Murphy’s First 36 Laws of Time Travel



I’m so excited about the release of That Pearly Drop, my first time-travel paranormal.

Here’s the tagline :
What do the hounds of hell, time travel, a murdered girl, a coach ticket to Wye Castle, and a governess letter of employment have to do with waking up in 1763, the mate of wolf-shifter, Ian, the Earl of Wye? Emma’s about to find out.

Blurb: Emma knows time travel’s impossible. So, the only other explanation for her going to sleep on Halloween night in 2013 and waking up in Wales in the year 1763 is that she’s insane. There’s a murdered girl, a coach ticket to Wye Castle, and a letter of employment to be governess to the Earl of Wye’s daughter. What’s a gal to do but go with the flow?

Wolf-shifter Ian, Earl of Wye, recognizes Emma as his mate instantly and senses she’s in danger. He knows Emma’s harboring a deep, dark secret. But, no matter what he does, she won’t confide in him. Then he finds Emma wounded and rambling about nine white gorgons who attacked her. The hounds of hell are Ian’s nemeses, and the fact they’ve reappeared in the mortal world after centuries of banishment can only mean one thing…


And here are Murphy’s first 36 Laws of Time Travel:

That_Pearly_Drop-Jianne_Carlo-200x320Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #1: Time travel is impossible—until it happens.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #2: It doesn’t matter if it’s in the past, present, or future—the first person to fall into a pond is always the one who can’t swim.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #3: It doesn’t matter what century you’re in—sometimes you simply have to close your eyes and jump into the frying pan, or in this case, the murky pond.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #4: Colloquialisms will trip you up in every time (pun intended).

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #5: High society women eat like humming birds in every fricking century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #6: Honesty is the best policy except if you’re in the wrong century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #7: Playing a character in the past is harder than it looks in the present on TV, or is that the future if you’re stuck in 1763?

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #8: In 1763, thinking on your feet isn’t as important as thinking in your bed.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law 9: Lust clouds your thinking in any century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #10: Unreality is preferable to believing time travel is possible if you’re trapped in the wrong century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #11: There are no returns in time travel, so it’s best to avoid buyer’s remorse.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #12: Silence is your friend, but time travel gives you verbal diarrhea.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #13: An orgasm in the past is lost in the present and never achieved in the future, but the here and now orgasms rock!

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #14: A lie in the past can get you into just as much hot water as a lie in the present, which in this case happens to be in the past.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #15: In any century, if there’s an old biddy in the room, she’ll sharpen her claws on you and find some flaw to improve.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #16: Even in the past, eavesdroppers never hear any good about themselves.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #17: You don’t want to play truth or dare when you’re pretending to be someone else in any century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #18: In any century, you have to cover your tracks when you assume someone else’s identity.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #19: Total amnesia is better than memories that aren’t true.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #20: While living in the past, if you used to live in the future, you really don’t want your future told.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #21: In any century, nursery rhymes are no solace when you’re confronted by blood-spewing monster-gorgons.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #22: Boob-pinchers are the scum of the planet in the past, present, and the future.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #23: The word boob fascinates all men in all times.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #24: Trying to find a win-win solution in the past should be easy if you’re a time traveller because you know the future, but if you’re in the past, are you in the present? Corollary: Will the past/present affect the future that’s already happened?

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #25: The other woman is a bitch in any century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #26: Tea for two, and two for tea, sweetened with lies of the past, present, and future can only result in utter disaster.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #27: It’s impossible to predict who’ll shoot whom in any time.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #28: Rakes have preyed on women in the past and the present. Corollary: It’s Powerball odds they’ll continue to do so in the future.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #29: EpiPens are a gal’s best friend in any century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #30: In any century, when you’re battling zombies, hobgoblins can be your best allies.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #31: Betrayal hurts in any century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #32: When three coincidences collide, evil’s afoot in any century.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #33: Pinky swears are valid in the past, the present, and the future.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #34: Maggots, it turns out, are your friend in any century. Go figure.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #35: In the past, a gift duchess is worth more than a gift horse when you’re accused of witchcraft.

Murphy’s Time-Travel Law #36: Can a beginning that takes place in one century be felt or known in another?

Hope you got a chuckle out of at least one of them!



That Pearly Drop Cover!

That_Pearly_Drop-Jianne_Carlo-500x800Murphy’s Law of Time Travel #1: Time travel is impossible—until it happens.

OMG – isn’t the cover drool worthy?

I’m so thrilled with it. Georgia Woods outdid herself with this one! I wish I had a smidgen of her talent.

