Ahead of the Game!

Okay, as of today I’m ahead of my writing schedule. (Wonder how long that will last?). That Pearly Drop and Branded by Étaín are in for edits and covers (ooh – can’t to see what James and Georgia will come up with for those).

Love in The Cards (small) (2)The Love, Lust, & Laptop ladies have all finished their free Halloween reads and the stories should start appearing next month (tomorrow). Each of us picked a tarot card as the title of the tale and, so we have these coming for you in October:

The Empress by Cherie Nichols

Judgement Day by Rosanna Leo

Two of Cups by Vanessa North

Jack of Hearts by Jianne Carlo

The Three of Cups by Becca Jameson

The Lovers by Emilia Mancini

The Star by Christy Gissendaner

The Strength of a Lion by Lynn Lorenz

The Wheel of Fortune by Monette Michaels


That beautiful cover is from the super-talented Vanessa North. This will be so much fun! As soon as I have the release dates, I’ll post them, here. But for now – how about a teaser from the Jack of Hearts?

Excerpt – Jack of Hearts:

Ricco stared out the open window and willed Kata to walk through the gate.

He wouldn’t lose his mate twice.

Seth had won Kata once, but he was long dead and buried, and all bets and rules were off.

The gas lamp hanging from an iron post just inside the award-winning front garden of Dacre House highlighted the raven-blue woven into the fibers on the black hood and long cloak Kata wore. The cape swirled around her ankles, and the ancient iron creaked in a drawn out protest when she shoved the gate open.

He tracked her steps and inhaled the musk of her desire mingled with the night-blooming jasmine. He hadn’t been certain she’d come after their confrontation earlier today.

Kata climbed the stairs, her feet dragging as if she was about to put her neck on the guillotine block.

Ricco’s mouth watered. His canines tingled and his gums ached with the need to claim.

The door opened and the doorman said, “Card.”

Her graceful fingers reached under the cloak, and she opened her hand to display half of a torn tarot card. The half that matched his, the Jack of Hearts.

“Third floor. Last door on the left. Stairs are straight ahead.” The attendant hooked a thumb over his shoulder.

“I don’t understand.”

The man growled, “Those were my orders for anyone with that card. You in or out?”

For long moments Kata remained quiet.

Scenting fear tangled with her mounting excitement, Ricco waited, his fists clenched. If necessary, he’d reveal his other half of the invitation―and his identity―and drag her up to the prepared attic room.

Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more!




Winners of The Romance Reviews Fall into Fall Blog Hop!

Fall into Romance Box Graphic*blushing in embarrassment*

I’m late with this announcement. Believe me, I know.

To make up for my tardiness I’m awarding not only the THREE prizes promised for the hop, but an additional FOUR more!!! See – readers win when I’m late.



Here are the Fall into Fall Blog Hop winners:

logo - amazon gift cardJC_AlphaMeNot_coverin     JC_DemonSeed_coverin

Emily W – $10.00 Amazon Gift Card

Nicki B – Alpha Me Not

Tori MacAllister – Demon Seed

FOUR Additional Prizes go to:

bear-and-bride 200    ftr_AParatrooperinaPearTree    JC_CarnalinCannes_coverin    ftr_white-wolf

Carolyn – The Bear and The Bride

Satchmo – A Paratrooper in a Pear Tree

Nikki – Carnal in Cannes

Jamie L – White Wolf

I’ll announce the winners on Twitter and Facebook.

Winners have five days to email me at jianne@jiannecarlo.com to collect their prizes.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to drop by!




Googlers and Google Earth!

IMG_1362So we had a fabulous visit with our son in California. My mind’s finally settled and I won’t be worrying so much about our ‘wayward one’ anymore (does the concern about your kids ever go away?). About his comfort or health or where he’s living, anyway.
Now I have a new set of worries. Google spoils their employees. To the max. Lordy, you would not believe how great these Googlers (their term for themselves) have it. Not only is the campus stunning, but the weather and climate in Mountain View is purrrrfect. Really.

Our son says it’s rained once in the six months he’s been here.   IMG_1365IMG_1382

Of course, it stormed and thundered the day we arrived. Go figure.

One of the coolestIMG_1387 things we saw (and there were tons of way cool stuff) on the campus was the Google Earth 180 degree interactive Earth Map. Let me tell you this with absolute confidence – privacy, as we know it, is dead.

We started out with the globe spinning and, in less than 7 seconds, we zeroed in on our backyard. Incredible and scary.




Over the next couple of days, I’ll post the wine country pics. Oysters, champagne, wine, bread, and cheese—life can’t get much better with that combination. 🙂

On another note – I finished the free read that my blog group, the Love, Lust, & Laptops ladies are doing for Halloween. My story’s The Jack of Hearts and I’ll start posting excerpts on October 1st. We’ll have a free read for you (and sometimes 2) every week in October until Halloween!






Download Malice Striker for FREE!


Malice Striker, Book#1

in my

Viking Vengeance Series



FROM SEPT 20 – 21, 2013

AT All Romance eBooks, LLC (ARe)

Click on the cover to start your FREE download


Malice Striker won 3rd in the Passionate Plume Best Historical 2012 Contest.

Death Blow (Book#2) was the overall winner in the Passionate Plume Best Historical 2012 Contest.

Here’s the link just in case:

Other free books are also listed in the flashing header banner on the site.  Enjoy!

Nice way to start the weekend, eh, with FREE books?

Have a great one!



That Pearly Drop – Murphy’s Time-Travel Laws, Book 1

 That_Pearly_Drop-Jianne_Carlo-500x800 Emma knows time travel’s impossible. So, the only other explanation for her going to sleep on Halloween night in 2013 and waking up in Wales in the year 1763 is that she’s insane. There’s a murdered girl, a coach ticket to Wye Castle, and a letter of employment to be governess to the Earl of Wye’s daughter. What’s a gal to do but go with the flow? shape-shifter Ian, Earl of Wye, recognizes Emma as his mate instantly and senses she’s in danger. He knows Emma’s harboring a deep, dark secret. But, no matter what he does, she won’t confide in him. Then he finds Emma wounded and rambling about nine white gorgons who attacked her. The hounds of hell are Ian’s nemeses and the fact they’ve reappeared in the mortal world after centuries of banishment can only mean one thing…

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