U is for Undulate!

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order, of course.

U: unique, unforgettable, unwavering, urges, undress, and undulate.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic U words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the twentieth day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the word Undulate. My reason is simple, none of the other words appeal. I mean—really? Can you think of more U words?

Undulate: move sinuously like waves.

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

ED Martin (WR)

A Novel Reality

Zombie Films on Days with the Undead (FM)

Off the Merry-go-Round (LI)

Fat Guys Vs. Gym





  1. I’ve tried to post a few comments before, but it wouldn’t let me. Trying again. Interesting concept this A to Z challenge. I admire you for doing this.

    When’s Lizzie’s story coming out? And what about Satan’s?

    • Hi Barbara,
      I’m working on Lizzie’s story as we comment and hoping to hand it in by mid-June at the latest. Shifty’s comes next and then Satan’s. Both should be done before the end of this year.

  2. Nice! How about uncontainable (as in passion?) Hopefully that’s a real word!

  3. I went back at looked at the older posts. Great word choices. This must have taken a lot of planning.

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