Let’s Thank Our Veterans!


Today is Veteran’s Day, the day we set aside to honor and thank those dedicated, courageous men and women who voluntarily protect our country, our rights, and our freedom. Our armed forces are second to none.

Each and every day, not only on Veteran’s Day, I take a moment to say a special prayer for the safety, health, good fortune, and happiness of those who fight on our behalf. But, today is special, in that we will all recognize our warriors for all they have done for us.

Here are a few ways to make it easy to say thank you:

Send a Thank You Card to the Troopshttp://action.uso.org/moments?sc=google-p_moments-s&utm_source=google-p&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=moments&donate=WW13GGPSM1&gclid=COKRpOGu27oCFUkV7AodFi4AgA

Donate a Moment – this project donates free phone cards, care packages, and more to our troops: https://secure.uso.org/1311_MMN/?sc=WW13MMNSP1

Share a Moment on Twitter – share a memory of a loved one who served in the military, your grandfather, great uncle, son, or husband: #USOMoments

Create a Moment – cook dinner for your neighbor’s soldier son or send him a care package, find out if there are wounded warriors in your area and volunteer to help in some way.

Volunteer at a USO centerhttp://www.uso.org/ways-to-volunteer.aspx

Here’s a list of ALL the USO Programs & Projects – http://www.uso.org/programs/

There are many organizations out there, but one that’s closest to my heart is The Wounded Warrior Project.

My deal for you today:

I’ll donate $100 to The Wounded Warrior Project if the total donated today by everyone who visits this blog matches that amount. Here’s the link to donate:


Simply leave your name or email address with the $ donated in a comment here today. We’re on the honor (pun intended) system on this one.

I salute our troops!
