Welcome to the In The Pages of a Good Book One Year Anniversary Blog Hop & Facebook Takeover!

This Blog Hop’s theme is Friendship. Next Wednesday, September 3rd, would have been my childhood BFF’s fifty-eight birthday. June 30th was the sixth anniversary of the death of Scottie, an incredible person and someone who made my life, and those of all privileged enough to be called friend, joyful.
Somewhere, somehow, sometime, in our youth, Tamarind, Scottie, and I became “The Three Musketeers.” Knowing Scottie, she would want us to celebrate her life, and I do so by giving you a sneak preview of my upcoming release, Book Two in the Prymal Series, Prymal Obsession and sharing at the end Scottie’s favorite Tamarind Ribs recipe.
Prymal Obsession:

The primal call of Mate Claim sparks a battle among the three species of shifters—Wylfen, Feral, & Rogue—and has for generations. These violent feuds incite hunts by humankind, driving shifters near extinction. To protect their people the aristocratic Wylfen ban the practice of Mate Claim. When a Rogue alpha claims a Wylfen female, the mated pair forms a coalition with a Feral male. An alliance is created: Prymal, a new species & pack born of Rogue, Wylfen, & Feral. And war begins…

Brut Jurango’s pack is one of butt-ugly misfits, and he’s devoted to each and every member. When his mate and his entire pack are’s slaughtered, he lives for one sole purpose–revenge. Brut’s a mixed breed, wolf, panther, and human. He had a mate, and shifters are supposed to have only one in a lifetime. So why can’t he resist Sidonie Walker’s call? Or is this just one more lie proliferated by the Wylfen?

Excerpt – Prymal Obsession – R- Rated:
This excerpt actually takes place in the first book in the series, Prymal Lust. This is when Brut and Sidonie first meet while Tania, the heroine, is auditioning to become the chef for the tapas bar, The Grape Escape, which Sidonie owns.

“They’re here.” Bandit stalked to her side. “Take a deep breath, darlin’. Now, smile. Your tasting menu’s delicious, eclectic, and a complete winner. If this idiot can’t recognize you’re a five star chef, then he doesn’t deserve you.”

Tania shot him a grateful glance. “I can’t thank you enough.”

She swept a glance around the other Prymal members. “All of you. I couldn’t have finished all this without you. I owe you each and every one of you. Big time.”

“Did we tell you our newly adopted motto? All for one and one for all.” The Kydd smiled at her.

Jurango studied the ceiling for a brief second and shook his head.

The back door eased open.

“That’s quite the tale, Sidonie.” Axe’s deep voice resonated through the kitchen.

Tania held her breath, her gaze glued to the widening space between the door and the kitchen wall. She blinked. Knuckled her eyes and re-focused.

A walking sex bomb pranced into the room.

The curvaceous woman had to be no more than five feet, but the six inch stilettos she wore thrust an alluring décolletage forward, and gave her the illusion of height.

She shot Axe what could only be described as a come-f**k-me, sex-kitten smile. “Querido call me Sid. Everyone does. Hmmm, this kitchen smells so delish, I’m about to have a foodie-orgasm.”

Tania bit her tongue. Fisted her hands. She had just so lost the job of chef at The Grape Escape. If ‘Sid’ so much as touched Axe the woman would have two black eyes and be thrown down the deck stairs.

Wild strawberry blonde curls danced around tanned, muscle-defined bare shoulders when Sid did a half pirouette. Her piercing blue eyes honed onto Jurango, slouched in his usual corner between the fridge and the counter. She waved slender fingers with oval-shaped lilac-painted nails. Her focus never wavered from Jurango. “Introduce me, Axe.”

Tania worked her jaw when the sleaze planted one hand on her hip and assumed a perfect red-carpet-pose.

Eva sidled closer to Tania. “What the heck is she not wearing?”

‘Sid’ almost wore a jeans skirt, a mauve spaghetti-strapped tank top with a short unzipped denim jacket. The pastel purple tank should’ve clashed with her hair, but instead somehow made her perfect ringlet curls glow. The skirt’s hem just, just brushed the apex of Sid’s shapely and toned thighs.

