Foodie Friday – June 21, 2013

001I am a fanatic foodie!

This from a woman who’d never boiled water until she got married. The dh and I were still in college, and he was majoring in Hotel And Food Administration (he was a HAFA man—okay I couldn’t resist that pun). There were maybe 80 students in his year and they were constantly together and isolated. The hotel and food courses weren’t available to the general student population.

About a month after we tied the knot, I went to the first of many HAFA parties. It was an appetizer party and the price of admission was—you guessed it—an appetizer. To my horror, the HAFA faculty were not only going to attend the party, but they were the ones judging the appetizers. Worse, they’d divided the appetizers into categories!

Holy Crayola on a Banana!

I hate competitions of any kind, but the dh insisted, and I was a crazy-in-love, foolish idiot who wanted to do him proud. Notice—he had NO intention of doing any cooking and he was the one enrolled in hotel and food. I was a sociology major. To this day, I remember agonizing over which category to enter. Since I had burned every single meal to that point, it was a no-brainer.

Most Original.

I researched canapés and appetizers for hours and settled on a recipe for Mushroom Croustades from the book that became my food bible, Michael Field’s Cooking School. I must have made the recipe a dozen times before the night of the party. The poor dh refused to have mushrooms in any format for a good three months after the event.

I got a ‘best mention’, so I gritted my teeth, and started practicing for the next party themed around casseroles. I won that one. Along the way I discovered not only did I enjoy cooking, but experimenting with recipes became my preferred form of relaxation. So, since I love rumbling around in the kitchen, from now on Fridays will be deemed Foodie Fridays and I’ll feature favorite recipes. If you have a favorite recipe—send it in!

Today’s recipe is, of course, my much modified version of that first recipe.

Jianne’s Mushroom Croustades 
4 servings
Croustade Ingredients:
12 slices of bread – any kind (I prefer an Italian white loaf)
Mushroom Ingredients:
1 cup of finely chopped fresh mushrooms (any kind or mixed)
1 tablespoon finely chopped shallots
4 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons crumbled  bacon
1/2 cup Boursin cheese (can substitute cream cheese)
1/2 teaspoon (or to taste) Sriracha sauce *
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
12 2-inch spears of chives
12 thin strips roasted red pepper (about 1/2 size of a matchstick)
Optional for plating – a tablespoon each of red pepper and parsley pesto
*Thai hot sauce available in ethnic section of most groceries

Croustade Directions:

  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (350 for a convection oven)
  2. Spray a mini-muffin pan with non-stick spray
  3. Paint the insides of the muffin molds with 2 tablespoons of the softened butter
  4. Using a 3 inch fluted cookie cutter, cut 12 rounds from the 12 slices of bread
  5. Press the rounds into the muffin mold making sure the bottom of the mold is well defined
  6. Set the muffin pan into the oven and bake for 10 minutes or until the bread toasts a golden brown on the tops
  7. Remove the croustades from the muffin pan

Mushroom Filling Directions:

  1. In a heavy frying pan over moderate heat, melt the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter
  2. When the butter begins to foam add the shallots and sauté for 3-5 minutes over low heat—stir constantly and don’t let the shallots brown
  3. Add the mushrooms and coat them thoroughly in the shallot butter mixture
  4. Stir often until the liquid’s evaporated (about 10-15 minutes)
  5. Remove pan from heat and allow the mixture to cool
  6. Sop any excess moisture from the mixture by lining a fine mesh strainer with a paper towel and emptying the mushrooms and shallots onto the towel

Assembling the dish:

  1. All of the above can be prepared to this point one day before serving. Store the croustades in an airtight container at room temperature. Store the mushroom mixture in the fridge
  2. Bring the mushroom mixture and the rest of the ingredients to room temperature
  3. Combine the Boursin cheese, the Sriracha sauce, and 1 1/2 tablespoons of the bacon
  4. Fold in the mushroom mixture
  5. Fill the croustades with the mushroom mixture
  6. Heat the croustades in a microwave for 30-60 seconds (watch to make sure the mixture doesn’t bubble)
  7. Garnish each croustade evenly with the chopped parsley, the rest of the crumbled bacon, a strip of the roasted red pepper, and one of the chive spears
  8. I plate this on a white platter, drizzle the platter edges with alternate drops of the green and red pesto, and scatter some of the chopped parsley on the plate.

This is really an easy recipe which looks like you took hours to make and it’s delicious. Let me know if you like it.
Have a great weekend!


Author Allie Ritch’s Sexy New Release – In Season!

