RT14 – What a Blast!

I had a fantabulous time at The Romantic Times Convention. I met so many authors that I only knew online. So wonderful to put faces and names together and to forge new friendships. Here are a few more pics from last week.

RT14 - LYNN       RT14 - PARKER

Lynn Lorenz & Sue Lyndon                                                      Parker Kincade


                                                                                                        Sierra Cartwright & Fan



Brinda Berry                                                                            Belinda McBride

  Heather Graham Performing

                                                                                                            Heather Graham Performing



                                                                                                               The Bridge





Birthday Thanks!

My sincere thanks to everyone for their good wishes yesterday on my birthday. It turned out to be a wonderful day. First there were the birthday flowers:

041314 FLOWERS 1   041314 FLOWERS 2

After a leisurely cup of coffee, the dh and I took Ricky (the best present ever!) for a walk.

041314 SAWGRASS6

Then my girlfriend, Tamarind, and her husband treated the two of us and my two sons (the wayward one’s in California) to brunch at Oceans 2000. Yummy stone crabs, oysters, and a whole bunch of other seafood plus champers. Even though it was rainy and grim (which made it the perfect temperature here in South Florida) the misted ocean, and the rolling waves made for an incredible setting. How can anyone go wrong with a combination of a perfect view, friends and family, and fabulous food?

Here’s a pick of the antique cake dish Tamarind gave me (I collect, according to the dh, ‘useless pink glass’):

Cake with Ricky card


And I can’t possibly mention or post a pic of the dh’s gifts…*wicked grin*.
Sigh, the only downside was that birthday number edging closer to the ‘big one.’
Have a magnificent Monday!


TBR Pile Thursday Teaser!

TBR - teaserCheck out the TBR Pile’s Teaser Thursday and win a $5.00 gift card and a free copy of the Viking paranormal, Branded by Étaín, and two other eBooks!

Link is here:


Have a Terrific Thursday!



Spring Fling Blog Hop Winners!


Here are the grand prize winners for the Spring Fling Blog Hop!

Kindle Fire— Sally Fryman Wagoner

$75 Amazon Gift Card— Eva

$25 Starbucks Gift Card— Eva Millien

$25 Blushing Books Gift Card— Kathy Osborn

$25 Loose-Id Gift Card— Jessica Subject

And here are the winners of my prize, an eCopy of Cupid’s Arrow:


Anyone who even glances at my blog once in a while knows I’m a total suck and that I love announcing winners…sigh, so it’s no wonder right that I decided on two other winners – YAY!

Okay, so because I feel sorry for Marybeth who’s stuck in snow – you’re a winner too!

And for Ray who thought Cupid’s Arrow was an original and unusual title – you won a free copy of Cupid’s Arrow!

Hope I made someone’s day 🙂



Spring Fling Blog Hop!

Sepia Shot of a Young Kissing Couple.Today, I’m part of Jane Wakely’s Spring Fling Blog Hop.  Here are the prizes for the hop:

1 Kindle Fire (Donated by Blushing Books)
1 $75 Amazon (or B&N) Gift Card
1 $25 Starbucks Gift Card (Donated by Sue)
1 $25 Blushing Books Gift Card (Donated by Patty)
1 $25 Loose Id Gift Card (Donated by Cara)

To that list – I’m adding a copy of my latest release, Cupid’s Arrow, Simply leave a comment and you’re entered in the contest.

NOTE: Winners will be announced here, on FB, and Twitter on Tuesday, March 25, 2014.

I live in South Florida so for us Spring is almost non-existent. We go from our delicious winter to hot, humid, sweltering summer. But, I lived in Canada for many years, and during that time, Spring was my favorite season. I love the absolute feeling of renewal, the surging energy on the first warm day, and that overwhelming belief that anything’s possible because Old Man Winter no longer rules.
Today, too, I handed in my completed contemporary paranormal suspense to my editor(Georgia Woods) at Taliesin Publishing , Wilde Wolf.

So, here’s a little Thursday Teaser from the book:


Tania, a Wylfen aristocrat, hooks up with a stranger right before her twin’s graduation from military college. Not hours later, the bottom drops out of her world when she’s introduced to Axe, her twin’s new SEAL commander. Then she discovers he’s a Wilde Wolf, the arch enemy of her people. Wylfen laws prohibit her from mating with a half-breed. If anyone finds out she’s mated with Axe, exile is the least she has to fear…

Excerpt (Unedited):

“I saw when you left the tablet behind on one of the chairs in the lobby yesterday. Tried to return it to you, but by the time I got to the door, you were speeding off in a cab. Took it to the front desk and gave them your description.” He toweled off the drop of perspiration beading a granite chin dusted with stubble the color of molasses.

The musky aroma of his sweat, the faint remnants of some sandalwoody aftershave, plus a flash of pheromones proved intoxicating. He stopped less than an arm’s length away from her but stood to her left giving her a profile view of him.

A bolt of lightning-white lust had Tania trembling from head to sock covered toes. Only by chewing the inside of her cheek did she manage to not check out his package. He had to have a big dick. Any man that warrior hard had to have a cock to go with those incredibly cut arms and legs.

Her vaginal walls pulsed. She couldn’t wait to have him hammering into her pussy.

When he grinned down at her, she was mesmerized by the way one lip quirked up at the corner, and a hint of a dimple flashed. “Well? Did Lost and Found contact you?”

Found what? Cripes. She’d been so caught up in visualizing his cock that the tablet had flown out of her head.

“Oh.” She willed her open mouth shut. “I mean. Yes, I got it back. Thank you. Thank you. I’d never expected to see it again. It’s my work tablet, and you’ve no idea how much I dreaded having to report it lost.”

He smiled and she went hurdling into another greedy-for-his-cock spiral. No one should have that kind of smile. Genuine. Reflected in his slate-colored eyes. Devilish. Almost wolfish. “Glad to be of help. Want to buy me a thank you drink?”

He felt it too. The sparks between them. And acknowledged it.

Was she going to get laid or what?

Tania went for the down and dirty. Human males were so easy to sex-manipulate. Every platitude about the little head ruling the big, but duh-uh horny, one was so true. “Do you one better. I haven’t had breakfast yet and, all of a sudden, I’m not in the mood for a workout. In a gym, that is. Want to have breakfast in bed with me?”

Hope you enjoyed!

To continue on the blog hop, click on the link below:


Here’s the Rafflecopter link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck to Everyone!

