Welcome to the Romance Reviews ‘Fall Into Fall’ Blog Hop

JC_AlphaMeNot_coverinWelcome to The Romance Reviews Fall into Fall Blog Hop, which runs from September 13 through the 21st.

My prizes for this hop area S10.00 Amazon Gift Card and a copy of Alpha Me Not, nominated by TRR for Best Erotic Paranormal of 2012.

To enter simply like my site, leave a comment with your email address, and a list of your favorite genres. Please put NO at the beginning of your comment if you do NOT want to be added to my Release News Notification.

To gain a bonus entry and be entered into an additional contest to win a copy of Demon Seed, nominated by TRR for Best Erotic Suspense of 2012 , you can do any of the following—each counts as an entry:

  1. Like my Facebook author page or leave a comment on today’s post on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jianne123
  2. Tweet your comments about my new site or news of one of my Coming Soon books
  3. Become a fan on Goodreads or leave a comment on the current blog: http://www.goodreads.com/author/fans/2508742.Jianne_Carlo

 Please list what you’ve done in your comment.

ftr_white-wolf White Wolf - The Call of a Soul DemonSeed

As a participant in the Fall into Fall Blog Hop, I’m supposed to feature books that I love. These are three of my favorites:

Flowers From The Storm by Laura Kinsale, Midnight Angel by Lisa Marie Rice, & Come To Me by Josie Litton

The first book deals with strokes and insanity during Regency period, the second is an erotic men in uniform classic, and the last romance is a haunting Viking tale set during King Alfred the Great’s reign.

Flowers From The Storm is the tale of a rakehell Duke who has a stroke and becomes temporarily paralyzed and unable to speak. He’s saved from Bedlam (that infamous mental prison) by, of all things, a devout Quaker. It’s a beautiful story.

I read the Midnight series eight years ago and they all stand the test of time. Midnight Angel’s my favorite of the trilogy because I totally fell in love with Kowalski. What’s not to love about a warrior, who, because he’s ugly and likes sex, learns how to please women so he can get a ton of action?

Come to Me is one of my all-time goto Viking books. The male protagonist, Wolf, is to die for and the heroine, Lady Cymbra, is no simpering female. She matches wits and will with Wolf tit for tat.

Has anyone read any of these? What are your favorite genres and books?

Enjoy the hop; remember you can comment once a day from 09/13 to 09/21 and each comment counts for an entry. Click on the button below to go to the next blog on the hop!





Viking in Chains – Jomsviking Blood Brothers, Book 1

img_coming_soon Torvän the Terrible, the most feared Viking raider in the known world, is now a slave. His fury and great strength contained by massive iron chains around his hands and feet. Abdullah Yasin, ruler of the Medina, cages Torvän and puts him on display for visitors. Torvän bides his time and sheathes his rage studying the weaknesses of the Pasha’s palace.When a slave girl, Nita, offers to help him escape if he takes her and her sister, Shakira, with him, Torvän agrees. What Torvän doesn’t discover until they are well on their way back to the Norse lands, is that both Nita and Shakira, are part of Abdullah’s harem and Shakira is carrying Abdulllah’s child. 

The Wolf with the Broken Smile – White Wolf, Book 4

img_coming_soon Wolf-shifter ‘Chainsaw’ Chad’s ruthless and driven. He collects and discards companies and women. His investment lawyer Lizzie’s become an obsession. It’s time to eradicate her hold on him with the ultimate hookup. Too bad fate doesn’t see it his way.

Wolf Without – Ricky’s Landing, Book 1

img_coming_soon Seathe MacFarland will soon be an outcast. A man without a country or a wolf-pack. He’s being framed for selling military secrets and whether the charges stick or not, he’ll end up in jail for the rest of his life by the time the trial’s heard and a verdict issued. What he needs is his own island, a place where he sets the rules, and those of his friends who’ll stand with him, can be assured of a safe harbor.

When Genie inherits her papa’s Caribbean island, Ricky’s Landing, she expects to be welcomed with warmth and riches. After all, any private island that rents for the princely sum of half a million for one week’s stay must be in the money. Not at all the case when your uncle and guardian who’s been in charge of the island has become involved with drug traffickers. The island’s bankrupt, the drug traffickers intend to buy it, and Genie has no choice but to sell it to Seathe MacFarland.

Has she gone from the devil to the deep, blue underworld?

Torch the Wind – Orca Rules, Book 1

img_coming_soon After an injury in Afghanistan, Torch is pyrokinetic; he can set an object on fire by simply picturing it. Trouble is—he can’t control this new power. So, he heads to a ‘safe house’ for ex-SEALs in the San Juan islands until he’s got this incredible new talent under control.

Jersey Mollohan’s in trouble. She overhears something she shouldn’t have. Her ex-SEAL brothers do a witness protection abduction ‘thing’ and pack her off to a safe house. She’s determined to have a fantabulous raunchy one night stand before her exile. After a mind-blowing hookup with Torch, Jersey’s playing happy after videos in her head. Then explosions and infernos ignite and she suspects Torch is trying to kill her.