Today I’m thrilled to have as my guest blogger author Allie Ritch. Her new release is the prequel to her best seller, Mating Season, and is entitled ‘In Season’. Like all of Allie’s works, both books are incredibly original, hot, and all-consuming.

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Here’s a little bit about Allie;

Hello, everybody, I’m Allie Ritch. I write erotic sci-fi and paranormal romance, so if you like a little extra spice in your romance, then you’re in the right place. More often than not, I’m lost in my own little world, and you can catch a few glimpses of that imaginative landscape in my work. Be forewarned, some pages will have you fanning those blushing cheeks.

I have an active imagination and have always enjoyed fantastical elements in stories, books, movies, and other artistic mediums. It doesn’t matter whether it’s sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal, or just a romantic tale with a twist. I adore being entertained, and I like being creative and entertaining others. For me, the realm of fiction is the perfect playground, so I hope you’ll come out and play.

I told you Allie’s an original – didn’t I? Now take it away, Allie.

MatingSeasonEach book I write has its own journey and its own challenges, and In Season, the sequel to Mating Season, is no exception.

I first concocted Mating Season after the notion of doing a winter-themed work collided in my brain with a wildlife documentary that had inspired me. When Mating Season was released, I had no idea it would become my most popular work. I was flattered and thrilled to see how well readers received it and then shocked when a couple of people mentioned wanting to see more in the series. Huh? Series? I hadn’t thought of doing a sequel to Mating Season, but once the idea was planted in my head, I kept thinking about it.

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized Gilby deserved his own story. There were a couple of obstacles, though. In Mating Season, Gilby was a short, chatty fellow who tended to blurt out whatever was on his mind. He was also loyal, brave, and honest. I refused to change him. I think we’ve all read series where the secondary character from an earlier book somehow morphs into an entirely different personality by the time he takes center stage. Gilby wasn’t going to get bigger or quieter or any more tactful. He already had a lot of excellent qualities and was fine the way he was. He just needed to find someone who could see all his good points and love him for his true self. He needed the heroine, Miksa. The challenge, which I hope I succeeded at, was to present Gilby to readers in such a way that they see him as Miksa does.

The second difficulty I faced was to keep the story fresh and flowing well. I didn’t want to repeat what I’d done in Mating Season, but there were certain elements that had to be included because of the first book. Namely, I was still going to have the arctic planet of Jensen, the Children of Nanook (the frost-bear shifters), and the challenge of finding love in a frozen wilderness.

I hate to say something unbearably clichéd like every snowflake is unique, but in the end it did come down to a simple matter of Gilby making In Season special. He’s a very different type of hero, and thus his story has its own flavor. Gilby isn’t like Koll, and his romance with Miksa isn’t either. As for keeping good pacing, I opted to make this work a short novella to prevent the story from lagging or dragging out. Like Gilby, In Season is short and sweet. I really hope readers enjoy it.

I’ve included an excerpt below to tease you, and I’m also doing a giveaway. Please include your e-mail address in a comment for a chance to win a copy of In Season. Good luck!


All Gilby wants is to find a female who will spend the mating season with him. Yes, he’s short. And yes, he talks too much and doesn’t often watch what he says, but he has a lot to offer.

Rejected by her fellow shifters because she can’t change into a frost bear, Miksa travels to the clawless people’s village to look for a mate. With his sexy scent and good humor, could Gilby be the male for her? Can he help her unlock the magic that will let her shift?

Love comes in all different shapes and sizes, and sometimes it even has claws.


Gilby walked to a fireplace in the adjoining room and bent to stir the flames. She’d never taken an interest in a male’s backside before, but there was something about the taut stretch of his pants over his firm bottom that made her want to sink her teeth into him. Sparks rose, and the flames sputtered and popped as they grew.

His voice was clear and masculine. “You’ve just seen the front entrance, of course. I use this as a common room for entertaining guests. The bedroom is behind me, if you’d like to see it and—”

A series of yips from the far side of the house interrupted him.

Gilby lifted his head. “Just a moment, Halle and Onnika! We have company!” He glanced her way. “My sled hounds. They always get excited when I first come home. Those canines are the most loyal friends a man could ever ask for, and they’ve been with me since they were newborn pups.”

“They’re both female?”

His slow smile made everything inside her coil tight. “I really like females. Do you want to meet them?”

“Yes.” The affection in his tone made her want to see him with the animals.

“Right this way. They bed down in the kennel attached to the house.” He walked down the hallway to her left and opened a door that led to the hounds. “There are my girls.”

She could see the canines were enclosed in a space large enough for them to walk around, but small enough to keep them out of trouble. It was warm and inviting, and the hounds smelled of excitement and happiness when they spotted their master. They were both as tall as Gilby. One was black with a white face and underside, while the other had the same pattern but with gold instead of black. Otherwise they looked identical. At least, she thought the hounds matched until they moved their feet.

