Prymal Hunger!

Prymal_Hunger-Jianne_Carlo--200x320OMG! The cover for Prymal Hunger is soooooo Kydd Kolton!

I’ve been dying to write his story forever! It’s humming along and I’m loving Kydd.

Is it too trite to say that Georgia Woods just made him with her cover? Okay, tell me you don’t see that cover and want to buy Kydd’s tale? What is it about cowboys, bad-ass trucks, and helicopters that’s so irresistible? Nothing more than a taste of Prymal Hunger for everyone this magnificent Monday morning. So, here goes:

Unedited Prymal Hunger excerpt:


Kydd’s lips twitched.

F**king figured.

The day he turned fourteen and came into his wolf, women fell all over themselves trying to get into his pants. Fame and fortune amplified his sexual magnetism. He had a hundred plus emails from actresses of all ages who wanted a one and done date with him.

He finally met his mate—Helle—and she wanted nothing to do with him.

“Message received loud and clear. You will not have an affair with me. You’re not going to sleep with me. You want to become the best screenwriter on the planet.” His excellent periphery vision caught her stun-gunned reaction.

Adrenalin flooded his veins. The prehistoric beast in him savored the chase to come. Her kittenish aroma had become dominant since he announced his wolf. An underlining suspiciousness sneaked into his mind.

Was she a mixed breed like him?

Her scent beguiled him. He couldn’t identify any wolf in her. The only female shifters he knew were pure-bred Wylfens the aristocrats of the shifter world. His friend Bandit was part panther, part wolf, and human. Could it be that females who were cat and human existed?

Kydd doffed his Stetson and dropped Helle’s backpack on the counter separating the kitchen area from a u-shaped meeting space. He collapsed into his favorite behemoth leather chair, stretched his legs, and picked up the remote lying on a side table. He powered on the TV and scanned channels until he found the weather station.

She walked to the counter, eyed the distance to the door, and shot him a swift glance.

His little cat contemplated escape. Kydd repressed a self-satisfied smirk. He had her on the defensive.

“Don’t even go there, Helle. Getting into and out of this studio, as you should’ve gleaned from the security when you entered this morning is no cakewalk. Before I catch you up on the publicity changes, let’s go through my appointments again.” He gestured to her backpack.

She loosened the leather straps on her backpack and said, sotto voce, “The man must have the memory of a sieve.  Did I not do this not an hour earlier? In great detail?”

For a half-moment, Kydd considered explaining why they needed to go through his schedule again. But, he wanted her off-balance not panicked and scared.

He studied her from half-hooded eyes.

Four years in the ring as a UFC fighter had honed his battle strategies. Get in the first volley and attack relentlessly until his opponent went down. eBut, Helle wasn’t his opponent, so he needed to adjust his tactics.

Over the last couple of months he’d spent time with his buddy and fellow Prymal pack member, Apache, who trained falcons and hawks. Kydd decided to approach having Helle mate-claim him the way Apache tamed the wild, primitive birds: accustom her to him using all of her senses, touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight.


Hope you enjoyed!

Have a merry Monday! I won’t be checking in again until we’re in Oslo!!!!!! I feel so wonderful just writing that. OMG, I’m going to be walking the walk of the Vikings!

Prymal Lust’s ON SALE for $.99 for a Limited Time!


Here’s what the reviewers have to say about Prymal Lust:

logo - REDZ World Reviews - Recommended read.You know you have a winner when you’re reading a book and feverishly begin plotting how much time you’re going to have to wait until the next installment of the series comes out.  I’ll say it again – I LOVED Prymal Lust, and heartily recommend it to anyone who’s a fan of paranormal/military/alternate history genres.  I can’t wait for the next installment to be released, because the secondary characters in this book were engaging, intriguing and hotter than hell.  Jianne Carlo has me hooked; and I don’t care one bit. You might initially pick this story up for the panty dropping alpha male hero, but you’ll devour it to the last page because of its well written characters and multi-layered plot. Cassiopeia, Rredz World Reviews
logo - trr top pickThey are alpha males, wolf-shifters and navy Seals. They are hot, dangerous and ready to love the-only-one. PRYMAL LUST is a steamy ride full of pheromones and adrenaline. Wow, have I mentioned this book is packed with action and heat? It took me two hours to devour the story and I’ve finished without knowing whom do I want to meet next. Really there are so many amazing secondary characters that I don’t know which one is my favorite. All I know is that I’m ready to read the next Prymal today! Isabelle, TRR Reviewer

Award - Paratrooper - NW Top Pick reviewertoppick2This is the first in the Prymal Series by Jianne Carlo and I am now a fan. It was a fantastic read; it was fast paced, exciting and had a great plot. It kept me captivated from the beginning to the end. There was no part of this book that I did not enjoy. I highly recommend this book, especially if you enjoy a great shifter novel with lots of heated sex and tons of action and suspense. I can’t wait to read about what happens next in this series. It captivated my imagination. KimP, Night Owl Reviewer


What are you waiting for??? Go forth and buy on this superb Sunday!

