Happy Valentine’s Day!

cupids_arrowHappy Valentine’s Day!

Congrats to Kelly, Larissa, and Julianne who’ve all won a copy of Cupid’s Arrow!

I know, I’m a total suck. It’s so hard for me to pick one winner. I always feel bad for those who don’t win.  Winners, please email me with your preferred eBook format ASAP.

Here in South Florida we’re enjoying cool weather. The high today will be in the low 70s. I know the rest of the country’s freezing, but we don’t get this kind of coolness often, and we really relish it. Today, I get to wear one of my three cashmere sweaters. Yay!

Where ever you are – I hope someone warms  your heart and soul with a Valentine’s Day treat!

Have a good one!




Guest Author – Emilia Mancini

Today it’s my pleasure to welcome author and fellow Love, Lust, and Laptops buddy, Emilia Mancini to the blog. Welcome Emilia and take it away!

seducingkate-510 (1)This is it! The last stop along the release tour for Seducing Kate. This has been such a fun tour and I’m so excited to end here with Jianne.
Seducing Kate is such a fun book, such an exciting release for me, that I am thrilled I got to share my release with so many of my writer friends.
This is a book that demanded to be written. I had a clear idea from start to finish what the book was going to be about and how it was going to end. I am thrilled it is finally here and you are able to share in it with me.
If you’ve been tagging along for the ride, you’ve learned quite a bit about the book, from how Kyle and Kate tortured me until I wrote their story to how the trailer came about. It has been a fun ride, one I hope you have enjoyed.
If you haven’t visited any of the other stops, they are all listed on my blog at www.emiliamancini.wordpress.com.
Silk_Rope_Set_thumbAs part of my release celebration, I am offering you a chance to enter to win not only a copy of Seducing Kate, but also a Silk Rope Set which includes wrist and ankle binds and a satin blindfold. (You’ll want these after reading the book, I’m just helping you out.)
The winner will be notified tomorrow, February 1st.
Thanks again for stopping in! I hope you enjoy meeting Kate as much as I (and Kyle) did!

emilia mancini - 54af20bbd4f4261341f8a9d65fbcae25Emilia Mancini is the naughtier side to author Marci Boudreaux. Emilia stays hidden in the shadows like a nefarious side kick, slipping out only when the stories Marci wants to share are a little too grown up to be called sweet romance.

Visit Emilia at :

Pinterest board for Seducing Kate: http://www.pinterest.com/emiliamancini/seducing-kate/

Buy link: http://musapublishing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=37_36&products_id=736
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hvr2dqozsBY

It was lust at first sight for Kyle when he met his roommate Justin’s mother Kate. Kyle, a college transfer, was too far from home to visit on short school breaks, so Justin took him to Minneapolis where his mother was serving up a family meal for Thanksgiving.
One look left Kyle with a healthy obsession for Kate which grew with each visit. When he landed an internship in Minneapolis, he moved in with Kate for the summer, and got in touch with his voyeuristic side. It wasn’t until one late evening and a few too many glasses of wine that Kyle began to suspect his attraction wasn’t one-sided.
When he dared to push the issue, he found Kate more than willing to succumb to his seduction.


I’d barely spent time with Kate, just a few minutes in the kitchen before John had come strutting in. I had sat across from her at dinner making awkward conversation while Justin and John glared at each other over the spaghetti and garlic bread. It wasn’t like she’d crawled across the floor half naked and begged me to f**k her.
What the hell was it about her? Sure she was beautiful, but I’d dated beautiful women. None of them had pushed me to the point of obsession. I wanted nothing more than to throw Kate down and f**k her until she screamed. Not cried out like she had moments ago, but screamed. And dug her nails in my back. And wrapped her legs so tight around me I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know why. All I knew was my body was borderline insane with lust, and my dick was so hard it hurt.
I turned the cold water on and splashed my face a few times to snap out of the Kate-induced haze. When I was finally able to think about something other than having sex with her, I went back downstairs.
I tried like hell to focus on the game, but my mind kept wandering. No, it wasn’t wandering. It was reliving my trip upstairs, from the groans, to the flash of tit, to the blush on Kate’s cheeks.
I held out for another hour of video games before I couldn’t take the agony of wanting her any longer. I went up to my room and slipped between the cool sheets of the guest bed. I put a sock over my dick and got off to images of my roommate’s mother.
I pictured her pale ass sticking in the air as I gripped her hips and slid into her tight pussy. I imagined my fist tangled in her hair as she sucked my cock. I even fantasized about her standing over me in black heels and a tight business suit as she ordered me to jerk myself harder.
As I came—hard—I wondered how I was ever going to control myself around her.

