The Best Three Things of 2013!

IMG_1560My dad always used to make this New Year’s toast:

May the best of 2013 be the worst of 2014!

So I got to thinking what were the three best things of 2013 for me?

Number one, my sons all found jobs that they enjoy. One’s even working in his dream job at Google. If my boys (okay men) are happy, then I’m happy.

Paired with number one is the fact that the dh and I have our house back! Not just the house but our meals. No longer do I have to cater to individual allergies and tastes and cook different proteins and veggies.  You’ve no idea how freeing it is!

And we discovered something remarkable—we still like each other. We had so much fun together getting the house back in order. We picked a room at a time as a project, cleaned, painted, and redecorated.

Third on the list, we had a doggie guest for almost six months—my darling Ricky. I’d no notion how much I missed having a dog around, so now I’m dreaming about puppies and maybe a rescue dog who needs a home. It’s amazing how cathartic it can be to take a walk with a dog on a deserted path near the Sawgrass wilderness. Puts things into perspective.

Well, those are my top three personal things of 2013. What are yours?




Starting 2014 with a Bang!

That_Pearly_Drop-Jianne_Carlo-500x800What a great way to start 2014—check out these terrific reviews for That Pearly Drop:

logo - nowl top pickFrom Night Owl Reviews by Hitherandthee:

Woohoo! What a fun and outrageous book! I just finished reading That Pearly Drop by Jianne Carlo, and I loved every second of this novel. The story progressed so fast and rolled so seamlessly together that it was easy to jump from one scene to another, and from one century to another. The characters are delightful and so sinfully enchanting, they will most assuredly leave a reader with some exceedingly steamy nights. This book certainly has plenty of spice. One caveat I will say, this book is not for the young readers. But for a more mature reader seeking lots of adventure, scorching hot romance, and more than enough devilishly hot men to tempt a lady? This is the book for them.

It’s Halloween Night 2013. Emma Perez is in Wales, searching out her family history. What she doesn’t expect the lightning storm that comes up, strikes her, and sends her back to 1763! When she wakes up, very disoriented, she finds herself in what seems to be an abandoned inn, with no one but a dead body. She searches the body, finding a letter of recommendation for a Diana Manley, and a ticket to Wye Castle. Having no other choice, she assumes the murdered girl’s identity and takes the ticket and heads to Wye Castle to become a governess. Upon her arrival there, she finds the master of the castle, Ian Wye, in a rather compromising position. Emma just can’t forget the sight of her now boss and his endowments when aroused. But Ian has found out something about Emma. She is his mate, and she’s in trouble. As two worlds and two centuries collide, can Ian save Emma and his niece, the adorable Fiona? Will Emma decide to stay in the past or return to her own time? Come along on a grand adventure and see for yourself. It’s an adventure not to be missed.

From Guilty Pleasures:

logo - guilty pleasures 4 stars

When this book was first presented to me I had to snicker at the title. I asked myself “is it really about that “pearly drop”?” I truly enjoyed this novel and found it to be a fun read.

The dynamic between Ian and Emma is beautiful. He is willing to give his heart and Emma’s uncertainty brings out a vulnerability that is not often shown in such a strong male character. He proves his point well when showing Emma what her hesitance does to him (you might want to throw the book against the wall for a moment) but when push comes to shove, he will risk everything to show her they are fated, and that Emma’s past is not at all what she thinks it is. She is slowly realizing that her entire future may indeed lie in the past, and she and Ian were destined to be with one another even if across time.

You can read the full reviews here:

I’ll end with my late dad’s favorite toast for the breaking of a new year:

May the best of 2013 be the worst of 2014 for Everyone!




Home Sweet Home!

When you’re an immigrant, home is a nebulous fellow. Having just spent the last five days in Trinidad, it felt like I’d gone home. But, now we’re back in Florida, and this, too, feels like home. So, do I have two or one? As I’ve grown older (the wiser part’s yet to kick in), it’s become clear to me – home is wherever your family is, and family has been redefined to include simply everyone I love. So, yes I went home, and yes, I came back home. It was a fabulous holiday. I loved seeing all the cousins arguing and playing games and ribbing each other mercilessly. It was amazing to have all my brothers and their wives and children and my mom and Jean in one place. Every meal was an absolute joy and I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in ages. Here’s a few pics:

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The Depleted Buffet Table!

The Depleted Buffet Table!

I hope your Christmas was incredible!




Christmas Trees

Recently the dh and I spent a few days at the Sonesta Resort in Hilton Head. The lobby was decorated with hundreds of Christmas Trees all made by a local primary school and all to be auctioned off for charity. The creativity and talent on display astounded me. I can think of no better way to celebrate the season than by putting the dozens of pictures and videos I couldn’t help but take every day.

Merry Christmas to One and All!

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Why People Move to Florida!

Another video I couldn’t resist!

Merry Monday!


