Winners, Winners, and more Winners!

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-133x200Okay, I’ve been remiss in announcing the winners of a few contests – thanks for the prodding Sydney!

The winners of The Romance Studio Release party of May 9 & 10 are:

$10.00 Amazon Gift Card – Colleen is the winner!

eBook copy of Vengeance Hammer – Twania is the winner!

The winner of the Caliente Blog Hop is Jeanette Platt!

The winner of the Sinful Siren’s Blog Hop is Renee B!

I’ll be sending out emails to everyone today.

Have a great Tuesday!




Barbara Longley – Goddess Fish Burb Blitz – 04/22/13 to 05/17/13!

MEDIA KIT Authro PhotoMy guest today is author Barbara Longley, who’s celebrating her latest release, The Difference a Day Makes , with a  Goddess Fish Blurb Blitz. Without further ado, I give you Barbara!


 As a child, Barbara Longley moved frequently, learning early on how to entertain herself with stories. Adulthood didn’t tame her peripatetic ways: she has lived on an Appalachian commune, taught on an Indian reservation, and traveled the country from coast to coast. After having children of her own, she decided to try staying put, choosing Minnesota as her home. By day, she puts her master’s degree in special education to use teaching elementary school. By night, she explores all things mythical, paranormal, and newsworthy, channeling what she learns into her writing.

MEDIA KIT CoverTheDifferenceADayMakes



Ryan Malloy has lost it all. After his fiancée dies in a tragic accident, he enlists in the army, only to lose his best friend in a roadside bombing. Wracked with guilt and grief, Ryan finds life unbearable—until a job offer from his former commander gives him a glimmer of hope. And in the tiny town of Perfect, Indiana, the man who thought he had nothing left to live for meets the only woman who can tempt him into risking his battered heart one last time…

Paige Langford has it all: wealth, beauty, and ambition. But when her boyfriend’s betrayal leads to the loss of her job and her reputation, she retreats to her brother’s rural Indiana home to regroup. There she meets Ryan Malloy, a gruff, hard-drinking loner whose surly temper can’t hide the haunted misery in his eyes. He is everything Paige never wanted, yet he may be exactly what she needs—if only they can overcome their personal demons to forge a love strong enough to save them both.


 “Hi, honey. I’m home.” Ryan’s voice reverberated through the stillness, bounced off the bare walls, and came back to mock him. He set his lunchbox on the kitchen counter and leaned over to retrieve his supper from under the sink—a brand-new bottle of Johnnie Walker Red.

Gripping the bottle by the neck, he moved to the living room and set it on the coffee table next to his vintage .357 revolver, the letter he’d written to his folks, and the picture of his platoon, Task Force Iron, First Armored Division, Fourth Brigade. One more item, and he could begin his nightly ritual. He retrieved the snapshot of Theresa from his billfold, laid it down, and took his place on the couch.

Letter. Pictures. Gun. Bottle.

Theresa. Reaching out, he traced the laminated photo with his finger. His throat tightened. God, he missed her. How different his life would be if he hadn’t insisted they go riding that morning five years ago. He’d be coming home every evening from some swank advertising agency job. They’d have a couple of kids by now. A family. His family. He’d be surrounded by love instead of this soul-sucking loneliness.

Ah, but he wasn’t entirely alone, not if the hollow-eyed ghosts plaguing him counted. He closed his eyes, and images from the suicide bombing near Mosul played across his shattered mind.


BBT The Difference a Day Makes Book Cover Banner copy

 Logo - Goddess Fish

Have fun with Barbara and follow her on the Blitz Tour!




Caliente Blog Hop – May 6 to May 12!

Caliente Blog Hop   Welcome to the Caliente Blog Hop!

This hop has awesome prizes:

A $25  iTunes GC

A $15 Starbucks GC

A $10  Amazon GC

A $10 Bookstrand GC

Plus eBooks & Paperbacks & More!

 Caliente Grand Prize Graphic

 And I’m also giving away a prize – a free copy of Vengeance Hammer

Caliente – I love that word. It’s seductive and sultry and makes me visualize hot nights, a hard bod, sweaty sex, and mind-blowing orgasms.

What’s hotter than a Viking and a half-immortal goddess? (Tell me the hot combos you can think of in a comment)

Not much.

With that in mind, here’s an excerpt from my latest release Vengeance Hammer, Viking Vengeance Book Three.