Whoa! Talk about sizzling hot!

Thanks for visiting Emilia and for the great contest and that sexy blindfold and silk rope prize!




Cupid’s Arrow Cover !

cupids_arrowOMG – received the cover for Cupid’s Arrow yesterday and wow! Take a look at this. Isn’t it gorgeous, lush, and sexy? I’m so thrilled. The cover is the work of the incredibly talented Georgia Woods, the driving force behind Taliesin Publishing. Not only is Georgia head of one of the most exciting debut publishers on the market – she’s also a writer, artist, and businesswoman. Not fair, huh? All that rolled into one.

Anyhoo – I now have a release date for Cupid’s Arrow – February 6, 2014. Here’s the blurb and a tiny excerpt:


Eli’s got the world by the short and curlies. Top salesperson for the hippest graphic technology company on the planet, starlets pursue him, directors court him, the rich and powerful befriend him. Then his boss hires the animation talent of the century, a pint-sized nymph, Stephanie Grant, and he’s flabbergasted by his reaction to her. He can’t get her out of his mind. She’s all he thinks about twenty-four-seven.


“Oh, man, did I screw up.” Eli grabbed her hand when Stephanie tried to jog around him and open the door. She wriggled and squirmed when he closed his arms around her, and he tucked his face into the crook of her shoulder and neck. “I’m a complete asshole. You have every right to hate me.”

“I don’t hate you,” she whispered. “I wanted to, but I couldn’t.”

I owe you one, big kahuna.

“I wish. I wish there was some way I could take that night back. I fuc—screwed up, Stephanie. Big time. You should hate me. And I just kept on mucking it up. The roses. The I’m- a-jerk serenade. I was out of my fricking mind, Stephanie. I’d just blown my only chance with the only woman who makes me feel alive.” Eli sniffed her hair, realized what he was doing, and drew back, afraid of what he’d see.

She met his gaze and a smile trembled at the corners of her lips. “Makes you feel alive?”

“Yeah.” The word cost him an entire lifetime.

“I do that?”

“Only you.” There. It was out. Declaration made.

“They call you the man with a thousand women.” She toyed with the linen square tucked into his jacket’s pocket.

“One. Only one. Only you.” His throat scratched from inside and Eli didn’t recognize his own voice.

She peeped up at him and his stomach nosedived to the earth’s fiery core.

“Okay.” Her brief smile caused his gut to wrench.

“Okay?” Up until that moment Eli didn’t realize he believed in God, because for the first time in his life, he prayed, no begged, the on his knees pleading for mercy kind of supplication of devout pilgrims, implored the universe to give him any morsel of forgiveness she could offer.

“What’s done is done. Let’s start over.”

His knees buckled and he had to lock them out to remain standing. “You’re giving me a second chance?”

Hope you enjoyed! Happy Hump Day!




Author Parker Kincade’s Shadow of Sin Release Contest!

It’s my pleasure to host author Parker Kincade. Parker and I met in Shreveport, Louisiana at a romance conference, and we hit it off right away. Little did I know that we’d be blogging buddies at Love, Lust, and Laptops a couple of months later. Today Parker celebrates her latest release, Shadow of Sin – take it away Parker!

