The Destroyer, #4 in the Viking Warriors Series, is Available!

Fantastic News!!! The Destroyer is now available for purchase at Amazon and other retailers. Click on the cover to go to the Amazon buy link:

Here’s the blurb:
To Viking warrior Magnus, marriage is naught but a contract, a bargain between a man and a woman for land and title. Lust, love—he scorns such notions as weak and unmanly. But three days before he’s to wed a highland noblewoman, he falls into the maelstrom of a maid’s startled eyes. Their passionate tryst has him rethinking his notions, and he struggles to find a way to keep the beguiling Deidra while honoring the marriage contract he’s arranged with the father of his betrothed.

Deidra cannot take a walk in the forest without finding a wounded dove. Devoted to her menagerie of injured bears, peacocks, and wolves, she vows to disobey her da when he betroths her to the Norse warrior known as the Destroyer. Until, disguised as a maid, she’s rescued from a would-be rapist by the Destroyer himself. How can any call him ugly or cruel? For he treats her as if she is made of spun glass and teaches her the magikal pleasures of the flesh.

But Magnus is furious when he learns the woman he’s fallen so deeply for is none other than his betrothed. For there’s nothing he despises more than a deceitful female…except, perhaps, two of them…

The Destroyer is now a full-length novel and is more than double the total word count of the former novella. New characters, new action and intrigue, and a ton more hot romance!!!

Here’s my fervent Friday request for you—go forth, buy, read,and if you enjoy, please, please, please—leave a review. Reviews make all the difference in the world.

Have a marvelous weekend.



Notorious’s Drool-Worthy Cover!

Merry Monday Morning!

Notorious-Jianne_Carlo-200x320OMG, I drooled when I saw the cover for Notorious, Wind Dancer Book Two.

Isn’t it totally scrumptious? Truly Georgia Woods of Hartwood Publishing does the best covers.

What a bod! And he totally looks exactly like I pictured Terrence O’Connor, my bad-ass hero (save for the long hair).

Of course, I’m going to start off your work week with an excerpt from Notorious. 

Notorious Excerpt:


“While I appreciate the view of your sweet little body, darlin’, you do realize that this is the men’s steam room, not the women’s?”

Naked, lying on a neon orange beach towel, eyes covered by one forearm, Jenny Su-Lin Taylor didn’t react.

At first.

As the whiskied baritone rumbled into her foggy tranquility, she jerked to a sitting position. Frantic eyes darted left, then right, and took a frenzied sweep of the mists swirling around the small chamber. A thousand Japanese Taiko drums pounded a war beat in her ears. Blood surged to the rhythm, pulsing hysterical tattoos at her wrists, throat, and temples.

She stopped breathing, moving, thinking, when eyes the color of storm clouds racing across a typhoon sky manacled her gaze.

Fantasy and reality merged.


Thor, God of Battle and Thunder, materialized through dissipating, opaque steam curls.


High, sculpted cheekbones, a square, stubborn jawline chiseled by anvils, her most erotic fantasy come to life sprawled on the marble ledge opposite. Wheat-streaked hair fired with auburn glints brushed the broadest shoulders she’d ever seen. One knee bent, the man leaned on a thick, muscled forearm, Popeye biceps bulging.

He drained the oxygen out of Su-Lin’s lungs.

Out of the room.

All about her, magic pooled.

Balmy condensation caressed her shoulders, the barest sigh of enchantment escaped her lips, and the world, no, the universe, pivoted on the mythical deity reclining before her eyes, glorious in his nudity. She’s heartbeat cavorted into loud, insistent hammering, which swelled to fever pitch. She noticed small details—the way the faint dusting of golden hairs on his torso swirled to the right, a thick forefinger stroking peach-pink marble, his taut stomach lifting and falling.

Around his neck hung a gold chain, and a dazzling pendant with intricate engravings punctuated a chest so defined, so Norse god-like, her fingers tingled with the urge to trace each ridge…

Fire licked every inch of skin, flared up her spine, and connected with her brain, igniting a frenzied desire. She scrambled for the towel. Nails scraped the moist marble—she clutched shaky fingers around soft cotton and bounded off the bench. His size dwarfed all five–feet-five inches of her too-big-for-gymnastic-competition body.

A warrior-resolute gaze examined every inch of her roasting flesh, lingered on her B-cup breasts, and his mouth pursed as he studied her. The intensity of those slate eyes had her hands trembling, her fingers fumbling to drape the towel around her chest. She muttered a Mandarin curse when her waist-length, straight-as-a-pin black hair tangled with the wet material.

“You don’t have to leave, darlin’. We can always lock the door.”

Propped on an elbow, the man angled forward, full lips curling at the corners.

“I’m at your service, darlin’, whatever milady wishes.”

Her subconscious noted the slight hint of Irish brogue. Seconds later, his words registered, but their meaning took longer to comprehend.

She couldn’t manage anything more than a panted “Oh.”

The Pause button that had suspended her brain functions thus far clicked off. Fast-forward took over, and she twirled around, intent on escape.

“I like the view from behind too, darlin’. That’s one fine backside.” He ended his pronouncement with a chuckle, which made her skin smolder even more.


Now tell me you don’t agree—doesn’t the cover totally look like what Su-Lin’s just seen? Minus a particular body part, that is *evil grin*.

Have a marvelous Monday!