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-133x200Excerpt – Vengeance Hammer

But ’twas not the moment for dwelling on vengeance. Nay, ’twas the time to give Xára a babe. He grinned. And if his seed didn’t bear fruit on this joining, he had many a long winter’s night to correct that.

Xára peeked at him when he stood and disarmed. After he pulled off his tunic she stared at his chest with such fervor in her eyes that he preened. ’Twas quick work to shed his boots and breeches.

Her gaze dropped to his jutting erection and she licked her lips.

Dráddør groaned. “What think you right now?”

Twin splashes of color dusted her cheekbones. “’Tis wet.”

He fingered the seed leaking from his slit and spread the liquid all over the crown of his cock. “Aye. It means that I want you, Xára. Sit up and take off your gown.”

She gave him an uncertain sidelong glance, but obeyed his command.

The sight of her in the transparent chemise nigh did him in. He stroked his pecker and slid the foreskin up over the head and then back down.

Her eyes followed his hand’s motion. “Come closer.”

She lifted onto her knees and scooted to the edge of the bed.

“Put your hand o’er mine,” he ordered. “Aye. Like that. Now stroke me.”

When she gave his cock a tentative rub, he let his hand fall away.

Unable to do anything but stare at her lithe fingers on his shaft, he said, his voice hoarse with need, “Stroke. Up and down.”

She shifted closer and added her other hand. Her curls tumbled about her shoulders and tickled his groin. He fisted his hands when she adjusted her grip. She worried her lower lip and peeped up at him. “’Tis the right way?”

“Aye,” he grunted and sucked in a breath when she cupped his balls. “Nay.”

He captured her wrists. “Enough. ’Tis the sweetest torture, but I want to spill my seed inside you, not on the sheets.”

Grinning when her eyes widened, he kissed the center of her palm. “Ask. I can see the question forming on your lips.”

“’Tis possible?” Their gazes met.

“’Tis a certainty. My stones are aching.”

“Stones?” She glanced down, tugged her hands out of his hold, and cupped his balls again. “These are stones?”

“Stones, balls, sac, testicles, nuts,” As he spoke each word, she weighed his testicles and squeezed each one lightly.

His desire flamed. He fumbled with her chemise and when the garment refused to cooperate simply tore it down the middle. He palmed her arse and growled, “Wrap your legs around me when I lift you.”

I’m giving away a free copy of Viking Vengeance to a lucky commenter. Please put NO in the comment if you don’t want to receive announcements of my new releases. Anyone who likes my Facebook Author Page gets an extra entry in the contest – just let me know that you did this in your comment.

The Winner will be announced on May 13, 2013.

Good Luck and have fun on the hop!

I promised to announce the winners of my recent contests today and here they are:

Winners, winners, and more winners! Here are the winners of the last few contests!

Let’s Get Lucky Blog Hop:

Terry Amber and FLChen1

A to Z, X is for X-rated Contest:

Angelica French

Countdown to Vengeance Hammer Release Contest:

Donna Antonio

Vengeance Hammer Release Launch Contest:

Mel K

To continue on the hop, click on one of the sites below or on the BADGE to go back to the linky list.

Caliente Blog Hop K. E. Saxon


Fall Under My Spell!

Rhonda Laurel








Vengeance Hammer’s Released!

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-453x680Vengeance Hammer’s released!!

Yay – I am so excited *doing a snoopy happy dance*

For the next five days, I’ll be featuring excerpts from the last book in the Viking Vengeance trilogy, and running a quick contest for a free copy of Vengeance Hammer. Simply leave a comment and you’re entered! The winner will be announced on Wednesday, May 8, 2013.

So far Vengeance Hammer is only available on Amazon, but the ARe and Barnes and Noble links should go up soon. I’ll post them here as they become available. Here’s the Amazon Link:

Vengeance Hammer Excerpt:

Xára could scarce draw a breath.

The man walking alongside her held her fate, Jennie’s, and that of Evie’s in his hands. Dráddør, the man who had dedicated his life to killing Arnfinn, Earl of Caithness, thought she was dull-witted no matter what Jennie had told him. She had considered pretending to be such, but ’twas not her nature to cower to anyone.


She swallowed her tears.

Locked her jaw and grappled for control.

If only she had known that Jennie had resolved to end both her life and Arnfinn’s. She would have stopped her from drinking the poison.

What had caused her to make such a sacrifice? And why did Jennie refuse to speak of it? What terrible threat had Arnfinn used? Or had it been another?

