Satan Goodreads Giveaway!

Check out my Goodreads Giveaway for Satan, Hades Squad #5! Two days before Satan releases and you can still pre-order your copy at:


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Satan by Jianne Carlo


by Jianne Carlo

Giveaway ends April 30, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Freebie Friday – March 25, 2015!

Yay – it’s Freebie Friday!

Today  I’m running a multiple choice contest for Freebie Friday. 

What’s the prize?

The Secret Decadent Pleasure listed when you signed up for my newsletter!


eCopy of Sinner or eCopy of Lucifer – Winner’s Choice!


All you have to do is answer the question below. Correct answers will be entered into the contest. Contest ends Sunday, March 29, 2015. Winner will be announced on Monday, March 30, 2015 here, on my FB author page, and on Twitter.

Winner must contact me at: [email protected] to collect prizes.

*Embarrassing Note* – I screwed up – there was supposed to be a #4, but I forgot it.

Which of the following is true?

1. Sinner’s real name is Lincoln Chapman

2. Devil wins Jess at a charity auction

3. Demon’s nickname is The Silent Killer

5. Nalini seduces Lucifer because he’s her first crush

6. Angel meets Satan at a charity auction

ALL answers are on this site.

Have a fantabulous Friday!

Demon Releases Today!

demon_jianne_carloEvery author’s asked to name their favorite story or hero—it’s the one question every author hates, because it’s akin to asking who’s your favorite child.


Demon and Jacinta and the setting of their story is very dear to me. I was born in Guyana, and one of my most memorable trips is the one my mom made us all take after my father died. My dad so wanted us to know the beauty of the land. The country, Guyana, is beautiful and dangerous, and also the place that ultimately killed him.

If I had a favorite book, this would be it.

Have a terrific Thor’s Day!

Demon & Satan Available for Pre-Order on Amazon!

Big High Five. Both Demon and Satan, the fourth and fifth book in the Hades Squad series, are now available for pre-order on Amazon.

Click on either cover to go to Amazon:

Demon-Jianne_Carlo-200x320                 Satan-Jianne_Carlo-200x320


Here’s a little teaser excerpt from Demon:
In this scene Demon and Jacinta are on a taxi boat on The Orinoco River.


Demon sat on a bench at the farthest end and held her close.

Jacinta counted the number of times the boat rocked. Twenty-three. He had said a couple dozen men.

An acrid aroma hit her nostrils before a motor roared to life.

“Okay.” His mouth grazed her ear. “No one can see your face. You can look around if you want to, but only over my shoulder.”

A boon she hadn’t expected. The sun lit the rippling river silver, but right below the bow, the waters held a brown-red tinge. She couldn’t see the far bank but glimpsed a thin black line when they neared the middle of the Orinoco. Birds gathered above an area to the left and swooped down to the surface in great, graceful arcs. Conflicting aromas mingled around a sharp bend, the pungent stink of fresh-cut bait when a fishing boat trolled past, the dank odors of oil, smoke, and gasoline, and when a stiff breeze reversed direction, the musty fragrance of males sweating.

The constant drumming of the engine drowned the men’s voices.

“Is Hugo your business colleague?”

He drew back and then nudged her jaw. “He’s a man I’m forced to do business with. He is not to be trusted. You’re never to be alone with him. Understand?”

Sim. Yes, I understand. And Pedro, the one who will slice your balls? He is not to be trusted either?” Jacinta flinched at the flash of anger sparking from his eyes, now a deep brown.

“You’ll never see him. I’ll make sure of that.” He fiddled with a spike of her hair. “It’ll grow back. Unless you’d planned to cut it short when you say your vows?”

“I decided not to say them a while ago. After I first got to the school.”

“Tell me more about the school.” He shifted and helped her to straddle him. “Put your arms around my neck. I’m going to kiss you in a few minutes.”

For a second, she couldn’t breathe. She had never been kissed, but then she’d never done the other and that had definitely not been pleasant.

However, he had saved her from the direst ordeal, and she definitely liked being in his arms. And she could never repay him for his rescue.

The day girls at school had spoken of kissing. Waxed lyrical about how wonderful it felt and had gone all dreamy-eyed and giggled in a way that had embarrassed her to no end.

“We kiss to prove to Hugo that I am your woman?”

“Hugo and his sidekick, Brio, as well as the other men.”

A kiss couldn’t hurt.

“Is Brio on board?”

“No. He’s joining us in a couple of days. Now. The school. How many pupils?” He tweaked her nose when she didn’t reply right away.

“Forty-three. I was older than most of the girls. There were twenty-five boarders and the eighteen day girls. The day girls were all from Boa Vista. At first, we weren’t allowed to mix, but when the new principal came, that changed. And we were even allowed to go into the nearest towns. There were so many new and exciting things that I had never even heard of.”

“Like what?” His breath smelled fruity.

“Music. We sang hymns and chanted in the convent, but had only a rusted organ that no longer worked. I couldn’t get enough of music. All the rhythms. And all the instruments.”

“What else?”

“Ice cream. Popcorn. Apples. So many delicious tastes. After the first visit to town, I knew I would not take my vows. So I decided to do what the boarders did. Learn a trade.”

He captured her chin, moved his thumb along the seam of her mouth, and whispered, “Lick your lips.”

She was lost the second his mouth brushed hers. What a feeling he evoked. Ice and fire at the same time. Heaven. Bliss. All the stuff the day girls had told her was true. Pure enchantment, kissing. His lips proved soft and supple, firm and insistent, and made her head spin.

“Open for me,” he ordered.


Hope you enjoyed!


Hunk/Hump Day!

Now that I have five Hades Squad covers, all the work of the uber-talented Georgia Woods, I had, had to show them off all side by side. What better day than hunk day!

Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Lucifer-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Devil-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Demon-Jianne_Carlo-100x160  Satan-Jianne_Carlo-100x160

I looove these covers!

And since it is hump day as well and I looove the GEICO camel ads, here’s one for you:

A quick reminder about the Night Owl Reviews Find Your Next Great Read Scavenger Hunt! Here’s the link and a list of prizes:



Enter to win a $500 Amazon Gift Card!

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Have a Happy Hump Day!

