And The Winners of Sinner, Prymal Passion, and Lucifer Are….

                                           Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-100x160      Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-100x160      Lucifer-Jianne_Carlo-100x160

Now that Prymal Passion, Sinner, and Lucifer are released, I have winners to announce!

Remember in case of blame complain to the Viking because he picks the winners.

It tickles me pink that I began the week announcing winners and I’m ending the week doing the same thing. The winners from Monday’s Contest are:

Cindy Hazelwood who wins Sinner

Violet Barker who wins Prymal Passion

Shadow who wins Lucifer

Congratulations Everyone!

Have a fabulous Friday!

I’ll be at Allie Ritch’s blog tomorrow—Saturday February 8, 2015—drop by if you have a chance.





Release Day for Sinner, Lucifer, and Prymal Passion!

I’ve never had three books release in one day and it sure wasn’t supposed to be timed this way, but Prymal Passion, Sinner, AND Lucifer are all available now!

Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Lucifer-Jianne_Carlo-100x160

Aren’t the covers yummy? Click on each cover to go to the Amazon link.

As an FYI, Sinner and Lucifer are re-releases (formerly A Paratrooper in a Pear Tree & Lucifer’s Choice). Both have been re-edited and updated with new material. Sinner introduces three new characters, Volac, Jinn, and Nikar.

I submitted Satan yesterday and the editing process has begun! I love that I was able to set this book in Trinidad (where I grew up) AND during Carnival time. Angel Dare, my heroine is a Trini, and I had absolute fun incorporating Trini-isms, like ‘liming’ and ‘more-ish’ into the story.

Yesterday morning, I wrote the first chapter of Prymal Hunger, Kydd Kolton’s tale. This one promises to be great fun! Poor Kydd’s not going to know what hit him!

If anyone feels like helping me get the word out and tweeting about these, go for it! Or reviewing after you’ve read him on Amazon, ARe, Goodreads–that would be awesome!

Happy Thor’s Day!



Three Books on One Day – February 5, 2015!

I’ve never had three books release on one day! But it’s happening this week. On Thursday, February 5, 2015 three of my books go live on Amazon!
Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-200x320The Hades Squad Books One and Two, Sinner and Lucifer, both with revised and re-edited and with new Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-200x320chapters, are available for pre-order right now on Amazon and will go live for sale on February 5th.

Prymal Passion, Book Three of the Prymal Series also releases on February 5, 2015.

Though all of these books are part of a series, all of my books can be read as standalone.

To celebrate release day, I’m going to give away a copy of each one of these books to three of the people who comment either here on my site, on my Facebook author page, or tweets about the releases.



Have a Marvelous Monday!

Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt



Super Bowl Sunday!!!

Pizza - mimiIt’s Super Bowl Sunday and I’m so looking forward to not the game so much, but the party!

Why? Because I—who loves to cook and uses any event as an excuse to create eclectic food—have purchased all the eats.

Everyone who knows me well can now to pick up their jaws from the floor!!

My ‘wayward’ one’s girlfriend gave me a gift certificate to Mimi’s Ravioli, an Italian deli that makes everything, every day from scratch. Thank you Tania for introducing me to Mimi’s! I think I went overboard.

We’re having;

7 veal, pork, and beef gigantic meatballs
An enormous pepperoni jalapeño pizza
Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms
Cauliflower with Pine Nuts & Raisins
Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms
Apple Tart

That’s the pizza pie above—mouthwatering right? Not to worry, I’ll post more pics as the food evolves. Have a great game everyone!

Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt



Tantalizing Thor’s Day with Rosanna Leo

Today’s Tantalizing Thor’s Day excerpt  is from my fellow, Love, Lust, and Laptop author, Rosanna Leo. I had the utter delight of meeting Rosanna, her hubby, and her fabulous two sons a couple of years ago. We had a blast at breakfast in the tiny town of Port Credit, Ontario in Canada. Welcome Rosanno and take it away!

Win a Free Copy of The Stand In

Rosanna is giving away a copy of The Stand in to the commenter with the worst bridesmaid dress line. Please leave your email address in the comment.


She’s the best bridesmaid money can buy.

Failed actress Winn Busby is at the end of her rope. With no money and no prospects, she accepts the one job she never thought she’d see on her résumé. Professional bridesmaid. It should be easy. If only the idea of weddings and vows didn’t give Winn a case of the hives. Her role becomes more challenging when she’s told a reporter will shadow her work for a men’s magazine article.
Working for Player Magazine is Patrick Lincoln’s worst nightmare. A former political journalist, he used to write thoughtful columns for one of Toronto’s most respected papers. That is, until he was blackballed for allegedly sleeping with the boss’s wife. Overnight, Patrick becomes the city’s most reviled bad boy. And now he’s forced to write a seedy expose on, of all things, a bridesmaid.
Patrick begrudgingly accompanies Winn to a series of strange weddings. As they are forced to work together, he learns there is more to the stand-in bridesmaid than puffy dresses and pretty speeches. She, in turn, begins to question whether or not Patrick actually deserves the derision of his peers. As much as they fight their attraction, it begins to threaten their work and their sanity.
For so long, Winn has felt second-best. A stand-in. She finally meets a man who believes in her value. But can she let go of the past and accept him?


She glanced at her computer screen again. “Let’s see. Ah, yes. We’ll have you meet with Winn. And by the way, she’s lovely. She has the perfect look for this job. Accessible and fresh, but not intimidating. You’re in luck. She’s in the building right now.” She texted a command into her phone. “I’ll have my assistant send her right in.”
In the time it took Margie Kent to flash her very pearly whites, a knock sounded on the door. These stand-ins were prompt. He supposed that was good in any business.
“Come in, please,” Margie called.
Patrick lifted his gaze toward the door and watched as a pear-shaped blonde entered. Christ. Margie had called this woman unintimidating. He knew a few dozen men who’d be intimidated into next year by her girl-next-door sex appeal. Chin-length golden hair framed her pleasantly round face. Amazing cheekbones. Bright blue eyes and a body that looked made for squeezing. Just the thought of pressing that luscious flesh made him hard. If she was a high-class call girl, and if he had to pay for love, he might be tempted to pull out his wallet. He cleared his throat and thought of the day Jason Dietrich fired him, just to make his boner disappear.
Margie did the introductions in her singsong voice. “Winn Busby, this is Patrick Lincoln.”
She stuck her hand out. “A pleasure to meet you.”
As he shook her soft hand, Patrick waited for the old “that Patrick Lincoln?” but it never came. Thank God. Someone who didn’t know of his ruin.


The Stand-In is available Feb. 9 at and other ebook retailers. You may preorder now at and on Amazon at

RLeo pictureAuthor bio:
Rosanna Leo is a multi-published, erotic romance author with Liquid Silver Books. Several of her books about Greek gods, selkies and shape shifters have been named Night Owl Romance, Two Lips Recommended Reads and Top Picks at The Romance Reviews. When not writing, she can be found haunting dusty library stacks or planning her next star-crossed love affair. Her next contemporary romance, Vice, will be published this summer by Samhain Publishing.

Rosanna’s Contact Info:


My thanks to Rosanna for that titillating teaser from The Stand In. Remember to tell us about your worst bridesmaid’s dress and leave your email address in the comment!

