Baltic Cruise Day 2, Helsinki, Finland!

My apologies for the interruption of my travelogue. Unfortunately, I came down with a flu that robbed me of any rational thought for an entire week! I, literally, couldn’t drag myself out of bed. However, the antibiotics finally kicked in and I’m better. So onwards and upwards with the travelogue.

We woke up this morning in Helsinki, Finland.

OMG! Finland. A country not on my bucket list, but still distant enough to be fascinating.

From all we’ve heard while traveling Norway and Sweden, the Finns drink a ton and are always on edge because of their big brother neighbor—RUSSIA.

According to Wiki, Finland has a population of five and a half million people and the majority of Finns live in the capital, Helsinki (population 1.4 million). While most of our fellow travellers did a Hop On/Hop Off tour of the capital, the Viking and I decided to simply wander around.

It turned out that Helsinki had an amazing Fish market/bazaar right at the core of its downtown. We tasted fish that we’ve never heard of including one tiny thing that was deep fried and melted in our mouths. Talk about yummy!
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We wandered the streets and the Viking was in the mood for something sweet, so we stopped at a pastry and coffee café. We haven’t a clue what berry was in the slice of heaven we ate, but it was delish! As for the coffee—talk about stand up and salute! We’ve discovered that Scandinavians love their java potent! I had one sip and was caffeined to the hilt!

Helsinki proved to be a charming capital city with a small town feel, and, as per norm for this trip, the weather was perfect!

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