting peek at her latest romance novel, Predator’s Fire! Without further ado – take it away, Rosanna!


Thanks so much to my lovely friend Jianne for hosting me today! I’m here to discuss my latest paranormal romance Predator’s Fire, Gemini Island Shifters 5. However, I’m also here to wax poetic on my favorite thing ever: romance heroes.

You know the ones I’m talking about. Those dashing dudes who toy with our imagination, making us want, making us compare every other man to them. I love romance heroes. And in my time creating them, I’ve come to learn they need to possess some specific traits.

Now I could go on and on about them having to be handsome and strong, blah, blah, blah. We all know it’s not just about their looks. They need to have oomph. When the reader and the heroine first meet them, it has to feel like a sucker punch to the gut. We need to be winded. So what does a hero need in order to give us this sensation?

1) He must be an enigma. None of us like the man who wears his heart on his sleeve, at least not in a book. We like the man who gives us a sense of mystery. The man who makes us want to learn more. An enigmatic personality draws us in, captures our imagination.

2) He must be smart. Now, a romance hero need not be a super intellect. Perhaps he’s worked with his hands all his life, or had little education. That doesn’t matter, but he does need to demonstrate his natural intelligence. Otherwise, he’ll lose us.

3) He must 100% focused on pleasing the heroine. Now, this may come with time. Not every romance begins happily. Sometimes the hero and heroine hate each other at first. However, once he decides she is the woman for him, she becomes his number one priority. Oh, and if part of that entails panty-melting sex, all the better.

4) At heart, he must be good. Of course, he may not always be good. In fact, we encourage a bit of conflict and naughtiness in our hero. But at the end of the day, he need to be convinced this man has honor and values, no matter what they be. And we need to buy into those values, if only for the duration of the book.

5) Last but not least, our romance hero needs drive. I have never encountered a lacklustre hero. I have never met a hero who is content to hang out on the couch watching football while his heroine goes on an adventure. He wants to share her adventures and give her new ones. He wants to succeed and he wants his heroine to succeed. Sure, they may enjoy quiet moments together, too, but this is a man who will never settle for half-way. He will fight to get what he wants, including his woman.

Thanks for joining me today. What traits do you desire in a romance hero?


When Nina Suzuki discovers the body of her best friend Janine, her world turns upside down. Things go from bad to worse when Janine’s corpse seems to transform into that of a large, brown wolf. For the first time, Nina is faced to confront all the clues indicating her BFF was not what she seemed. A letter from the dead woman opens Nina’s eyes to a strange, new world. The same letter warns of a sinister group called the Alpha Brethren, and urges her to find Killian Moon of the Ursa Fishing Lodge and Resort on Gemini Island.

Killian Moon is a jaguar shifter and teen mentor at the Ursa Lodge in Northern Ontario. He may be a comfort and inspiration to confused teen shifters, but he also has a fiery past. His past comes back to haunt him when human Nina arrives at the resort, demanding to speak with him. Demanding answers. Can he trust her with knowledge that will not only change her life, but possibly endanger those around him?

As Killian begrudgingly tutors Nina on all things shifter, their mutual curiosity flares into passionate need. Once they touch, once they succumb to desire, there is no going back. Killian realizes Nina is his mate and they both begin to comprehend the terror threatening those on their shifter-friendly island. He is forced to confront the tragedy in his family and determines to protect Nina at all costs.

But can they protect everyone they love from a cult of dangerous shifters, intent on horror and destruction?

Excerpt from Predator’s Fire:

“How much longer do I have to wait? I want to see Killian Moon. Now.”

The feminine voice, strangely soft despite its insistence, echoed deep in his being, awakening his jaguar. The great cat roared to life, turned toward the office and inhaled deeply. Its eyes flashed in interest.


Killian breathed in at the same time, catching the scent of cherry blossoms through the door. The sweet perfume, mixed with human outrage, proved a heady distraction, making him forget why he was there. Shaking his head, he tried to dismiss the odd sensation as Ryland opened the door.