“What’s wrong with the dark one’s leg?” Miksa asked.

Instead of resting on the ground, the front right paw was folded toward the animal’s ankle. The hound could step on it, but she obviously couldn’t put her full weight on the limb.

Gilby petted the black-and-white hound. “Halle was born with the deformity—not that she ever notices it much. She loves to run. Most sleds are pulled by a single hound, but I use them both and put Onnika in front to help her sister. She keeps Halle moving forward in a straight line and makes up for her lack of strength on the right side. With the two of them pulling the sled and me not weighing as much as most men, I can really fly.”

His pleasure and pride in his hounds was obvious. She also recognized that speed could be as valuable, or even more useful, than brute strength.

Having greeted their master, the canines turned their attention to Miksa. She wasn’t sure how they’d react to her scent. Most animals grew agitated around the Children of Nanook since they sensed the predator beneath the skin. The gold-toned one, Onnika, responded with wariness and uncertainty, audibly sniffing without drawing closer. Ironically, it was Halle—clearly the more submissive hound—who was the first to venture closer. The hound kept her head low as she limped up to Miksa and smelled her all over. Halle must have been satisfied because she snorted and walked back to Gilby when she was done.

“They adore you,” she observed.

“The feeling is mutual.” Gilby continued to beam at his girls, as he called them, and ruffled their fur. Then he turned and gave Miksa an intense look. “You should know I take excellent care of what’s mine.”

Just like that, the sexual tension that had filled her body returned. She grew hyperaware of her breasts, and she felt like she was melting between her legs.

“You said you wanted to inspect my body,” he reminded her. “Maybe I should show you the bedroom?”

Miksa responded with an anticipatory growl. She followed him out of the kennel and back into the main part of the house. His bedroom, she discovered, was a large but cozy space. A small fire heated the room, while the fur blankets on the bed promised a sensual treat.

Gilby stood within the glow of the flames and pulled his shirt off over his head. He revealed strong arms and a chiseled chest and abs. She was pleased to see that he was well proportioned, though he was no less impressive for packing so much muscle onto a short frame.

Her gaze tracked his tongue as it darted out to moisten his bottom lip. “How much do you want to see?”

“Everything.” She didn’t even have to think about her answer.

LSB Buy Link:

You can contact Allie at:


Amazon Author Page:


Hope you enjoyed!

Don’t forget to leave your email for a chance to win a copy of IN SEASON!


Father’s Day

oscar mayer bacon gift boxYesterday was Father’s Day. It’s been 20 years since my dad passed and there are many difficult days to face each year, but Father’s Day is a particularly poignant one.

I am an anal planner. Twenty years ago, I had this ‘thing’ about cards. I loved picking the exact ‘right’ card for the moment and would spend hours in various drug stores perusing the ‘occasion’ cards. Many times I would find ‘the’ right one like ten times all at once. Twenty-one years ago, I found two perfect Father’s Day cards and bought both. I gave one to my father that year and, as usual, cooked him a fabulous brunch—his favorite Father’s Day gift. I saved the other card for the following year.

Yeah, you guessed it—I never got to give him that card. To this day, I’ve never been able to throw it in the trash. Every year since my dad died, I take out that ‘perfect’ card the day before Father’s Day. I read it and cannot help but cry.

It’s a secret ritual because my husband is an amazing father and I never want to detract from his Father’s Day. So, yesterday we did the macho grilled steak routine and, as part of our ritual since my dad left us, we toasted him as well as the dh.

For all of you who are lucky enough to have living fathers—enjoy every minute.

Happy Monday!




For the Love of Mythology Blog Hop Winner!

rickyThe winner of the For the Love of Mythology Blog Hop June is…drum roll…

Patricia Crews!

Patricia, please contact me ASAP either through a comment here on the site, on my Facebook author page, or by replying to my contest win tweet to claim your prize!

It’s Monday and I have the Monday blues. I’m missing my son who now lives and works in California, I still have the fricking flu after two weeks, and, the love of my live, Ricky, our ‘borrowed golden retriever’ is due to return home next week.

Sucks. Big time. It’s been six months since we’ve had Ricky. Six, wonderful months. I love coming home to him. I love how excited he gets when it’s walk time. Heck, I just love him, and I’m going to miss him like crazy. So, it’s a sucky, blue Monday and that’s that.





For the Love of Mythology Blog Hop June 1-8, 2013

Welcome to the For the Love of Mythology Blog Hop. This hop runs from June 1 – 8, 2013.

