Freebie Friday Winner!!!

Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-200x320Okay just so everyone knows—the Viking chooses my winners—so put all the blame on him.

The winner of my first Freebie Friday giveaway is *cymbal clash* drum roll*


Winter, please choose a book from my backlist and let me know what format you want via email: [email protected].

But—but—but—because I’m a total suck and hate anyone losing (my side, usually) here’s the way I make everyone a winner…*cymbal clash*…

EVERYONE who commented on my first Freebie Friday wins a copy of Sinner. I’ll gift it to Winter, Patricia, Ginger, Jessica, Titiana, Susan W, Cindy, Tina B, and Timitra on the day of release—February 5, 2015!

And everyone who commented and  who’s signed up for my newsletter will receive a sneak preview of Satan’s tale if you want—you have to email me and let me know that you’re interested.

There, now if that doesn’t start the week off right with everyone being a winner—nothing will!

Have a merry Monday!



Freebie Fridays From Jianne Carlo!

abstract-party-1For 2015, I’ve decided to run a Freebie Friday. Anyone who visits and comments between Friday and the following Monday will be eligible to win a Freebie from me on selected Fridays every month.

What’s the Freebie you ask? It’ll depend upon my mood—maybe an Amazon GC, or maybe a Regal GC, or maybe a book, or, if you’re registered for my newsletter—then maybe your secret indulgence.

Which Fridays will this run? You guessed it—whenever I choose. But it’ll be at least once a month, sometimes more, and sometimes every single fricking Friday.

This Friday, the Freebie is a copy of a book from my backlist AND—if you subscribe to my newsletter—a sneak preview of Satan, Hades Squad Book#5.

Let’s have fun on Fridays!



Tantalizing Thor’s Day with Ann Gimpel and Icy Passage!

This tantalizing Thor’s Day Ann Gimpel is treating us to a teaser excerpt from her latest work, Icy Passage. Icy Passage releases on February 5, 2105, but is available for pre-order now:

Ann’s offering a $5.00 Amazon GC to one lucky commentor!

Please leave your email address in the comment. Take it away Ann!

Icy_Passage-Ann_Gimpel-mockup1Lethal cultures, bizarre illness, and political intrigue create an unlikely backdrop for love in Antarctica, the last true frontier.

Fresh out of residency, Dr. Kayna Quan opts for a tour in Antarctica. Money is short, so she hires on as medical officer aboard a Russian research vessel headed for McMurdo Station. Primed for almost anything, she plays her paranormal ability close to the vest. Being odd man out in a world where most don’t believe in magic makes her wary and feisty.

Brynn McMichaels has been stationed on remote South Georgia Island for two years, and he’s eager for a change. When cultures of the single-celled organism, archaea, overgrow their bins in his lab and begin shifting into another form, he worries he’s losing his mind and talks with scientists at McMurdo, but they have problems of their own—bad ones. After he hears about them, Brynn agrees to help. The weather’s too uncertain to send a plane, so he hitches a ride aboard Kayna’s ship and brings his mutant culture colonies along.

Attraction sparks, hot and powerful, between Brynn and Kayna, but her disclosure about her magic is a tough nut to crack. It doesn’t help that her dead father is stalking her. Lethal cultures, bizarre illness, and McMurdo’s refusal to let them land force Brynn and Kayna into an uneasy alliance. Will their fragile bond be enough to thwart the powers trying to destroy Earth, and them along with it?


 Excerpt from Icy Passage:

…Kayna swallowed uncertainty, not sure what to say. “Your life sounds so barren.” A lot like mine, actually. “Are you married?”

“Why, Doctor.” He cocked his head to one side, but didn’t stop running his thumb along her jawline. “What a leading question.”

“Are you going to answer it?” Her throat was dry, and she’d never been more aware of a man’s presence. He was alive, electric. If she closed the few inches between their faces, she could taste his lips. He wouldn’t rebuff her. She sensed his interest, but the wife question was important. The raven spread its wings, flew a few feet, and settled again. Approval gleamed from his eyes. Kayna did a double take. Her spirit guide had never showed his beak in all the years she was with Derek, but he was certainly front and center tonight.