The door swung open and the first person he glimpsed was one of the clerks from reception, trying his hardest to placate the unexpected guest. “I’m sure Mr. Snow and Mr. Moon will be right back.”

And then his gaze landed on the petite human. Tapered Asian eyes, so dark and mysterious, but rimmed with circles of exhaustion. Smooth, cinnamon skin hinted at a mixed background. Wearing no makeup, she appeared younger than she must be, but her presence and keen eyes pegged her at around thirty years old. She had a riot of curly, black hair and feminine curves that ought to come with a warning. He could see it now. Beware: this woman’s body will cause insanity in men. Even as she gesticulated at the clerk, her boobs jiggled in such a way his throat went dry.

He pictured her in a corset, her breasts spilling over delicate lace edging, and almost forgot his name.

This Nina Suzuki was damn hot and his jaguar seemed to agree. The animal licked its lips, its golden gaze assessing and appreciating every detail, from her rounded hips to her come-hither rack.

Yes, the creature uttered on a frenzied breath.

Buy link: Predator’s Fire, Gemini Island Shifters 5, is available at http://www.lsbooks.com/predator-s-fire-p946.php

as well as Amazon, Kobo, ARE, B&N and other outlets.

Thanks so much for giving us this delicious taste of Predator’s Fire, Rosanna!



Jianne Carlo at Romancing The Book!

Romancing The Book is celebrating its SIXTH Anniversary, and I’m honored to be part of the two-month long gala.

Check out my CONTEST, Rapid-Fire interview, AND Lori of RTB’s review of Prymal Lust at these two links:

Interview:  http://romancing-the-book.com/?p=26063

Review:  http://romancing-the-book.com/?p=26040

There are THREE Contest Prizes – so check out the links!Prymal_Lust-Jianne_Carlo-200x320

It’s a frumpy Friday here in South Florida. I awoke to rain, thunder, and lightning, and the downpour hasn’t stopped—not for a second. If a rainy day falls on a weekend, most people are upset—-not me because it’s an excuse to stay in bed and read all day.

Sigh. But I have the EDJ to contend with and must deal with the road messes certain to be caused by Mother Nature’s temper tantrum today.

Have a fabulous Friday!



Prymal Lust is a TOP PICK at The Romance Reviews!

Prymal_Lust-Jianne_Carlo-200x320What a great start(but late) start to my week. Here’s a TOP PICK 5 STAR review of Prymal Lust from The Romance Reviews!!!

Book Reviewed by Isabelle(reviewer)

They are alpha males, wolf-shifters and navy Seals. They are hot, dangerous and ready to love the-only-one. PRYMAL LUST is a steamy ride full of pheromones and adrenaline.

Tania is a Wylfen wolf, which means she is an aristocrat and belong to the top tier of the wolves world. However, her feelings lately are the same of every other wolf on the planet: she needs to get down, sweaty and dirty on a bed with a willing male; anyone but a wolf will do.

Axe is on a mission; he can’t have any distraction right now. Of course he has no idea that his hormones and the mating call will show up when he is in the middle of an explosive situation.

Can their mating works? They only have to bring down a corrupted government, battle their instincts against century-old-prejudice and begin a new species.

Ms. Carlo creates another promising paranormal series, bringing fresh ideas in a very creative well-crafted plot.

The characters are amazing, with a kick-ass heroine and a to-die-for hero. Really, Axe is the alpha of the alphas. He is dominant when he must be, but he is comfortable enough with himself to let his female shine.

The passionate scenes are well-described without being excessive, and they permeate the story without taking away from the plot’s flow.

Wow, have I mentioned this book is packed with action and heat? It took me two hours to devour the story and I’ve finished without knowing who do I want to meet next. Really there are so many amazing secondary characters that I don’t know which one is my favorite. All I know is that I’m ready to read the next Prymal today!

