SATAN’s Nominated for The Romance Review’s Reader’s Choice Award!

Satan-Jianne_Carlo-200x320To be eligible for the next round in the Reader’s Choice Award, Satan needs YOUR nomination!

Voting starts today, September 11, 2015 and will end on September 30, 2015.

Simply click on the link below to nominate Satan for the award:

If you feel like tweeting Satan’s nomination—here’s a sample tweet to cut and paste:

@TRRtweet Vote for Satan for TRR’s Reader’s Choice #romance #SEAL #sexy

To close out the summer, I thought to have a little fun contest.

Send me the weirdest thing that happened to you or a friend this summer and I’ll give three winners a choice of any book from my backlist. Get your entries to me by September 30, 2015.

The Viking will pick the three best, as usual and I’ll announce the winners on October 1, 2015 on my blog, my FB Author Page, and Twitter!

FYI, I’m due to finish Prymal Hunger, Kydd Kolton’s tale, next week! YAY!  Here’s the scrumptious cover for Prymal Hunger:


Gosh, I just love looking at that cover. Wondering why Kydd Kolton doesn’t have his trademark shoulder-length blond hair on the cover? You’ll have to read Prymal Hunger to find out that one *smirk*

Have a Fantastic Friday everyone!

Dark Chocolate Side of the Moon, Book #1 of the Lucky in Red Series Now Available!


The three sexy Lobos brothers, Max, Diego, and Antonio, find love in the Lucky in Red paranormal series! Nothing like owning the only dry cleaning place in Sleeping Dog, Texas-especially when a sexy woman walks in with a chocolate-stained red dress! Dark Chocolate Sid of the Moon, the first book in the Lucky in Red Series is now Available!

Buy Links:




Here’s more from Dark Chocolate Side of the Moon:



“Um.” Candi licked her lips again, and a powerful surge of greed consumed the few rational shreds left in Max’s primitive brain. His cock strained the confines of the worn denim jeans he wore and blood raced to his thickening erection. He needed inside her so badly his fingernails lengthened portending his wolf transformation.

“I, um, I—my dress is stained.” She rushed the words out and a deep, rosy hue rode her high cheekbones. She fumbled with the green-and-white bag she carried, and a swath of scarlet spandex thudded onto the counter.

Entranced by the blush cascading across her slender neck, and the rapid-fire pulse leaping in the center of her collarbone, Max had to force his attention to the red fabric.

Jesus fricking H Christ.

Max’s jaw dropped at the sight of the I-want-it-hard-and-fast spandex ruby slip of material that the term dress barely described. Thin spaghetti straps plunged to a V so deep her belly button would show, and the sheath wouldn’t hide a flaw, the fabric was so elastic.

A dark splotch the shade of a muddy Texas creek covered the lower front of the dress. Max’s nose quivered as he inhaled the aroma of rich, dark chocolate touched with a hint of spearmint. Another aroma, unfamiliar, but unmistakably male, hit his nose. Saliva coated his tongue, and his testicles slammed into his perineum. Some man had touched her, tried to claim her. Up until today he’d never scented another male on anything belonging to her.

Max battled for control, flexing his fingers and taking a deep breath before he snarled, “What is it?”

“Chocolate.” She patted the side of her head, and lo and behold thin wisps of golden hair coasted onto her cheek.

“What kind?”

“Does it matter?”

“I need to know the ingredients.” He rolled his shoulders, attempting to ease his tension and slow his rising temper. “If you want the stain removed.”

She bent her head, and a swath of long brown lashes cast twin shadows on her pinkening skin. Fumbling in the cloth bag, she withdrew a long tube and placed it on the counter.

“Kama Sutra Edible Body Chocolate,” Max read the label aloud. “You wore this? Miss Butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth iceberg wore edible body chocolate?”

