Satan’s Angel – Hades Squad, Book 5

 img_coming_soon Satan, aka Lorcan McGuillcuddy, despises all journalists, but he reserves a special contempt for television talk show hosts. When Angel Silk, Entertainment To Go’s host is kidnapped, Satan believes it’s all a ruse to ramp up ratings. His best friend’s wife, Destiny, begs him to take the case, and he reluctantly agrees. Satan finds Angel easily—too easily. It isn’t Angel the kidnappers are after, it’s  him.

Mondays & Music!

Musicians have all the cream. They really do. Musicians own the whole talent thing, lock, stock, and barrel.

I can name a song for every traumatic aspect of my journey in life.

Can I name a book instead? Maybe if I stretch things. OK – Pride and Prejudice for first romance. When? Where? No clue. Talk to me about first times and music and I can ramble for hours.

It’s all about firsts and must haves.

Not making sense? Walk the path with me for a sec.

The first song I ever slow danced to—Samba Pa Ti. Sigh. Are there more beautiful guitar notes than the first few of Samba Pa Ti? Strange thing is, I don’t remember the guy at all, just the moment underneath the stars moving in perfect harmony. My memory is peculiar and fickle. I recall he smelled of beer and Brute, that he was way too skinny for a plump girl like me, and that he had devastating brown eyes. His name? Go figure.

Songs I cannot sit down to—honestly my rear and my legs have a mind of their own when Play That Funky Music or December 1963(Oh, What a Night) starts—anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

Songs that make the waterworks in seconds flat, My Way sung by Sinatra. Has to be Sinatra. It’s Too Late by Carol King, The Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler…that list is never ending.

Ok and to segue on that, what about Never Ending Story? Or Take On Me? My toes start tapping the second I hum that cute little lick of music in the middle of Take On Me.

To me that signifies happy feet and snoopy dancing. Can anything get better than that?

Ok—so what’re your songs?

First Slow Dance

Can’t Sit Down


Happy Feet

Oh—got to drop one more in there—Michael Bublé singing Save The Last Dance for me.

Such a happy way to start Monday.


Rats, Cheese, & Anniversaries!

mouse with cheeseHiResIt fascinates me how people meet, fall in love, and marry. Perhaps that’s why I started writing romance novels (a real duh sentence there). Why am I on this topic?

Today is our 36th anniversary, 37th if you count the dating days.

What are the odds of a woman from an obscure Caribbean Island meeting, falling in love with, and marrying a man who grew up in a tiny Dutch hamlet?

Not Powerball, but maybe Lotto.

Every anniversary I marvel at my luck and send a secret thanks to fate.

Thirty-seven years together and not only do we still love each other, we like each other. I have more fun with the dh than anyone else. Our three boys are all grown and out of the house (as of Wednesday – whoo-hoo!) and we’re looking forward to time alone together.

There’s a Trini saying that’s particularly apt for the occasion – For every rat there’s a piece of cheese.

I found my cheese and I’ll be nibbling on him today (couldn’t resist).

Have a great one!

Trinidad – The Beautiful!

Looking down at my Mom's house from Chancellor Hill - THE viewpoint for the city of Port-of-Spain

Looking down at my Mon’s house from Chancellor Hill – THE viewpoint for the city of Port-of-Spain

Okay, I can’t resist showing you more of my incredibly beautiful homeland. This is it – honestly – I promise you not to bore you again. But, Trinidad, is an amazing island and just be grateful I’m not wowing you with Tobago – holy crayola on a banana – Tobago is awesome!!!

I’ll save that for another trip. At any rate, here’s Trinidad – The Beautiful!

Going over The Northern Range to Maracas

Going over The Northern Range to Maracas

Maracas Beach - a favorite of the locals. We took our sons here every Sunday.

Maracas Beach – a favorite of the locals. We took our sons here every Sunday.

Breakfast at Maracas Beach is always Bake & Shark - scrumptious!

Breakfast at Maracas Beach is always Bake & Shark – scrumptious!

Cresting The Northern Range - always breathtaking - Venezuela is 9 miles distant!

Cresting The Northern Range – always breathtaking

View of Port-of-Spain, the capital of Trinidad & Tobago from Chancellor Hill

View of Port-of-Spain, the capital of Trinidad & Tobago from Chancellor Hill

Another view from Chancellor

Another view from Chancellor

Hope you enjoy!




Ricky Less & More

IMG_1039During the month of August, I am going to be working on revamping my website. Any suggestions? Send them in.

We returned from our trip to a Ricky less house. We’ve had Ricky for 6 months because his master (my young ‘un’s friend) was not in a pet-friendly building. It was supposed to be for one weekend in December and, well, it’s now been six months.

I love Ricky and it’s terrible to not have him sleeping on the landing when I wake up. I miss him dogging my footsteps every morning until I pick up his leash for our walk. I miss his toys being scattered all over the house. I am in mourning. So, I will be featuring my favorite Ricky pics today and for the rest of the month until my blog hop next week.


Cool Ricky


Sheepish Ricky


Embarrassed Ricky