P is for Provocative!

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order, of course.

P: passionate, provocative, potent, penis, prick, and pansexualism.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic P words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the fifteenth day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the word provocative. Because I think it implies a certain wicked but alluring sensuality.

Provocative:    Causing provocation, esp. deliberately: “a provocative article”. Arousing sexual desire or interest, esp. deliberately.

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

Scattergun Scribblings (WR)

Sarann Rap Mom Blog (PR)

First Draft Cafe

Managing My Minions (PR)

Jennifer Wells, Paranormal Romance Author




O is for Orgy!

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order, of course.

O: orgy, orgasm, oral, ooze, and orgasmatron.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic O words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the fifteenth day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the word Orgy. Because I don’t understand the appeal of such an activity at all.

Orgy: A wild party, especially one involving excessive drinking and unrestrained sexual activity.    Excessive indulgence in a specified activity: “an orgy of buying”.

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

Pinkopolis !

Little Moments

Claire Reads (BO)

The Furry Tale Chronicles BO

Just Another Rabid Reader (BO)




N is for Naughty!

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order, of course.

N: notorious, naughty, naked, nice, and narcotic.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic N words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the fourteenth day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the word Naughty. Because being naughty is so very rewarding sometimes.

Naughty: Disobedient; badly behaved.  Mildly rude or indecent, typically because related to sex.

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

Stretching My Wings

Brinda Berry Blogs

Vive le Nerd

Short Story Ideas

Skating Buffalo




Let’s Get Lucky with Vikings and Vengeance!

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-453x680I did it again – signed up for two hops at the same time. Sigh. So for the next two days, I’ll be doing the A to Z Challenge and MFRW’s Erotic Romance Hop – Let’s Get Lucky!

Vengeance Hammer, the last book of my new Viking trilogy releases on May 3 and I thought I’d unveil the cover and give you a little teaser for The MFRW’s Let’s Get Lucky Erotic Blog hop.

Xára could scarce draw a breath.
The man walking alongside her held her fate, Jennie’s, and that of Evie’s in his hands. Dráddør, the man who had dedicated his life to killing Arnfinn, Earl of Caithness, thought she was dull-witted no matter what Jennie had told him. She had considered pretending to be such, but ’twas not her nature to cower to anyone.
She swallowed her tears.
Locked her jaw and grappled for control.
If only she had known that Jennie had resolved to end both her life and Arnfinn’s. She would have stopped her from drinking the poison.
What had caused her to make such a sacrifice? And why did Jennie refuse to speak of it? What terrible threat had Arnfinn used? Or had it been another?
Hatred, raw and grating, boiled her blood to thundering in her ears. She despised the man all thought her father. She loved the woman all thought her mother.
Blinded by her fury, she bumped into a side table and would have tumbled had not Dráddør grabbed her by the waist. His aroma enveloped her at once, veiling her other senses as she inhaled the mingled aromas of male sweat, leather, and the sea. So different from the female perfumes of lavender and rose she had grown accustomed to at the abbey.
He wore no gloves and an inferno danced over her skin where his fingers gripped her through the threadbare habit. She could not recall the last time any but a woman had touched her with such gentleness. ’Twas intoxicating and exciting and dizzying.
And yet she sensed naught of him. ’Twas her gift, her strength, to touch someone and catch a brief memory playing in the present, an oath taken, a port visited, mayhap even such trifle as a thirst quenched. Yet naught escaped from this man.
He steadied her. “Are you ill, lady?”
The wonder of his voice. Deep, like low thunder vibrating through clouds. Dense, rich, strong, and heated like a boulder baked in the sun. Mesmerized by his low rumble, she yearned to press her fingertips to the corded veins in his thick neck, and learn from him how to speak again.
“Lady Xára, are you faint?” He gave her a little shake.

For the blog hop I’m giving away the first two books in the series to two Lucky commenters (pun intended).


Enjoy the hop!




I is for Indigo

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order, of course.

I: Indigo, Intercourse, inflame, and incite.

The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic I words. Feel free to chime in with your own!

For the eighth day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the word Indigo. Now I know the word is a color and how can a color be sexy or romantic? To me indigo is a mood, a sultry tropical isle surrounded by clear blue waters and flawless diamond bright sand. It’s a setting, a frame for a story.

Indigo: Any of various shrubs or herbs of the genus Indigofera in the pea family, having odd-pinnate leaves and usually red or purple flowers in axillary racemes, A blue dye obtained from these plants or produced synthetically

To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:

The Drunk Runner

Buttered Toast Rocks

Moxie Writers

Simply Junebug

Princess of Procrastination