Prymal Passion Q&A and Giveaway at The Romance Reviews

Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-200x320The Romance Reviews is celebrating their third Anniversary!

Check out my Q&A at The Romance Reviews:

And you can win a free copy of Prymal Passion!

Here’s a list of the amazing prizes The Romance Reviews is giving away:

First Prize:$100 Gift Certificate and ebook

Ebook sponsored by: Vagabondage Press: The Vicar of Wrynbury by Nancy Moore (ebook)

Second Prize: 
$70 Gift Certificate and ebook

Ebook sponsored by: Vagabondage Press: Undiscovered Country by J.M. Beal (ebook)

Third Prize: Gift Certificate, Ebook and Print books (US/Canada only): $10 GC sponsored by: Loose Id

Ebook sponsored by: Vagabondage Press: Emma Jean’s Bad Behavior by Charlotte Rains Dixon (ebook)
Print books sponsored by: XOXO After Dark:
Ripped by Katy Evans
Her Unexpected Hero by Melody Anne
Falling for Jillian by Kristen Proby
The Life Intended by Kristin Harmel
After by Anna Todd

Click here for a full list of prizes:

Have a terrific Tuesday!


Devil Released!

I’m thrilled to announce the release of Devil, Book#4 of the Hades Squad series!

Devil is my fourth book released for 2015—I’m on a roll!

Here’s the blurb for Devil and a teaser excerpt:


The last person Devil expects to see in a BDSM club is the best friend of his buddy’s new wife, Jessica Blaine. The all-American apple pie woman he wants so badly it’s her face he sees every orgasm for the last nine months.

Is she playing? Exploring?

Tough, she’s on his turf now, she’s put herself up for auction, and by God she’s his for the night.

Jess is scared spit less. She’s going to suck off the man who may have killed, Aung, the college student she mentors who vanished three weeks earlier. When the wrong man, a masked stranger, wins the auction, she has no choice but to proceed. Horrified when she not only responds to the masked stranger, but climaxes, Jess flees.

Devil lets her go fully intending to reel her in. His way.


Excerpt from Devil, Hades Squad Book#4:
In this scene Devil’s just discovered that Jess, the woman who’s bedeviled him for the last nine months, went to a BDSM club with one of her famous macho clients.

Jess pushed the food around, swallowed a couple of sips of OJ, and peeked at Devil’s scowling face. He ate with efficiency and his lips held the pucker she associated with lime and salt after a tequila shot.

“Are you going to sit there and glower at me for the rest of the meal?” She wiped her lips with the paper napkin. “You have no reason to be angry with me.”

“No?” His fork clanged onto the plate. “You go to a sex club with another man, and I’ve no reason to be angry?”

The front door slammed open.

“Morning boys and girls.” Demon halted on the first step, jammed his hands onto his hips, glanced from Jess to Devil, and groaned. “What the frick’s going on? How did you two go from nauseatingly lovey-dovey to World War III in a span of less than six hours?”

“Shut up and eat. We have to be at HQ in forty-five.” Devil jabbed a fork at the counter. “I made extra.”

“I’ve told you before. It’s better not to eat than to eat angry.” Demon ambled to the kitchen. “Can you two not kiss and make up? Fast?”

“Devil’s being entirely unreasonable. And I agree with you about the eating angry bit.” Jess speared a clump of scrambled eggs.

“Unreasonable? Unreasonable? Go ahead. Tell him why I’m being fricking unreasonable.” Devil chomped down half a slice of toast.

Fighting the urge to duck the salvo of darts shooting from Devil’s eyes, Jess snorted. “He’s pissed because Tom Gordon went with me to Bacchanal. For crying out loud that was three weeks ago. And it’s not as if you and I were dating then or anything.”

Demon’s jaw dropped. He shot an imaginary gun to his temple. “You went to a sex club with another man? And you think Devil’s being unreasonable? Holy crapola. Tell me that’s not the Tom Gordon she was being kissey faced with in the papers?”

“That’s it.” Jess lurched to her feet plate and cutlery in hand. “I so do not understand you two. I was going to a sex club for heaven’s sake. I needed some moral support not to mention someone to explain to me what those gadgets on the walls were for. Tom’s famous for his suspense books on sexually deviant serial killers. Who better to ask for advice?”

Devil shot out of his chair. His knife jumped three inches. “You had him explain things to you?”

This was so not the time to mention the shibari lesson. If he even suspected that Tom had given her an overview of the ancient Japanese art of erotic bondage —  he’d hit the roof. Still, Devil had no right to be mad at her.

“I repeat. You and I were not involved three weeks ago. Tom is a friend. And FYI, Mister Demon Seed, that photo-op in the papers showed two people having dinner and smiling at each other. And I am in the room. Do not refer to me as if I’m not here.”

With that she scraped all the food into the trash, dumped the utensils into the sink, and stomped out of the room.


Hope you enjoyed!

Have as Superb Sunday!




Hunk/Hump Day!

Now that I have five Hades Squad covers, all the work of the uber-talented Georgia Woods, I had, had to show them off all side by side. What better day than hunk day!

Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Lucifer-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Devil-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Demon-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Satan-Jianne_Carlo-100x160

I looove these covers!

And since it is hump day as well and I looove the GEICO camel ads, here’s one for you:

A quick reminder about the Night Owl Reviews Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt! Here’s the link and a list of prizes:



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Have a Happy Hump Day!