Tania barely managed to jerk her thoughts from murderous mayhem when Axe said, “Sid, this is my fiancée, Tania. Tania, meet Sidonie, the owner of The Grape Escape. Sid, in order, meet Eva, Jurango, The Kydd, Bandit, and Lycus.”

Tania spread her lips. Snarled, “Hello Sid. You’re late, Axe.”

Axe quirked a brow.

“Oh, dahling, don’t blame your hunky man. It was all my fault. I had to clean up a little ‘situation’ at the wine bar.” Sid beamed and ringed a finger around the tank’s neckline.

Not once had Sid looked Tania’s way.

The woman couldn’t haul her stare from Jurango’s scowling face. “Jurango, was it? Such an unusual name. Are you part of Tania’s cooking retinue?”

Jurango straightened. “No ma’am. I’m a simple ranch hand. With work to do. Later.”

Sid flinched as if struck physically. She recovered her aplomb in a millisecond and flashed a flawless, dimpled smile. Bright pink washed over her cheeks, but she firmed her chin, and traced Jurango’s rapid exit. Inspected the floor for a mere half a heartbeat. Took a deep inhale. “Not one for words, your Jurango.”

“Don’t take it personally, darlin’. He’s like that with everyone.” Bandit’s pleasant tone belied the anger glistening in his blue-black eyes.

Thumb hooked in a belt loop, the Kydd ambled over to Sidonie, and flashed her the smile that had won the retired UFC fighter turned actor a million followers on Facebook. He tipped his Stetson back to a rakish angle and drawled, “An absolute pleasure to meet you, sugah. The Grape Escape’s just become my favorite watering hole. I’ll round up my Hollywood buddies for the grand opening. Anything else you need, sugah, just whistle. I’ll get your cell from Tania later. Expect my call. It pains me to have to leave, but I’ve a prior commitment.”

Stunned, Tania couldn’t do anything but stare at The Kydd. She missed Sidonie’s reply to The Kydd’s declaration, and traced him as he strolled out the kitchen doorway.

Axe, looking prickle-pear cactus irritated, engaged Sidonie in a low conversation.

“Is it me, or did Kydd Kolton just announce Sidonie’s his newest f**k target?” Eva whispered.

Tania managed to retrieve her jaw from the floor. “Wow. I do believe that we just witnessed the formation of a sexual triangle inferno.”

“The static electricity in this room could fuel half of San Diego.” Eva did a mock-swipe of her forehead. “Whew.”

Hope you enjoyed!

ribs close up (2)Scottie’s Tamarind Ribs Recipe

5lbs Baby Back ribs
Coarse ground salt and pepper- it really does make a difference if you freshly grind both
1 cup Ketchup
2 level tablespoons soya sauce
3 level tablespoons tamarind concentrate (you can get this at Asian groceries)
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
Four minced large garlic cloves (you can adjust this, I love garlic)
A dash of hot sauce, your favorite, to taste (I have one son who loves hot, one who can’t abide, so I always err on the light side)
Depending upon the company coming, I may add a dash of either peanut or sesame oil to taste. I have a friend who is allergic to peanuts– check with your guests. Seal the ribs and the marinade in a plastic bag and turn every 12 hours for 24 hours.
Preheat your oven to the lowest possible temperature, which is probably around 170. Seal the ribs in two layers of aluminum foil (we say al-oo-m-i-u-m, you say aloominum). Set the ribs on a non-stick pan and roast for around 8 hours.

Preheat the grill to the highest setting. Sear the ribs (they’re already cooked). Serve with lots of tamarind sauce (recipe follows).

rib sauceTamarind Sauce
1 lb raw tamarind pods, brittle outer coating removed (hah, you Trinis say — talk about spouting the obvious. Ahem, I do live in the US and lawsuits…need I say more?)
1 cup brown sugar — Demerara if you can find it
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 heaped teaspoon each of minced ginger, garlic, and thyme
1 cup dark unflavored rum
Salt and pepper to taste

Simmer the above ingredients until the mixture thickens (alternately, you can do this in a slow cooker overnight), drain, and serve with the ribs.

