Books To Go Now’s Hot Summer Nights Blog Hop May 22- May 29, 2013

BWS tips button Welcome to the Books To Go Now’s Hot Summer Nights Blog Hop!

We are offering two Grand Prizes!! In order for readers to take part, they must leave their comment and email address.  Two winners will be chosen at random and notified no later than May 31, 2013.

1st Grand Prize: (1) Kindle Fire!

2nd Grand Prize: (1) $100 Amazon Gift Card

I’m offering to give my  entire Mambo Mediterranean Series to one lucky commenter.

The Winner will be announced on May 30, 2013 – check back here to claim your prize, or check my FB or Twitter posts.

Anyone who leaves a comment with their email address is entered in not only this blog hop, but my KINDLE FOR FIREWORKS CONTEST. That’s two chances to win TWO KINDLE FIRES.

Without further ado, here is my post for the Hot Summer’s Night Blog Hop:

TN_3_JC_CarnalinCannes_coverinExcerpt from Carnal in Cannes:

Martine took two steps forward, set her palms on his chest, and their gazes fastened. “Is it now that we play your Blind Man’s game?”
“Have you been thinking about it all evening?” Harry asked.
“C’est intriguing non? But where do we find the blind man? And who is nekkid?”
Harry chuckled, retrieved a tie from the closet, and wrapped the red strip of silk around her palm.
“Tie it around my eyes,” he ordered.
When Martine had him good and truly trussed she asked, “What now?”
He swung into a horizontal position on the mattress, rested his head in his hands, and said, “Rule number one. You get to do anything you want. Have anything you want. Stop anytime you want. It’s all about you. The goal of the game is to identify whatever you’re holding or touching or kissing.”
“And rule number two?”
“I get a turn after you.”
She fell silent studying the sculpted lines of his male beauty.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, Martine,” Harry said, and he turned his head on the pillow, easily pinpointing her direction despite the blindfold. “Tell me what you want.”
Working up the courage to answer, she inhaled the aromas of the candles, a cleansing ginseng fragrance, and on her exhale she skittered closer and brushed her lips on the cusp of his shoulder. Admiring his bulging muscles, the sharp indentation midarm to his elbow, she ran her fingers down his warm flesh. The nuns avoided all mention of body parts and workings, and she’d reached adulthood aware mainly of how coupling occurred.
“What is this muscle, Harry?” She squeezed the thickest part of his arm.
For a few seconds he didn’t answer, and her stomach went all jittery.
“That’s the deltoid. Feels good when you do that.”
“You have beautiful shoulders, strong, and I can see where each muscle begins and ends.” She bent to kiss a taut spot near the crook of his neck. “And this?” Her exhale sifted a lock of warm brown hair curling around a vein that went all the way to his ear. Unable to resist she traced the throbbing vessel, nuzzling the damp flesh cording his throat.
“Trapezius,” he replied, his voice low and husky.
“I know these,” she said, placing her palms flat on his chest. “Pectorals. Men are so different here from women.”
“Praise the Lord almighty,” Harry muttered.
“So strong,” she murmured, fingering a ridged groove of flesh extending from the middle of his torso. “This is the six-pack, non? Three here and three on the other side. This one lower than its mate.”
On impulse she leaned over and used the tip of her tongue to trace each grove. Harry intoxicated her senses. She grew drunk on his now familiar Harry fragrance—soap, the CK aftershave she’d discovered in the bathroom, and a spiciness all his own. Her ears filled with his each rasped inhale, each muffled grunt, and the occasional hiss when she hit a sensitive spot.
Her tongue absorbed the slight musk and salt in the taste of him, and she closed her eyes to savor his flavor and smell, hoping she’d always be able to conjure the aroma after their year ended. She laid her cheek to his belly and ran a finger around the rim of his navel. A film of sweat coated his skin there, making the ridges outlining his six-pack glisten.

Hope you enjoyed!

Here’s the linky list to go onto the next blog in the hop!

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Winners, Winners, and more Winners!

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-133x200Okay, I’ve been remiss in announcing the winners of a few contests – thanks for the prodding Sydney!

The winners of The Romance Studio Release party of May 9 & 10 are:

$10.00 Amazon Gift Card – Colleen is the winner!

eBook copy of Vengeance Hammer – Twania is the winner!