It’s almost as if he’s giving Brynn his seal of approval…

Oh for the love of Pete. I’m extrapolating all over the f**king place.

Brynn’s voice took on a husky note. “I had a girlfriend, another M.D. We were together for years. She wanted more than I could give. Eventually, she left me.” He glanced down and Kayna sensed his internal conflict, raw and palpable, before he met her gaze again. “I don’t blame her. I wasn’t very…present.”

“Maybe, she’d still be open to—”

Brynn shook his head. “Too much bad water under the bridge. She told me not to find her after she left. I ignored that wish, exactly like I’d ignored most of her other ones.” A muscle twitched beneath one of his eyes, betraying tension. “The row we had once I tracked her down wasn’t pretty. Not too long after that, I landed a job with a British bioresearch firm and left for South Georgia Island.”

“We have at least a few things in common,” she murmured.

“Like what?” He inscribed small circles on her cheek before moving his hand down her neck.

“I had a boyfriend—another doc, like your partner—but he dumped me once I told him I was going to McMurdo for a year.”

Brynn looked at her, his eyes brimming with emotions he probably didn’t let out to play often. When he angled his head and closed his mouth over hers, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and drew him close. Hard planes of muscle met her fingertips, and she reveled in how good he felt. His crisp masculine scent, sandalwood and amber, eddied about her. When he ran his tongue along the seam in her lips, she opened her mouth and welcomed him. He tasted sweet like the scotch, and his lips became harder and more demanding as she let him explore her mouth.

Brynn threaded his arms around her and buried a hand in her hair, cradling the back of her head. Her breath quickened, and her nipples hardened where they pressed against his chest. It had been months since she’d had sex. Even before her blowup with Derek, he hadn’t touched her in a long time. Need licked at her, hot and urgent, in a rush of hormones all too aware her biological clock was running out of time. Encouragement glittered in the raven’s eyes, and she felt him urge her on.

It would be easy to stretch out on the cushions, slide her tights down, and draw Brynn into her. Too easy. Her body screamed for release, but common sense intruded and she pulled away, panting slightly. “You’re a very attractive man, but this isn’t a good idea.”

“Bad call,” the raven spoke up.

Holy crap snackers! I’ve had too much to drink.

Kayna made a grab for rationality, but the raven stayed put, no longer talking, but with his avian attention glued to her.

“I’d try to argue,” Brynn said, his voice thick with need, “except I agree.” He kneaded the back of her neck. It felt heavenly and she leaned into his touch. “Not that I don’t want to make love with you,” his gaze, dark gold now, bored into her, “because I do. Very much. But I want to take this slow. Get to know you.”

His words made something warm and fluttery begin in her belly and spread outward. She untangled her arms from his body and got to her feet. “We’ll have time to figure this out.”

“Maybe,” he said carefully, and something in his voice—perhaps regret—snared her attention.

“Why maybe?”

“You’re staying at McMurdo. I plan to go home after a couple weeks there.”

With her body buzzing from his touch, and her spirit guide still making his presence—and opinion—known, she murmured, “One step at a time. We’ll see how things unfold.”

Brynn looked at her, his hazel gaze unreadable. “It’s been a long day. Both of us should try to get some sleep.”

She nodded and made her way out of the bar, lurching with the ship’s motion. Brynn had his secrets, like she had hers. She sensed his inner turmoil with her paranormal antennae. It was unlikely he could see into her with the same level of accuracy, but none of that mattered. Whether they’d even arrive at McMurdo remained to be seen.

Hell, he may not be able to live with my secrets even if we make McMurdo.

And I might not be able to stomach his.

Secrets aside, why did my raven show up?…



What a sizzling exceprt – thanks Ann for titillating us today!

Ann GimpelAnn Gimpel Bio:
Ann Gimpel is a national bestselling author. She’s also a clinical psychologist, with a Jungian bent. Avocations include mountaineering, skiing, wilderness photography and, of course, writing. A lifelong aficionado of the unusual, she began writing speculative fiction a few years ago. Since then her short fiction has appeared in a number of webzines and anthologies. Her longer books run the gamut from urban fantasy to paranormal romance. She’s published over 25 books to date, with several more contracted for 2015 and beyond.
A husband, grown children, grandchildren and three wolf hybrids round out her family.