“I’m not an iceberg,” she muttered. “And you’d know that if you ever bothered to start a conversation instead of scowling at me every time I enter this place. If there were another decent dry cleaner in town, believe me, I wouldn’t come here with this. As it is, I almost drove to Houston, which is hundreds of miles away, just to avoid your disapproval. You’re always so smug and judgmental.”

“Smug and judgmental?” Max barked. “You’ve no idea.” He vaulted over the counter.

She stumbled backward.

“What’re you doing?” she squeaked when her spine met the far wall.

“Not half as much as we’re going to be doing real soon.” Max slapped his palms on the plastered brick. He widened his stance, caging in her head and feet, and jammed his pelvis to her body. “Feel that?”

He ground his steel-hard boner over her mound. “That feel judgmental to you?”

“No,” she gasped. “I mean yes. I mean. I don’t know what I mean.”

“Um.” She licked her lips again, and a powerful surge of greed consumed the few rational shreds left in his primitive brain. His cock strained the confines of the worn denim jeans he wore and blood raced to his thickening erection.

“I, um, I—my dress is stained.” She rushed the words out and a deep, rosy hue rode her high cheekbones. She fumbled with the green-and-white bag she carried, and a swath of scarlet spandex thudded onto the counter.

Entranced by the blush cascading across her slender neck, and the rapid-fire pulse leaping in the center of her collarbone, Max had to force his attention to the red fabric.

Jesus fricking H Christ.

Max’s jaw dropped at the sight of the I-want-it-hard-and-fast spandex ruby slip of material that the term dress barely described. Thin spaghetti straps plunged to a V so deep her belly button would show, and the sheath wouldn’t hide a flaw, the fabric was so elastic.

A dark splotch the shade of a muddy Texas creek covered the lower front of the dress. Max’s nose quivered as he inhaled the aroma of rich, dark chocolate touched with a hint of spearmint. Another aroma, unfamiliar, but unmistakably male, hit his nose. Saliva coated his tongue, and his testicles slammed into his perineum. Some man had touched her, tried to claim her. Up until today he’d never scented another male on anything belonging to her.

Max battled for control, flexing his fingers and taking a deep breath before he snarled, “What is it?”

“Chocolate.” She patted the side of her head, and lo and behold thin wisps of golden hair coasted onto her cheek.

“What kind?”

“Does it matter?”

“I need to know the ingredients.” He rolled his shoulders, attempting to ease his tension and slow his rising temper. “If you want the stain removed.”

She bent her head, and a swath of long brown lashes cast twin shadows on her pinkening skin. Fumbling in the cloth bag, she withdrew a long tube and placed it on the counter.

“Kama Sutra Edible Body Chocolate,” Max read the label aloud. “You wore this? Miss Butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth iceberg wore edible body chocolate?”

“I’m not an iceberg,” she muttered. “And you’d know that if you ever bothered to start a conversation instead of scowling at me every time I enter this place. If there were another decent dry cleaner in town, believe me, I wouldn’t come here with this. As it is, I almost drove to Houston, which is hundreds of miles away, just to avoid your disapproval. You’re always so smug and judgmental.”

“Smug and judgmental?” Max barked. “You’ve no idea.” He vaulted over the counter.

She stumbled backward.

“What’re you doing?” she squeaked when her spine met the far wall.

“Not half as much as we’re going to be doing real soon.” Max slapped his palms on the plastered brick. He widened his stance, caging in her head and feet, and jammed his pelvis to her body. “Feel that?”

He ground his steel-hard boner over her mound. “That feel judgmental to you?”

“No,” she gasped. “I mean yes. I mean. I don’t know what I mean.”


Hope you enjoyed this teaser!

Happy Hump Day-uh!



Guest Author – Dakota Trace!

dakota - bloghop graphic

Today my guest is fellow romance author Dakota Trace who’s going to give us a sexy teaser from her new release Wolfen Bonds. The teaser’s part of Dakota’s Blog Hop for Wylfen Bonds release!

