Vikings & Mad Max!

First of all—the new Mad Max rules! And Charlize Theron rocks as a kick-ass heroine! She steals the movie.

Normally, I’m not a huge sci-fi fan, but Mad Max has so many elements of Viking lore and practices built into not just the plot, but also the visuals, that I was thoroughly enthralled. This is the kind of action-packed adventure where you are holding your breath for a majority of the time. Either that or cringing for the same-old same-old knee-jerk reaction to a scene only to be slack jawed when what happens is NOT at all what I expected.

A ton of movies these days rely on Viking lore. There was Yggdrasil, the Viking tree of life, in James Cameron’s Avatar. In The Mask, Jim Carey plays a man who finds a mask that gives him thee powers of the Norse God, Loki. The theme of Valhalla reigns in Max Max. And these are just a few examples.

The long and short of it is that if you want a breathless action adventure—go see the new Mad Max!

Tell Us How Many People You’ve Slept With. We’ll Tell You if That’s a Lot.

question markThat anyone would even contemplate setting up such a calculator is hilarious. See how you stack up against your peers. And notice the “I Lied” button that allows you to redo the whole shebang!

This sure ticked my funny bone.

Source: Tell Us How Many People You’ve Slept With. We’ll Tell You if That’s a Lot.

Thanks for sharing Georgia Woods.

Dogs and Guilt!

I have long been convinced that our furry friends are as guilt-ridden as we are. This video just proves it.

Can you tell I’m doggy-deprived? Sigh. I’ve been looking into the dogcation site and trying to persuade the Viking to agree to being a host. Truly, can a site be more convenient? You sign up, host a dog while his/her parents are on vacation, and you get paid for it. What can go wrong with that one?

Also looking at airbnb – anyone have experience with this? We have empty rooms now that all the Viking warriors are on their own. Why not make money off them? All and any comments on your experiences with airbnb welcome.

Have a great Thor’s Day!

Have a Great Holiday Weekend!

Let’s not forget what this holiday’s about and remember all those who’ve served our nation. Thank you for your service.

Here’s hoping that everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend filled with family, friends, and great grilling. Here’s a terrific guacamole recipe to have with those hot dogs and hamburgers.

guacamoleTomatillo Guacamole – it’s absolutely more-ish!

3 avocados – peeled, pitted, and mashed
3 tomatillos, husked and chopped
1 red onion, finely chopped
3 roma (plum) tomatoes, seeded and chopped
3 blistered jalapeño chilies, seeded and minced
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro
1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons lime juice salt and pepper to taste
Mist the jalapenos with olive oil and set them under a broiler on high to char and blister them
In a medium bowl, mix avocados, tomatillos, red onion, roma tomatoes, jalapenos, cilantro, and lime juice. Season with salt and black pepper. Cover, and refrigerate at least 45 minutes before serving.



Switching Gears!

mr. selfridgeThe Viking and I love, love going to the movies. We adore being taken to another place, another time. So many movies are debuting over the next couple of weeks; there’s George Clooney’s Tomorrow Land, San Andreas (OMG, my son lives there), Poltergeist (really?? ?like the first one didn’t do it). Not a single one of these hits my fancy. I would prefer to stay home.Right now, I’m in the middle of binge-watching Mr. Selfridge…I adore anything Masterpiece. So here’s a preview of this.

Happy Friday!