Contact Ann:
@AnnGimpel (for Twitter)


Remember to leave your email address in the comment 🙂
Happy Thors Day!


Prymal Passion, Sinner, and Lucifer Available for Pre-Order!


Thrilling news—for me anyway! Prymal Passion, Sinner, and Lucifer are all available for PRE-ORDER at Amazon!

Click on the covers to go to Amazon

Prymal_Passion-Jianne_Carlo-150x240         Sinner-Jianne_Carlo-150x240       Lucifer-Jianne_Carlo-150x240


Release Dates:

February 5, 2015: Prymal Passion. Prymal #3

The Hades Squad series will be released two weeks apart starting in March. There are five books in the series, Sinner, Lucifer, Devil, Demon, and Satan. Here’s the blurb for the series:

Sinner, Satan, Lucifer, Devil, and Demon, are ex-SEALs embarking on civilian life by starting a new security firm, The Hades Squad. Each man meets his mate in unusual circumstances. Sinner lands in Destiny’s pear rree, Devil finds his all-American Jess in a BDSM club, Lucifer doesn’t recognize his best friend’s grown up sister, Nalini, Demon rescues his Jacinta from a gang rape, and Satan…well you’ll have to wait for that one.

The Hades Squad books, Sinner, Lucifer, Devil, and Demon are re-releases. Each one has been re-edited and changed. For all of those who’ve read the first four, Sinner has a new chapter and new characters. Satan, of course, will be completely new, and his book will be released at the end of April, 2015.

Amazon will be running $.99 specials on the first four over March and April, and anyone who’s interested in getting advance notice of the special pricing dates need only sign up for my newsletter. I will also tweet and FB the dates as well.

Each Hades Squad title will release every two weeks starting in March, 2015. This will be followed by Prymal Hunger, Kydd Kolton’s tale, in May.

As you can see, I’ve a busy bee for the first month of the year.

The winners of the Nice Girls Writing Naughty HEAT UP THE NEW YEAR EVENT are:






Have a marvelous Monday,





Tantalizing Thursday ! Sneak Preview of Allie Ritch’s Drinking Partners!

Today is Tantalizing Thursday on my site! This is new for 2015 and what I’m doing is inviting other authors to give us sneak previews of an upcoming release. I’m so thrilled to have author and friend Allie Ritch inaugurate Tantalizing Thursday.

allie ritch site header

Allie’s giving away a copy of her latest release, Drinking Partners, to one lucky commenter. So leave your email addy in the comment!

Welcome Allie and take it away!

Thanks for having me on your blog, Jianne. You’re always such a good friend and gracious host. What I’d like to share today is the journey of a book — how I first came up with the idea for my latest novel, Vampire Territory 1: Drinking Partners. To celebrate my new release, I’m also doing a giveaway. Commenters, please include your e-mail address in the body of your comments for a chance to win an e-book copy of Drinking Partners.

The journey for some books is longer than others, and Drinking Partners had by far one of the longest. I was looking through stacks of my old writing journals, which I use to jot down ideas for books, when I came across a concept I’d thought of in the 1990’s. You didn’t misread that. Yes, I really said the 90’s. Back when P. Diddy was still Puff Daddy and Madonna was reinventing herself and becoming a mommy. So many book ideas run through my brain that some get shoved to the back, and this one finally elbowed its way to the forefront. The idea was simple: two master vampires — both strong alphas, lethal and cunning — fall for each other but have trust issues.

I’ve always loved vampire fiction, starting with writers like Anne Rice and Fred Saberhagen and continuing with Laurell K. Hamilton, Christine Feehan, and other great authors today. When I rediscovered my premise for my own vampire book, I couldn’t wait to run with it. Drinking Partners was born. Or should I say reborn?

This book is definitely the darkest and edgiest one I’ve written. I may have watched Kill Bill around the time I was writing it, and there’s definitely a lot of action. The heroine, Alexandra, is a badass with guns and swords and even a machete. She doesn’t go looking for trouble, but because she’s a turned vampire — one considered lower class — plus a member of the “weaker sex” according to the older bloodsuckers, trouble has a way of finding her.