Dakota - DT_WolfenBonds_coverlgBlurb:

The Council of Elders has charged Matthias Galloway with bringing the once prosperous Taghte Pack back into the Council’s fold. In exchange for his services, Matthias names his terms: he wants to claim his longtime lover and friend, Andrew, as his mate.

Nephew of a powerful alpha, Andrew Gilchrist has long been a coveted commodity because of his services as a healer. Neither expects the Council to agree to Mathias’s terms, leaving him free, finally, to claim his chosen mate. Even more unexpected is the presence of a third-bond to appear during their mating ritual.

The grandchildren of the slain alpha of the Taghte pack, Colleen Donghall and her twin brother, were whisked away at birth. They’re still kept hidden from those who would harm them. Raised in seclusion, Colleen’s never experienced lust, let alone the bond between mates. On the night of lunar eclipse, she’s drawn into Matthias and Andrew’s passionate claiming, and her dormant libido is powerfully awoken. 

But it’s nothing compared to the lust and danger that will stalk her and her mates, when she arrives in Scotland.



Now here’s the tantalizing teaser :Dakota - Horace - Jianne

Trailing after the determined muse in front of her, Colleen wanted to pull her hair out. How had this become such a fiasco? Sure, she probably shouldn’t have taken the torque off, but damn it, was everyone in the pack going to have handled it by the time she got it back?

“Oh quit your pouting.” Livvy tossed over her shoulder. “We’ll get it back and Nevin will be none the wiser.”

“So you think.” Colleen muttered softly. She knew her mentor. At times, she swore he had eyes in the back of his head. A muffled grunt escaped her as she suddenly plowed into the woman in front of her.

“So I know.” Livvy grinned, obviously having a grand old time. “It’s all part and parcel of being slave’s muse. I know how things turn out before they happen.”

“Unless of course, Dakota changes her mind.” Colleen turned to look down at Aine as she scanned the empty great hall. “Are you sure you saw Horace in here, sweetheart?”

Aine nodded. “Ollie told me that the beta came in here just a little bit ago.”

“Okay then it stands to reason he’d still be around, doesn’t it?” She tugged on the little girl’s braid, and then looked up at the readers. “For those of you who are new, I’m Colleen and the heroine of Dakota Trace’s newest book, Wolfen Bonds. A few days ago, I misplaced the seer torque that my mentor gave to me – so Livvy, Dakota’s muse, is helping me find it.”

Livvy wandered over by the hearth. “And don’t forget about the grand prize. Slave will be pissed if we don’t mention the pretty cool prize we’re giving away.”

Colleen crossed her arms over her chest. “I see what you’re concerned about…and it’s not finding my torque.”

Livvy arched a brow at her. “Damn straight. The last time I screwed up, slave cut off my chocolate supply for a month. It’s bad enough she keeps shoving salads at me…but to take the chocolate…” she shook her head. “Not gonna chance that again. A muse has got to have her fix.” Then she disappeared through a door at the far end of the hall.

“Really?” Colleen called after the retreating muse. “You’re leaving me to tell them about the grand prize?” When there was a no answer, Collen sighed. “I guess that’s a yes. So here’s the scoop. Dakota is giving way a nifty little prize basket. It’ll have a copy of my book in it, a lovely replica of my torque, along with a few other goodies. To enter all you have to do is enter the name on the graphic below along with site you found it on in the google form at the end of this post. Dakota will then be drawing a random winner on the 25th at her Wrap Up Party on Facebook.”

Aine tugged on Colleen’s sleeve. “Don’t forget about the stop prize.” She smiled, the gap in her teeth showing. “Readers can win a set of Dakota’s Doms of Chicago’s books. All they have to do is put their name and email thingie in the comments, right Ms. Colleen?”

“You’re correct. It’s easy.” She sighed. “Easier than finding my torque has been.” She gave Aine’s hand a squeeze.

