The Best Three Things of 2013!

IMG_1560My dad always used to make this New Year’s toast:

May the best of 2013 be the worst of 2014!

So I got to thinking what were the three best things of 2013 for me?

Number one, my sons all found jobs that they enjoy. One’s even working in his dream job at Google. If my boys (okay men) are happy, then I’m happy.

Paired with number one is the fact that the dh and I have our house back! Not just the house but our meals. No longer do I have to cater to individual allergies and tastes and cook different proteins and veggies.  You’ve no idea how freeing it is!

And we discovered something remarkable—we still like each other. We had so much fun together getting the house back in order. We picked a room at a time as a project, cleaned, painted, and redecorated.

Third on the list, we had a doggie guest for almost six months—my darling Ricky. I’d no notion how much I missed having a dog around, so now I’m dreaming about puppies and maybe a rescue dog who needs a home. It’s amazing how cathartic it can be to take a walk with a dog on a deserted path near the Sawgrass wilderness. Puts things into perspective.

Well, those are my top three personal things of 2013. What are yours?





  1. Now, of course, you have me curious beyond belief, Timitra. Happy New Year to you! And, if you figure them out, post them too.

  2. That’s a great best of 2013 list Jianne, it has me pondering what best of 2013 list is…

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