Lucas has his own battles and is ruthless in protecting those he cares about. Once Alex and Lucas team up, she becomes the person he cares about most. And what does a master vampire get his lover when she likes to shoot and decapitate her enemies? Find out in an excerpt from Drinking Partners:

AR_VT1_DrinkingPartners@AllieRitch Brings on the Fangs in Drinking Partners

Blurb: Being the master vampire for the Mid-Atlantic Territory is a tough job. Between the Human Rebellion trying to kill him with poisonous suicide donors and snobby born vampires bucking his authority, Lucas Thane has his hands full. What he needs is a regular drinking partner to feed from and a bigger power block. He finds both in the form of Alexandra Gage, the master of the territory south of his.

Alex could use a little help herself, but she has no intention of letting Lucas take over. Turned into a vampire against her will, she has had enough control taken from her. She’ll never let Lucas usurp her right to rule, but will she let him steal her heart? Passion ignites between them, and it’s amazing what vampire bodies can do.

Buy Links:

Drinking Partners is available at Loose Id, Amazon, ARe, and other places where e-books are sold.

Excerpt from Drinking Partners:

She reached inside for the sparkly handle of a short sword. The hilt was made of walnut as dark and rich as her brown leather coat. The wood had been carved, and centered within each diamond etching was a pale-blue gemstone.

“It’s exactly what I wanted. How did you know?”

“I pay attention to everything that interests you.”

That was a very smooth answer.

“Are those real sapphires?” she asked.

“Blue diamonds.” Lucas traced the curve of her cheek with one finger. “They’re the same color as your eyes.”

Her heart flipped. He’d gotten her diamonds after all.

Alex’s hand trembled as she reached for the exquisite weapon and pulled it free of its sheath. The blade was clean and unmarked and so sharp it sang when she sliced it through the air. It was a work of art.

There was more, though. She reluctantly set aside her new sword so she could pull out the large wooden box that rested next to it. The lid was hinged, and she swung it open to see a matching handgun. He must have had the pair custom-made for her, though she hadn’t a clue how he’d managed to have them done this quickly.

“Do you know what it is?” he asked.

She was practically drooling over the gun. “Are you kidding me? It’s a Colt M1911.”

“You know your guns.”

“My father taught me.” She let the remark slip without thinking.

Lucas regarded her closely. “That’s an unusual thing for a father to share with his daughter. Was he in the firearms business?”

“No, more like a military man,” she said. “This is a beautiful custom-made piece. A collector’s wet dream.”

He barked out another laugh. “You could say that. I knew you’d shoot me on the spot if I gave you some dainty compact pistol.”

The idea didn’t bear thinking about.

A sensual shiver traveled down Alex’s spine when she traced the stylized fleur-de-lis engraved along the slide and frame. The grip panel was made of walnut with the same pattern of carvings and blue diamonds as the sword. She picked it up and felt a smile split her face.

The single-stacked magazine offered her a narrower handle, which was a much better fit than some of the stockier pieces. All those gemstones were cool against her palm and made sure her grip didn’t slide. She liked the weight and balance too. All in all, it felt pretty damn good.

“I’ll get you something else if this doesn’t suit you,” Lucas said.

“Oh, this suits me.” She might never put it down.

Alex kept it in her hand, muzzle pointed toward the floor and finger off the trigger, as she stepped into his body. She tilted her head to press her lips to his and slipped her tongue behind his teeth when he opened for her. He was yummier than any chocolate, with the same amount of dark and sweet in his makeup. If she hadn’t been sure before, she was now. She’d fallen for the vampire.

Drinking Partners is available at Loose Id, Amazon, ARe, and other places where e-books are sold.

Allie’s Contact Info:
Amazon Author Page:

Wow! Drinking Partners sounds like a fantabulous read!!! This one’s my reward reading this weekend. Thank so much for sharing, Allie. And may the Gods allow us to finally meet in person this year!  (Allie and I live about an hour away from each other and still haven’t met in person)

Remember to include your email address in your comment to win a copy of Drinking Partners!

Have a tantalizing Thursday!