ShadowofSin_final_200x300Shadow of Sin

By Parker Kincade


When the past won’t die…


A man determined to protect her…

Caleb Martin is no stranger to hazardous situations. He’s seen enough bloodshed to last two lifetimes. When an innocent evening takes a dangerous turn, Caleb takes matters into his own hands. If she wants his help, it’s his rules, his way. Period.

A woman who won’t be controlled…

When it comes to relationships, Samantha keeps things casual, unassuming. Safe. Caleb Martin is far from safe. His ‘my way or the highway’ attitude pushes all the wrong buttons, and she’d sworn no man would have that kind of power over her again.

A hunger that won’t be denied…

Protecting Samantha from the man that stalks her shouldn’t test his patience—or his control—but her smart mouth and hot Irish temper stoke the fuel of his desire. She is pure sin—a distraction he doesn’t need, a temptation he can’t resist.

Despite their animosity, Caleb has starred in her fantasies for years. His ruthless sensuality proves to be more potent than she ever imagined. As Caleb masters her body, Samantha must keep a tight grip her heart.

Buy Links

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Sin-Martin-Family-Book-ebook/dp/B00GG7PBNM/

Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/shadow-of-sin-parker-kincade/1117325042?ean=2940148884026

All Romance eBooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-shadowofsinthemartinfamilybook2-1338020-149.html

Author Bio and Links

Parker Kincade is the award-winning erotic romance author of The Martin Family Series. Her first novel, One Night Stand, won the 2013 Reader’s Crown Award for Best First Book, the category of Best Erotic Romance in the Celtic Hearts Romance Writers Golden Claddagh contest and was named finalist in the Romance Writers of America/Passionate Ink Stroke of Midnight contest.

Parker lives in the southern United States with her husband, children and beloved boxer sidekick. She loves reading, playing golf, spending time with her family and friends, ice cream from the ice cream truck, taking her dog to the park and watching old musicals.

Contact Info:

Website: http://www.parkerkincade.com

Blog: http://www.parkerkincade.blogspot.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/parkerkincade

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/parkerkincade

Group Blog: http://www.lovelustandlaptops.wordpress.com


He turned to her. Heat pooled in her stomach as his gaze traveled slowly, deliberately, from her face. He seemed to take in every inch of her before stopping to linger over her bare legs. “I don’t sleep much. I’m sorry if I disturbed you.”

“You didn’t.” The devil in her insisted she cross her legs, exposing more of her thigh to his view. She enjoyed his eyes on her, as if he saw the woman she was instead of the pain in his ass he’d claimed her to be. She was tempting fate, knowing that any second he’d remember who she was and that look in his eye would change.

For now, she’d use any means to distract him from his pain. Her pain would come later, when she was alone again.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Talk about what?”

“Why you’re still up.”

He chucked a thumb at the windows. “Daytime.”

She clamped her mouth shut before she said something she’d regret. And he thought she was stubborn. She pulled in a slow, steady breath. “True, but barely. On a normal day, I wouldn’t be up yet.”

“Exactly. Go. Rest.” He closed his eyes as if to shut her out.

She could feel his irritation, but, this time, it wasn’t directed at her. It gave her hope as she pressed on.

“Are you hungry? I could make us some breakfast. If you don’t mind me searching through your fridge, I’m sure I could find something edible.” In fact, she’d been surprised at the amount of food she’d seen. She’d half expected him to only have beer and water and maybe a stray bottle of ketchup. Like Alec’s fridge.

“For the love of christ, what do you want? I don’t want to eat. I don’t want to talk.” He sighed, apparently resigned to her company a few minutes more. “What do you want, Samantha?”

Right now? To slap the shit out of you.

Hurt invaded her chest as she stared back at him. Gone was the pain she’d seen earlier, as well as the male interest. What remained was the Caleb she knew. Cold, hard, angry.

She shoved the hurt away and bit back the sharp retort he deserved. She softened her features, allowing herself to appear vulnerable. It wasn’t much of a stretch. “Can I stay with you?”