“Woo-hoo…look what I found?” Livvy reappeared, tugging on a large man’s arm.   “Readers, this hunk of a man is Horace, the Taghte Pack Beta. And he was just telling me that he had Colleen’s torque but after a bit of a disagreement, he ended up giving it to Sara to clean off for him. ”

Colleen sighed. “Okay, so why did you give it to the housekeeper?”

“Ummm, it was covered in blood?” The tall blond flushed. “I had a minor disagreement with a pack member and when I went into the kitchen to clean it off, well Sara ran me off.” The flush spread. “I marked up her floors again.”

“And you left my Seer’s Torque with the housekeeper?”

He nodded. “Yeah. She has a mean streak in her. She asks for something and we give it or pay the consequences. She has a mean right hook.”

“Fine.” Colleen turned to the readers. “So it looks we like we’re no closer than we started. So join me tomorrow at The Love of Bookends blog and maybe we’ll be one-step closer.


Dakota is a simple Midwest girl, who found her passion in storytelling at a young age. She wrote her first novel her freshman year on an old electric IBM typewriter. Now writing in several different genres from erotic romance and BDSM to m/m and paranormal, she is a published author with multiple books under her belt. When she isn’t writing, she’s a devoted band mom and a loving wife.

Dakota’s Website:
Dakota’s Blog:
Dakota’s Facebook:
Dakota’s Twitter:

Have fun on the Blog Hop Dakota & thanks for being my guest!



5 Coffee Cups from Reviewer Delane!

I awoke to this wonderful email notice of a review for Prymal Lust from Coffee Time Romance.

Prymal_Lust-Jianne_Carlo-200x320PRYMAL LUST
Prymal, Book 1
ISBN#: 9781629160702
August 2014
Taliesin Publishing
216 Pages
Erotic Paranormal Romance
Rating: 5 Cups

Tania is a part of a long line of a Wylfen aristocratic family who always follows the letter of the law, or so she thought. She has begun hearing the call which if acted on leads to exile, but it is getting harder to ignore. When she runs into the one she is unable to resist she gives in unaware there is more to the man.

Axe is there for a reason he is unable to divulge, even to his mate. He is unable to control himself and scares the one for him away, which he believes is for the best, since anything else can get them both killed.

Tania and Axe think to deny each other but there is another plan for Tania; one Axe will never allow because it is his job to protect and see to her happiness. The problem is, the threat may be coming from within her own family and revealing that would hurt his mate beyond anything he is willing to allow.

Prymal Lust is a fast paced story full of hot alpha men and sexy women. This auspicious beginning to a promising series is worthy of more than one read. Jianne Carlo provides just enough information on each character to keep them coming back for more. I look forward to the stories of several characters and will definitely be returning to the Prymal Series and the writing of Jianne Carlo. I highly recommend the sizzling hot story of Tania and Axe and promise the reader will be unable to put the book down or leave the characters behind.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

– See more at:

Great way to begin Marvelous Monday!



Prymal Obsession Trailer – The BookChick Does It Again!

I’m one of those people who’s so dyslexic that no one asks me left or right. Nope—they say—which hand? That goes quadruple for any kind of graphics or drawing. People who’re talented spatially have my utmost admiration. Like Georgia Woods of Hartwood Publishing,  and  artist Fiona Jade. These two women can whip up a stunning cover in no time. Needless to say, I suck at Pictionary.

Why am I rambling on about this? Because I have tremendous awe and respect for those who have these amazing talents.

And because Nita, of The BookChick reviews created this incredible trailer for Prymal Obsession. Amazing, huh?

Made my day.

And now it’s my turn to make someone else’s day. The winner of the Naughty Girls Writing Naughty Scavenger Hunt on my blog is…’

Drum roll…

Evelise Archer & June M

June- You’ve won a $5 Amazon Gift Card!

Evelise – You’ve won a free eBook copy of Prymal Lust!

Evelise, please contact me ASAP via email ([email protected]) or by leaving a comment here and let me know your preferred format for Prymal Lust.

Have a Majestic Monday everyone!