My side dishes to this are usually crusty toasted French bread and a potato/green bean/ bacon/ salad tossed with a blue cheese vinaigrette. The green beans are healthy, the potato is the starch, and, well, the blue cheese and the bacon are food for your soul. Of course, wine and beer just add to the gusto!

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Join me, Jianne Carlo, at The Romance Studio’s End of Summer Bash: August 25 to 31!

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The Romance Studio End of Summer Bash starts TODAY!

Join me and hundreds of other authors:

Paige Tyler,Gail Koger,*lizzie starr,Sam Cheever,Tina Gayle,Roz Lee,Debora Dennis,Kate Hill/Saloni Quinby,Cornelia Amiri,Rita Hestand,Zenobia Renquist,Jianne Carlo,Lola Karns,Lisa Carlisle,Christine Murphy,Kitsy Clare,J.R. Gray,London Saint James,Nicola Cameron,Cate Masters,Haley Whitehall,Shiloh Saddler,Naomi Bellina,Leigh Ellwood,Teri Riggs,Ute Carbone,Susan Hanniford Crowley,Lacey Roberts,Susan Horsnell,Lucy Felthouse,B.J. McCall,Denyse Bridger,Sharon Buchbinder,Amanda Bretz,Justus Roux,Janet Eckford,Natalie-Nicole Bates,Sean Michael,Megan Slayer,Wendi Zwaduk,Katya Armock,Tina Donahue,Sharita Lira,Sarah Grimm,Samantha Gentry,Shawna Delacorte,JoAnne Myers,Charity Parkerson,Jami Gray,A.M. Griffin,Tory Richards

It’s time to celebrate our last tanning days!

Have FUN!

Win Prizes.

Here are the details:

We’re celebtrating the end to a fabulous summer as we always do — with a End of Summer Bash! We’re giving away an Amazon gift ecard (electronic gift card only, value $100 minimum) to one lucky reader and we’re giving away a lot of other prizes from the TRS prize vault and participating authors too! There will be some other special surprises too. More details on the prizes to come…

***Wait! Not going to be around that week but wish you could promote at our party TOO? You can! Click here to learn how!***

Where is it going to be held?

The event will be held exclusively at our PARTY SITE.

When is it going to be held?

From August 25-31, 2014. Times? All day!

When will the prizes be given out?

The winner of the Amazon gift ecard will be selected at random on September 1, 2014. Other prizes from TRS and its participating authors will be assigned at each donor’s earliest convenience following the end of the event.

Okay so HOW do I enter for the gift card?

Our authors will be posting during the event period at our PARTY SITE about their latest books and other entertaining topics. Comment on any of the posts at any time during the event (should be at least acceptable/polite comments because comments in poor taste may result in exclusion from the event), and fill out the gift card entry form that will appear at the party, and you will be entered into the drawing for the Amazon gift ecard.

How do I enter for the other prizes?

For other prizes donated by TRS and all participating authors, there will be easy to use giveaway forms at the PARTY SITE.

Come on down & join me at: http://trsparties.com



Winners of the Nice Girls Writing Naughty’s Recipes to Cool a Blistering Heat Contest!

NGWN Promo Summer Recipes REVISEDAnnouncing the Winners of our RECIPES TO COOL A BLISTERING HEAT CONTEST!

I’m Jianne Carlo and I was your host for this HOT— yeah, I’m being snarky—contest.

First of all—a big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to share their precious recipes with us. Honestly, I cannot wait to try them out. What amazed me was the creativity and simplicity of some of the recipes you all shared.

Witouth further ado, let’s get down to shouting out the winners!

Category Prizes – $15 Amazon Gift Card:


Drinks— the prize goes to …..drum roll…………………………………PIPER MALONE!