 * * *

 Caleb jerked, surprised by her request. “That’s not a good idea.”

Even as he said the words, his cock came to life. It seemed the lower half of his body thought it was a very good idea. And seeing her in nothing but his T-shirt wasn’t helping. Jesus, he hoped she had panties on under there. A bigger, harder, part of him hoped that she didn’t.

Samantha shifted, exposing more of her delectable thighs. “It’s not like I’m asking you to get a root canal. You can wipe that horrified look off your face.”

Caleb checked his expression, doing his best to appear calm, bored even. She’d surprised the hell out of him, coming in his room like she had.

He was angry. Angry with himself and the past that wouldn’t free him. Angry at her for being here, for looking as if she belonged here. This was his space, damn it. How was he supposed to relax with her prancing around half naked, knowing she’d pleasured herself and called his name?

He wasn’t stupid. He suspected it was his fault she was awake, and now she was here—checking on him as if he was a child who needed coddling. He didn’t need coddling. His body demanded the satisfaction that would only come from pounding his aching flesh deep into her soft, wet pussy.

As tempting as that idea may be, he was still trying to wrap his head around how he felt about her.

“You’re tired. You don’t know what you’re asking.” And he couldn’t think straight. He was low on sleep and even lower on patience. He shoved his hands into his hair and blew out a breath. “You can’t be in here. Go back to bed.” Before he forgot all the reasons he shouldn’t f**k her silly.

“Why did I think… God, I’m such an —” She closed her mouth, her lips drawn into a thin, tight line. Her cheeks flushed as she advanced on him. “I’m sick of you judging me. Telling me what I should and shouldn’t do. If you hadn’t noticed, my night sucked. Hell, the last year has sucked. So, you can shove your overinflated male ego up your own ass. I’m not asking you to have sex with me for chrissake.” She stumbled back and planted her butt on the edge of the bed. “Just for once, Caleb, can’t you set aside your feelings? Forget your stupid sense of responsibility where I’m concerned and just be here for me like a normal person?”

What the f**k?

“My stupid sense of what?

The laugh that escaped her lips made him uneasy.

“You heard me, horseman.” She eased back to her feet and sauntered toward him. “You think I don’t know how you feel about me? Let me see … troublemaker, instigator, bad influence.” She ticked off the words on her fingers. “Oh, and my personal favorite … menace. Really, Caleb. Menace? That’s a little strong don’t you think?” She fisted her hands on her hips, her eyes glittering with unshed tears. “I know you don’t like me. If it weren’t for Amanda and Alec, I wouldn’t be here and we both know it.” Her chest rose and fell in rapid succession as she glared at him. “And I’m sick of being your charity case.”

Caleb fought the urge to look away. She hadn’t lied about the words he’d uttered to describe her over the years, but to have them slung back at him just pissed him off.

“You want to know what I’m sick of, Samantha? I’m sick of you pushing my buttons. I’m sick of your stubborn-assed attitude when it comes to your own safety and I’m f**king sick and tired of you calling me horseman!” His shout rattled the windows, but he didn’t care. He was on a roll now, like a f**king train wreck, unable to stop.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he glared down at her. “If you and Amanda hadn’t decided the woods were the best place to partake in a little underage drinking, the boys and I wouldn’t have had to saddle up to go find your drunk asses before some wild animal made you a snack. Did you ever think of that, Samantha? During your little adventure with my baby sister, did you stop to consider the consequences? Do you ever?”

Samantha made a noise of disgust and stormed from the room. “This is what I get for trying to be nice,” she yelled.

Caleb went after her, following her into the spare room. “Nice? Nice?” The floodgates were open, his anger and frustration leaving any sense of self-preservation in the dust. “You think calling us the horsemen of the apocalypse is nice? Is that fun for you? Because all it does is remind me of being scared out of my ever-loving mind that something was going to … that Amanda …” No, he wasn’t going back there.

Not. Going. There.

