I can hardly believe June’s almost over. No kidding, it feels like it was just New Year’s. Shoot. Now, I have to be on fast forward for the rest of the year. Yikes!
Lately, I’ve had tons of emails or pokes about the status of books for the year. So, here’s an update on all the works in process:
That Pearly Drop
First version completed. Yay!!
Viking in Chains, Jomsviking Blood Brothers #1
Chapter 3 completed.
The Wolf with the Broken Smile, White Wolf #4
Chapter 2 completed.
Shift’s Bacchanal, Hades Squad #5
Chapter 1 still in progress.
Wolf Without, Ricky’s Landing Book #1
Chapter 1 completed.
Many of you know I always have at least two books going, but this is a record for me – four at once. I try to write a minimum of 2000 words a day, and, when I’m stuck on one, I simply move to another. It keeps my frustration level low and, a few days away from one work helps to ‘un-stick’ me.
The day for drawing my GRAND contest winner’s fast approaching – July 4, 2013. I’ll be tweeting and announcing the number of days left to enter the contest starting from today. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment – but see the contest page here to increase your odds of winning a:
The more comments, tweets, FB likes, and shares, the more you increase your odds of winning! Go for it. Check out the contest page for all the details.
Hope you had a great weekend!