The winner of the Caliente Blog Hop is Jeanette Platt!

The winner of the Sinful Siren’s Blog Hop is Renee B!

I’ll be sending out emails to everyone today.

Have a great Tuesday!




Winners, Winners, and more Winners!

VengeanceHammer_ByJianneCarlo-133x200Okay, I’ve been remiss in announcing the winners of a few contests – thanks for the prodding Sydney!

The winners of The Romance Studio Release party of May 9 & 10 are:

$10.00 Amazon Gift Card – Colleen is the winner!

eBook copy of Vengeance Hammer – Twania is the winner!

The winner of the Caliente Blog Hop is Jeanette Platt!

The winner of the Sinful Siren’s Blog Hop is Renee B!

I’ll be sending out emails to everyone today.

Have a great Tuesday!




Sinful Sirens Blog Hop – May 15 to May 20, 2013


Welcome to the Sinful Sirens Blog THop hosted by Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews and Undercover Book Reviews! This hop is all about sinful sirens (don’t we all want to be a sinful siren?)! There are a ton of wonderful authors and sites on this tour, so grab a glass of your favorite sinful concoction, settle down, and enjoy some hot reads.

My prize for this hop will be an autographed print copy of Manacled in Monaco or, for international commenters, the eCopy version of the book!

To win simply do one of the following:

Add me on Google+

Like my Facebook Author Page:

Follow me on Twitter:

Like my Amazon Author Page:

Leave me a comment and let me know what you’ve done. Please put NO in the comment if you do not want to receive announcements on my latest release.

JC_ManacledInMonaco_inHere’s a Sinful Siren moment from Manacled in Monaco:

Sarita purred.

“I remember that sound,” Rolan whispered, his lips moving against hers. “I’ve listened for it for the last ten years. Sarita, if I’d known about Tony, I would have done the right thing. Let’s do it now.”

He nibbled her lower lip and the memories flared across her pupils. He’d kissed her for what seemed an eternity that night. Lazy, slow tastings, sipping at her mouth as if it contained life’s precious nectar. The star of the football team, the most handsome boy in town kissing her, wanting her.

She moaned as his teeth sank a gentle pressure on her lip.

“Again,” he commanded. “Make that sexy noise again.”

Unable to prevent it, she moaned again.

“Jesus, I’m losing it.”

He shoved her dress up, found the ridge of her thong and slithered a hand inside, growling when he found her moist, slick, needy. “Jesus. Purr for me, Sarita honey, purr for me. “

And she did, a little throaty sound coated deep inside, although she tried to bury it.

He slid two fingers in and she clenched around him, muscles spasming like a hot, tight little vacuum. She arched, spine taut, and mewled sweet sounds of rapture.

Right there on the deck braced against the rail, she had her first orgasm, convulsing around thick fingers, dress shoved up baring her ass.

His whole body tightened and he shuddered, and held her smothered tight to him.

An uncomfortable eternity elapsed, painted with uneasy silence and labored breaths.

The sun beat down on her back and shoulders, the wind died, and waves slapped against the Glory’s hull rhythmically, like a drum beating to the humming of the ship’s engine. He gathered her closer, one hand stroking her spine, and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

Sarita sighed and wanted to stay in his arms forever.

And then he burst into a loud chortle, his lips nuzzling her nape, tickling the skin there.

Cheeks heating, her neck muscles knotted.

“That’s the second time. And only you do it to me.”

“I don’t understand,” she mumbled, her words muffled against his dark shirt.

“I’ve lost control completely only two times in my life. That night on the football field and a couple of minutes ago. Thank God Terry had the foresight to take us out to sea.”

She wriggled her hips, all of a sudden aware his fingers were still buried deep inside her.

“Don’t even think of asking me. Right now, all I want to do is bring you off again. My fingers stay where they are until I catch a second wind.”

Hope you enjoyed!

To continue on the blog hop click on one of the links below:

Have a great week!



Mother’s Day Flowers!

I had to share the beautiful flowers we, my mom and I, received for Mother’s Day.

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My thanks to my sons and my nephew, Devon, for making the day so special for both Mom and I.