“And as for my stupid sense of responsibility, I protect what’s mine, damn it!”

Samantha’s sharp intake of breath drifted through his angry haze and punched him in the gut. She sank back to the bed and wiped the tear that escaped the corner of her eye.

It was like ice water to his soul.

This woman tested his restraint. No other woman, save his sister, had ever pushed him so hard. It was infuriating and intoxicating at the same time. She left him off balance, out of control—two things that spelled disaster where he was concerned.

Caleb ran his hands through his hair, settling his palms on the back of his neck.


His heart skipped a beat as emotion played out on her face. Sadness, regret, and finally … resolve.

“Get out.” Her voice was soft. “God, what was I thinking? Just get out.”

He stood there, unable to move as he struggled to comprehend the vulnerability pouring out of her. His gaze traveled over the delicate features of her face, the line of her shoulders. The rise of her breasts, her slim waist, and long legs. Her feet were bare. Her toenails were painted a rich red that spoke of fire. Passion.

She shifted on the bed and winced, making him feel like a total ass. Again. Her night had sucked. With her tough-as-nails attitude, Caleb hadn’t considered she might actually need comforting.

He took a deep breath. “I’ll stay.”

Her eyes, blue and blazing, snapped up. “Of course you will. Because why in the hell would you listen to me?”

“You asked me to stay.”

“I asked you to leave.”

“As you so diligently pointed out earlier, I don’t listen.” And he still had things to say.

She rubbed her temples, as if their argument had given her a headache. “Fine. Whatever.”

“Samantha. Look at me.” When she didn’t move, he crouched in front of her. He tilted her chin until she looked at him. “I don’t dislike you. I need you to know that.”

She offered him a sad smile. “The gesture is appreciated, Caleb. Thank you.” She pulled her face away.

Refusing to let her retreat, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and cupped her face. Soft, warm skin greeted his palm. He brushed his thumb across her cheek, amazed by its smoothness. “It’s the truth. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean —”

She put a finger to his lips and he barely resisted the urge to open his mouth and taste her.

“Yes, you did. And it’s okay. We may not get along, but at least you’ve never lied to me. Please don’t start now. I’m a big girl, Caleb. I can take it. And I owe you an apology. I’m sorry for not considering your feelings where Amanda is concerned.”

Her touch rocked him. Revamped his desire to have her wet and screaming his name. “I’m sorry for all that.” He offered her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’m so used to you calling me horseman now, I’m afraid I’d never answer to anything else from your lips.” Those sweet, succulent lips. “What is it about you that makes me so crazy?” he murmured.

She chuckled. “I’m too tired to fight anymore, Caleb. The best course of action would be to find the evidence I need to bury Matteo. Then we can move on.”

The mention of her stalker snapped his brain back to attention. He had a job to do. Eliminate the threat and protect Samantha.

Best he remember that.

Distractions led to mistakes. He couldn’t afford any more mistakes.

He forced his voice level, undemanding. “It’d be a lot easier if you’d let us help. Let me help. Trust me to take care of this for you.”

Asking for her trust was a long shot. In truth, he probably didn’t deserve it. But, he had to try. Needed to try. He would protect her.

“Trust you?” She seemed to consider his words. After a moment, she surprised him by nodding. “I can’t promise miracles, but I’ll do my best to follow your lead … until this is over.”

Caleb resisted the insane urge to pump his fist in the air. “So, we have a deal then?”

She caressed her fingers over his jaw. He leaned into her gentle touch, feeling it all the way to his bones.

“Oh, now you’re willing to make deals?” She looked him dead in the eye. “All right then, but once Matteo is caught and the threat against me is gone? You’ll go on with your life and I’ll go on with mine, and hopefully, we can stay out of each other’s way. That’s the deal.”

She dropped her hand to her lap.

“After this, Caleb, we’re done.”

Parker’s giving away a free copy of Shadow of Sin to one lucky visitor. Simply follow the instructions below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for visiting Parker and may shadows of sins dog your paths:)