The list of the  incredible Grand Prize is at the end of this blog. Don’t forget to enter!

My prize for the contest is an ecopy of The Bear and The Bride.

To enter my contest, simply leave a comment with your email address. Please put NO in the comment if you do not want to receive notices of my upcoming releases. Note that by leaving a comment you are also entered in my

Fireworks for a Fire Contest!

Grand Prize – Kindle Fire

I’ll announce the winner on Monday, June 10, 2013 in three places, here on my site, on Facebook, and on Twitter. The winner  has 5 days to claim the prize in one of three ways, leaving a comment here on the site, leaving a comment on my Facebook author page, or replying to my contest winner tweet.

Nine worldsI am obsessed with Viking mythology. In the Norse cosmology there are nine worlds interconnected by the world tree, Yggdrasil.

One of my favorite Viking tales is of Heimdallr the guardian of the burning rainbow bridge, Bifrost, that connects the world of the gods, Asgard, and Midgard, the world of mortals.

Heimdallr possesses the resounding horn Gjall, owns a golden-maned horse Gulltoppr, has gold teeth, and is the son of Nine Mothers. Heimdallr has foreknowledge, incredible vision, and his hearing is so acute, he can hear the grass growing. Heimdallr is “the whitest of the gods”. He keeps watch for the onset of Ragnarök while drinking fine mead in his dwelling Himinbjörg, located where Bifröst meets Valhalla.

In my latest release, Vengeance Hammer, the heroine, Xára, is Heimdallr’s half-immortal daughter.

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-133x200Here’s a clip from the book:

“Heimdallr?” Dráddør frowned. “What has the watchman of the gods to do with aught?”

“Xára is his daughter,” Nyssa replied as she and Konáll vanished into the hallway.

“’Tis true?” Shifting Xára in his hold, Dráddør closed and barred the door.

When Xára related what had happened on the night she lost her voice, his fury surged. Though his rage was directed at Magnhildur and Néill, he could not help but be angered with Jennie for not protecting Xára the way a mother should. “Why did your mother not tell you of your sire?”

Xára focused on a spot above his shoulder. She shook her head. “Jennie feared for our lives, if Arnfinn discovered we were not his get.”

Yet Evie knew of her real father. Had Jennie felt it safe to tell the sprite after Arnfinn’s death? More so, did she feel the need to assuage her guilt, for she had killed her husband? Then he recalled Xára’s claim Jennie had not poisoned Arnfinn.

“Do you leave Earl Tighe in charge of Lathairn?”

The worry in her voice distracted him. He sought to appease her concerns. “Aye. Tighe will remain, as will his warriors. Brökk, Konáll, and I will split our forces as we have no notion of Wazir Niketas’s direction. I will go east, Konáll west, and Brökk north. I will take only a skeleton crew. Egron will remain here. There is no need to worry, sváss. All will be well.”

“I will use the time to prepare the castle for the coming winter.” She gave him a shaky smile.

Dráddør’s focus shifted to the bed. He winked at her. “I seek now to give you a swiving memory to fill the long nights while I am gone.”

Color rioted all over her face and throat. His gaze strayed to the spot where the scar had been. He laid her down on the covers and sat on the mattress. While unlacing her cyrtel, he inspected her collarbone, and then smoothed his thumb over the pulse leaping in the hollow of her throat. “’Tis as if it ne’er were. Do you recall aught of what happened in the hall?”

“I remember Nyssa setting her fingers there. Then naught, but the dream of what happened the night Magnhildur pierced my neck and stole my voice.” She shuddered.

“She will ne’er harm any again.” Dráddør had chosen to go east as he knew that Godfraid must take that route to travel to Kenneth’s court. ’Twould be a simple detour and the perfect vengeance. ’Twas the time of year when storms frequented the channel and all he had to do was wait for a squall, separate Godfraid’s main boat from the two others, and sink the vessel.

But ’twas not the moment for dwelling on vengeance. Nay, ’twas the time to give Xára a babe. He grinned. And if his seed didn’t bear fruit on this joining, he had many a long winter’s night to correct that.

Xára peeked at him when he stood and disarmed. After he pulled off his tunic she stared at his chest with such fervor in her eyes that he preened. ’Twas quick work to shed his boots and breeches.

Her gaze dropped to his jutting erection and she licked her lips.

Hope you enjoyed!

Click on the links for the next hop on the blog and/or for the rafflecopter giveaway. Cheers,

a Rafflecopter giveaway



P.S. I’m also taking part in The Romance Reviews Sizzling Summer Reads from June 1-30, 2013. Click on the icon below to join the party!

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