Hatred, raw and grating, boiled her blood to thundering in her ears. She despised the man all thought her father. She loved the woman all thought her mother.

Blinded by her fury, she bumped into a side table and would have tumbled had not Dráddør grabbed her by the waist. His aroma enveloped her at once, veiling her other senses as she inhaled the mingled aromas of male sweat, leather, and the sea. So different from the female perfumes of lavender and rose she had grown accustomed to at the abbey.

He wore no gloves and an inferno danced over her skin where his fingers gripped her through the threadbare habit. She could not recall the last time any but a woman had touched her with such gentleness. ’Twas intoxicating and exciting and dizzying.

And yet she sensed naught of him. ’Twas her gift, her strength, to touch someone and catch a brief memory playing in the present, an oath taken, a port visited, mayhap even such trifle as a thirst quenched. Yet naught escaped from this man.

He steadied her. “Are you ill, lady?”

The wonder of his voice. Deep, like low thunder vibrating through clouds. Dense, rich, strong, and heated like a boulder baked in the sun. Mesmerized by his low rumble, she yearned to press her fingertips to the corded veins in his thick neck, and learn from him how to speak again.

“Lady Xára, are you faint?” He gave her a little shake.

She dared not look at him, too afraid her confusion and the secret, delicious thrill coursing through her showed plain on her face. Ducking her chin, she nodded, shifted out of his hold, and picked up her pace.

Now her awareness of him, of the warrior manliness leashed beneath those powerful muscles and his immense size, bubbled through her veins. Her nape grew damp and she had to choke back a nervous tickle scratching at her throat.

He muttered something she did not catch and she swept him a surreptitious peek. His mouth had canted into a grim line and she knew his patience with her, Jennie, the whole lot of it, was nigh at an end.

“’Tis pointless.”

Hope you enjoyed!

Here are some RT 2013 pics:

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Coundown to Vengeance Hammer Release – 1 day to go!

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-453x6803 Days to go for Vengeance Hammer’s release!!

Yay – I am so excited *doing a snoopy happy dance* 🙂

For the next five days, I’ll be featuring excerpts from the last book in the Viking Vengeance trilogy, and running a quick contest for a free copy of Vengeance Hammer. Simply leave a comment and you’re entered! The winner will be announced on Wednesday, May 8, 2013.

I thought I’d celebrate the countdown by announcing the winners of the Let’s Get Lucky Blog Hop and the A to Z Challenge Blog Hop.

I loooove announcing winners.

Drum Roll….

The Let’s Get Lucky Blog Hop Winners are:

Terry Amber and FlChen!

The A to Z Challenge Blog Hop Winner is:

Angelica French!

Winners, please contact me ASAP to claim your prize.

And now for the big reveal – here is your first Vengeance Hammer Excerpt:

Vengeance lost.

Fate had cheated him. Dráddør fingered the runes carved into his weapon, the enormous steel mallet he’d named Hefnd Hamarr, Vengeance Hammer, in anticipation of the day he would fulfill the oath made to his dying father. Disgust, crippling and oppressive, banded his chest as he surveyed the smoke-infused, empty great hall.

“’Twas an easy victory.” His friend and ally, Tighe, Earl of Dalriada, heaved a long sigh. “Not a fitting one, mayhap…”

“Arnfinn died by his wife’s hand. Not by mine.” Dráddør snorted. “I cannot fulfill my vow of vengeance.”

“Nay, I beg to differ. You have in your hand the ultimate revenge. Once you wed and bed his daughter, the title is yours, all that he ever owned is yours, and his line is erased. Think you, Arnfinn, Earl of Caithness, will rest easy knowing that your blood prevails? That his daughter will sire your son?”

Tighe rested a booted foot on the fireplace’s lintel and prodded the half-charred mound of logs with a metal rod. Bright orange sparks sprayed in a wide arc and the fitful flames blossomed into long plumes.

“The notion of swiving Arnfinn’s spawn holds no appeal.” Dráddør scowled.

Tighe shrugged. “One prick and you are Earl of Caithness. Shite man, you have gained a region as vast as Dalriada with no effort. The castle is intact and the keep secured. Take your nose out of your arse and do what must be done.”

Hope you enjoyed!

I’m at the Romantic Times convention in Kansas, Missouri this week. I’ll be posting pics on Twitter and Facebook, so stay tuned. Let me know if there are any author pics you’re interested in and I’ll try to get them for you.

