Devil Released!

I’m thrilled to announce the release of Devil, Book#4 of the Hades Squad series!

Devil is my fourth book released for 2015—I’m on a roll!

Here’s the blurb for Devil and a teaser excerpt:


The last person Devil expects to see in a BDSM club is the best friend of his buddy’s new wife, Jessica Blaine. The all-American apple pie woman he wants so badly it’s her face he sees every orgasm for the last nine months.

Is she playing? Exploring?

Tough, she’s on his turf now, she’s put herself up for auction, and by God she’s his for the night.

Jess is scared spit less. She’s going to suck off the man who may have killed, Aung, the college student she mentors who vanished three weeks earlier. When the wrong man, a masked stranger, wins the auction, she has no choice but to proceed. Horrified when she not only responds to the masked stranger, but climaxes, Jess flees.

Devil lets her go fully intending to reel her in. His way.


Excerpt from Devil, Hades Squad Book#4:
In this scene Devil’s just discovered that Jess, the woman who’s bedeviled him for the last nine months, went to a BDSM club with one of her famous macho clients.

Jess pushed the food around, swallowed a couple of sips of OJ, and peeked at Devil’s scowling face. He ate with efficiency and his lips held the pucker she associated with lime and salt after a tequila shot.

“Are you going to sit there and glower at me for the rest of the meal?” She wiped her lips with the paper napkin. “You have no reason to be angry with me.”

“No?” His fork clanged onto the plate. “You go to a sex club with another man, and I’ve no reason to be angry?”

The front door slammed open.

“Morning boys and girls.” Demon halted on the first step, jammed his hands onto his hips, glanced from Jess to Devil, and groaned. “What the frick’s going on? How did you two go from nauseatingly lovey-dovey to World War III in a span of less than six hours?”

“Shut up and eat. We have to be at HQ in forty-five.” Devil jabbed a fork at the counter. “I made extra.”

“I’ve told you before. It’s better not to eat than to eat angry.” Demon ambled to the kitchen. “Can you two not kiss and make up? Fast?”

“Devil’s being entirely unreasonable. And I agree with you about the eating angry bit.” Jess speared a clump of scrambled eggs.

“Unreasonable? Unreasonable? Go ahead. Tell him why I’m being fricking unreasonable.” Devil chomped down half a slice of toast.

Fighting the urge to duck the salvo of darts shooting from Devil’s eyes, Jess snorted. “He’s pissed because Tom Gordon went with me to Bacchanal. For crying out loud that was three weeks ago. And it’s not as if you and I were dating then or anything.”

Demon’s jaw dropped. He shot an imaginary gun to his temple. “You went to a sex club with another man? And you think Devil’s being unreasonable? Holy crapola. Tell me that’s not the Tom Gordon she was being kissey faced with in the papers?”

“That’s it.” Jess lurched to her feet plate and cutlery in hand. “I so do not understand you two. I was going to a sex club for heaven’s sake. I needed some moral support not to mention someone to explain to me what those gadgets on the walls were for. Tom’s famous for his suspense books on sexually deviant serial killers. Who better to ask for advice?”

Devil shot out of his chair. His knife jumped three inches. “You had him explain things to you?”

This was so not the time to mention the shibari lesson. If he even suspected that Tom had given her an overview of the ancient Japanese art of erotic bondage —  he’d hit the roof. Still, Devil had no right to be mad at her.

“I repeat. You and I were not involved three weeks ago. Tom is a friend. And FYI, Mister Demon Seed, that photo-op in the papers showed two people having dinner and smiling at each other. And I am in the room. Do not refer to me as if I’m not here.”

With that she scraped all the food into the trash, dumped the utensils into the sink, and stomped out of the room.


Hope you enjoyed!

Have as Superb Sunday!




Hunk/Hump Day!

Now that I have five Hades Squad covers, all the work of the uber-talented Georgia Woods, I had, had to show them off all side by side. What better day than hunk day!

Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Lucifer-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Devil-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Demon-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Satan-Jianne_Carlo-100x160

I looove these covers!

And since it is hump day as well and I looove the GEICO camel ads, here’s one for you:

A quick reminder about the Night Owl Reviews Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt! Here’s the link and a list of prizes:



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Find Your Next Great Read Online Scavenger Hunt!




Have a Happy Hump Day!



Welcome to the Night Owl Review’s Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt!

Welcome to Night Owl Review’s Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt, which runs from March 1 to March 30th!

logo-nowl scavenger mar2015
The whole notion of the scavenger hunt intrigues me. How do you decide which book is a fabulous read?

After attending many romance conferences and talking to a ton of avid readers, I’m still confused as to the answer to that question.

I’ve met people who devour one genre and one genre only. There are those who have three or four favorite genres and those that care nothing about genre, but more about the authors voice. These guys have a core of authors they support and will not deviate from those writers no matter what.

Many readers tell me they hate complicated plots (stay away from my books if you fall into that grouping—I looove a good mystery) and want a simple HEA start to finish. A great many fall into the if-I-don’t-cry-it’s-not-a-great-book faction. Still another troop have to laugh out loud to call a novel one of the best. Some won’t read anything but alpha heroes, others prefer Amazon warrior women.

For me, some of the oldies are the books I go back to time and time again. Here’s my list of great reads (and not in any particular order):

Pride and Prejudice & every book by Jane Austen
Only Mine
Jane Eyre
MacKenzie’s Mountain
Gone With The Wind
Whitney My Love
Flowers From The Storm
It Had To Be You
Midnight Angel
The Flame and The Flower
Come Dream of Me
Devil’s Club
Son of The Morning

And those are just the books that popped into my mind right away. The list goes on and on…does yours?

What makes a book a great read for you? Do you have faves that you return to time and time again?

It’s March and there’s definitely going to be a Freebie Friday this month—heck who knows—maybe more than one *wink wink*.

So, stay tuned for some quirky surprises!



Satan’s Delish!

Satan-Jianne_Carlo-200x320Got the cover for Book #5 in The Hades Squad series today and couldn’t resist sharing.

Isn’t this totally scrumptious?

A nice way to end the week!




P.S. I’m part of Night Owl Reviews Fine Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt!

Check out my prize on March 1, 2015!

Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt

Happy Birthday Mom!


Mom in Monaco

Today is my mother’s eightieth birthday. What’s more amazing than the sheer number of years she’s lived are the drastic events my mom’s lived through—World War II for instance. When she speaks of the black bread and food rationing during those years, I am astounded.

My mother’s an incredible woman. She was born of Portuguese parents in Georgetown, Guyana and grew up in that city. She knew tragedy early in life. At the age of nine, her two eldest brothers drowned on the same day. Her parents were poor immigrants and struggled to keep her in school, yet she graduated high school. She met my father at the tender age of eighteen, and they were married less than a year later.

That doesn’t sound significant, but my mother married a mixed-race man in 1955 (against her parent’s wishes). In those days, the population of the Caribbean, Guyana included, was strictly segregated—albeit voluntarily.

She went on to give birth to one girl (me) and three sons. Today she is chairwoman of a Caribbean conglomerate, and, at the age of eighty, still goes to work each and every single day. She has eight grandchildren (who she totally dotes on), three nieces, and one nephew.

When my father died 23 years ago, my mom was the glue that held the family together. In the Caribbean, it was unheard of for a ‘woman’ to take the reins of a large company, and many expected that the business my parents founded would fall into bankruptcy. No way. My mother refused to let that happen. She’s stubborn like bull and told the bankers holding our loans to go where the sun don’t shine.

You may have gathered that I’m proud of her. You bet.

Mom and I didn’t have much of a relationship until after my dad died (I was daddy’s little girl—totally). But, then my mother and I did a twenty-eight day road trip through Monaco, France, and Spain, and we bonded. I love you mom and wish you many, many more birthdays.

All my love always,