Sinner Sale!

Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-200x320Sinner’s on sale for the next two days!

So I’ll give away a copy of the book to the first ten people who comment on this post!!!

For any one who reviews Sinner on Amazon—I’ll send you the rest of the series—free!

You must provide proof of the review.

Here are what the reviewer’s are saying about Sinner:

Manic Readers Reviews: She has done it again! For me, the first thing that comes to mind after reading one of Jianne Carlo’s books is WOW! I can’t get enough! And SINNER is no different.
— Victoria Lynn

Whipped Cream Reviews: SINNER…the title alone is enough to capture your attention. Yet, it’s the snarky dialogue, sexy characters, and wickedly delicious humor that make this a journey worth taking. If you’ve never read anything by the uber-fantabulous Jianne Carlo, this is an excellent story to start with.
— Fern

logo - trr top pickSo, what can I say, I loved Sinner. Whew, baby! Jianne Carlo sure knows how to make me blush. SINNER has everything I LOVE in my romance novels. The hero is deliciously alpha and utterly smitten, the heroine is strong, the story was fast-paced and interesting, and it was sexy beyond belief.


Have a wonderful Thor’s Day!



Prymal Hunger

I know it’s been a while since I posted and I apologize. The Viking and I were out of the country and our internet access was dismal.

Can you believe that? In this day and age?

Though I’m loathe to admit it, I realized how much I depend on the net to simply exist during the last while. It was so frustrating not being able to Google anything I wanted when I wanted. When your phone’s in airplane mode and there’s no universal net access,  you’re screwed. Unless you want to pay a fortune to tweet or text.

Sigh. I’m praying that we encounter plenty of cheap internet cafes during our three weeks in Scandinavia, Russia, Latvia, and Estonia this coming June.

Meanwhile, I’m scrambling to finish Prymal Hunger ASAP.  Unfortunately, my deadline date’s slipped and that means Prymal Hunger’s release has slipped to August, maybe even September. I’ll keep everyone posted.

No cover as yet, mainly because I haven’t handed in the form. (Aarggh! Another to do to add to my list.) So, I’m going to show the covers of the first three Prymal books:

Prymal Series to Passion

To make up for that bad news, I figured on giving you an unedited peek at Prymal Hunger.


A whiff of coffee teased Kydd Kolton’s nose and memory.

Damn, he was supposed to meet Helle, his new PA. His mood soured. He re-traced his footsteps and walked into the only Starbucks available for the three studios situated on the lot. His wolf-vision adjusted to the dimness instantly. He scanned the crowded coffee bar, realized he had no clue what the fuck Helle looked like, and waited for the blasted female to approach him.

Right then, Kydd spied Juicy Darling, waltzing his way. He stifled a groan. Crap. She was the last female he wanted to deal with. Kydd had a strict hookup policy—he never fucked the same woman twice and each and everyone knew upfront their screwing was a one and done. Juicy refused to accept that status.

Juicy, the star of the re-make of One Million Years B.C., wore a skimpier version of the ripped and torn costume that zapped Raquel Welch to sex-bombshell status some half a century ago.

“Kydd Kolton. It’s been way too long.” Juicy looped her arms around his neck. She nuzzled his jaw and licked his mouth.

Kydd repressed both a gag and a shudder when Juicy’s signature perfume, a cloying mixture of musk and frangipani, hit his nose.

Behind him, he heard a throat clear, and a dusky-CFM voice drawled, “Shall I take it that our appointment’s been postponed?”

Snatching at any excuse to rid himself of Juicy, Kydd captured her wrists, removed her hands from his neck to her sides, and pivoted, giving Juicy his back.

He just about swallowed his tongue.

The name Helle suited her. For even without benefit of his wolf-hearing, he recognized the sex and cigars voice that had awoken him and his cock this morning.

A riot of glossy flame-colored windswept curls framed an elfin, freckled-faced woman-child. Honey-hued doe-shaped eyes lobbed scorn and infuriation at him. Her strawberry-ripe plump lips curled into a sneer Freddy Kruger would envy.

He pictured those lips wrapped around his dick and hardened on a heartbeat.

“Well?” Hands jammed on lean jeans-encased hips, she tossed her head back to reveal a graceful, slender neck.

Claim-bite her.


Hope that makes up a tad for the release delay of Prymal Hunger!

Have a magnificent Monday!



Satan Goodreads Giveaway!

Check out my Goodreads Giveaway for Satan, Hades Squad #5! Two days before Satan releases and you can still pre-order your copy at:


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Satan by Jianne Carlo


by Jianne Carlo

Giveaway ends April 30, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Have a terrific Tuesday!