It’s now less than 14 days (yup – only 14) to That Pearly Drop’s release on 11/07/13 and I’m a total nervous Nellie. This book’s such a departure from my normal style. It’s the first time I’ve written an entire book from first person POV and my first venture into a combo of fantasy, paranormal, and time travel.

Here’s the tagline for the book:

What do the hounds of hell, time travel, a murdered girl, a coach ticket to Wye Castle, and a governess’ letter of employment have to do with waking up in 1763, the mate of wolf-shifter, Ian, the Earl of Wye? Emma’s about to find out.

And now for the blurb:

Emma knows time travel’s impossible. So, the only other explanation for her going to sleep on Halloween night in 2013 and waking up in Wales in the year 1763 is that she’s insane. There’s a murdered girl, a coach ticket to Wye Castle, and a letter of employment to be governess to the Earl of Wye’s daughter. What’s a gal to do but go with the flow?

Wolf-shifter Ian, Earl of Wye, recognizes Emma as his mate instantly and senses she’s in danger. He knows Emma’s harboring a deep, dark secret. But, no matter what he does, she won’t confide in him. Then he finds Emma wounded and rambling about nine white gorgons who attacked her. The hounds of hell are Ian’s nemeses, and the fact they’ve reappeared in the mortal world after centuries of banishment can only mean one thing…

Starting on Friday, I’m going to be doing a series of excerpts tagged to a contest for a free copy of That Pearly Drop. Stay tuned for more.

Have a great Monday!



Love in the Cards – The Jack of Hearts by Jianne Carlo

FLITC inviteor the next 10 days, I will be featuring a free Halloween read from the ten authors of the Love, Lust, & Laptop blog group. These stores will be published as a free anthology right in time for Halloween. So sit back, grab your pumpkin martini and enjoy!!!

Dear Readers,

Thank you for following us here at Love, Lust, and Laptops this year. With Halloween drawing near, we thought it would be fun to celebrate everything sexy about the odd, the paranormal, and the fated-to-be. We put together a collection of ten stories which will run over the course of the next two weeks here on the blog.


To read the first of our Love Card Tales.

Love in The Cards (small)

The Jack of Hearts


Jianne Carlo


Click here:


Have a freaking fructose happy Monday & don’t forget to drop in every day until October 26th to enjoy a new free read!



Hunkering Down in the That Pearly Drops Edits Cave!

castle no people (2)I’m in edits for That Pearly Drop, Murphy’s Laws of Time Travel #1. Yay! Unlike most authors, I relish being in the editing cave. It’s an incredible, intense period and my editor and I, in this case the fabulous Georgia Woods, get to focus on one thing and one thing only – making the book better.

The three castles on this post were all used in writing That Pearly Drop. The first pic to the left is of Bamburgh Castle on an island in Northumberland, England. The castle has been privately owned by the Armstrong family since the late nineteenth century, but is open to the public. I liked the isolation of the castle and the incredible skyline of the turrets.

The second photo below is one G found somewhere in Europe. That Pearly Drop is a dark time travel paranormal and the moon in this picture and the clouds provide the perfect backdrop for the edginess of the novel.canstockphoto0183128 (2)

Here’s a shot of Clearwell Castle, the actual inspiration for Wye Castle.
A few years back, the dh and I attended a wedding at Clearwell Castle, and it was during that weekend I decided to write a romance novel. That Pearly Drop was the first book I ever finished, but I lost the whole thing two weeks after typing The End when my PC burst into flames, and I didn’t have – you guessed it – a backup. This January my mom was cleaning out my room in Trinidad and she found a backup of my first draft on a CD. I started reading it and decided to totally re-write it. And here we are today.

Yum. All we need now is the hunky shape shifter who’s descended from the God, Taranis, on there and I’ll be in heaven.
What do you think?

Have a great hump day. I’m going off to play my favorite Geico commercial – here’s the link if you need a fix too:




The Family??

// dh and I love movie night. Especially since we’ve discovered this great theater with surround sound seating, relaxing inclining chairs, and, wonder of all wonders, wine. So these days we travel an extra 20 minutes to go to the Paragon Deerfield Theater and that’s where we saw The Family.

Ok, so we went to see this film because of the stars—I mean Michelle Pfeiffer, Bobby De Niro— what can go wrong?

Not a lot, but enough.

Truly, we were not bored, but neither were we charmed. The whole story was simply not likeable. When you exit a theater and the first words you say to your dh is okay, what was that about? It’s a train wreck and the only saving grace is an extraordinary dinner. Fingers and toes crossed that Gravity’s better.