Appetizers— the prize goes to …..drum roll…………………………………PIPER MALONE!


Entrees— the prize goes to …..drum roll…………………………………PIPER MALONE!


Dessert— the prize goes to …..drum roll…………………………………PIPER MALONE!

 And our GRAND PRIZE winner

of a $50 Amazon Gift Card

is drum roll & trumpets…..

Brandi Dagwan!!!


I will be contacting all the winners to deliver their prizes. Thank you so much everyone for making this contest cooling and fun!


Jianne Carlo

The Nice Girls Writing Naughty


Prymal Lust – More One Liners!

Prymal_Lust-Jianne_Carlo-100x160Her family would exile Tania if Axe even grazed her with a fingertip.

Tania to Axe: “Why don’t I join you in that shower, sailor-boy? There are certain parts of you I’m dying to handle.”

Really self-explanatory: “Don’t need any foreplay,” Tania muttered. Axe chuckled. “Tough. I do.”

“Beast,” Tania muttered and nipped Axe’s nipple. If only she knew.

Have a terrific Tuesday!



Guest Author Interview – 2 for 1: Dani Wade & Ella Sheridan

My guests today are authors Dani Wade and Ella Sheridan who just so happen to be identical twins. Go figure. Who are Dani and Ella?

Ella SheridanDani Wade astonished her local librarians as a teenager when she carried home 10 books every week – and actually read them all. Now she writes her own characters who clamor for attention in the midst of the chaos that is her life. Residing in the southern U.S. with a husband, two kids, two dogs, and one grumpy cat, she stays busy until she can closet herself away with her characters once more.


Ella grew up in the Deep South, where books provided adventures, friends, and her first taste of romance. Now she writes her own romantic adventures, with plenty of hot alpha men and the women who love and challenge them. With a day job, a husband, two active teenagers, and two not so active cats, Ella is always busy, but getting the voices in her head down on paper is a top priority.

Dani and Ella are both releasing their latest sizzling romances on the same day. Here’s a peek at their hot covers and the blurbs for:

StrickingAChord_800x1200Striking a Chord by Dani Wade: Success as a US rock star is payback to Irish drummer Sean Rosslair, whose father insisted music was a waste. Now Sean just needs to see the body to go with the smokin’ sexy voice of his new assistant, and his world will feel complete. But she ends up being the very woman he should never have. Anxious to do a good deed, Meghan finally exposes her plus-size presence to her boss. Only he doesn’t react the way she expects—to her body or his brother. She takes her punishment for her white lie well—too well. Meghan can’t refrain from begging her boss for another spanking…but can she let go enough to embrace romance with a rock star? Can Sean teach Meghan his erotic secrets before a hidden enemy puts him out of commission—permanently?

Just a little moreJust a Little More by Ella Sheridan Six weeks ago Angel had it all—a brand-new master’s degree, an apartment with her best friend, Brad, and the chance to take their friendship to a whole hot new level. But on the night of their first kiss, a would-be rapist ripped her bright future apart. Stuck in a never-ending cycle of fear and depression, Angel is determined to find herself again, even if it means putting herself at risk. Brad has loved Angel since he saved her from a playground bully in the fifth grade. But just as it seemed Angel’s eyes were opening to the true feelings between them, it all fell apart. When Angel disappears on the night of a freak snowstorm, Brad is determined to find her. And when he does, he won’t let her hide any longer. It’s time to wake her up—to a life without fear, and to a love that can heal the deepest wounds.

Welcome Dani and Ella.  I’m intrigued by the fact that you’re not only twins, but identical. Like me, I’m certain most people are curious about the nature of the bond between two human beings who occupied the same womb for nine months. Of course, my morbid and relentless inherent nosiness is even more titillated by the fact that you two are identical. Let’s dive right into the heart of the matter and do a word association to see how alike you are—no cheating!

Word: Magic                   Dani: Night time   Ella: Midnight
Word: Kinky                   Dani: Sex                 Ella: Sex
Word: Lure                     Dani: Fishing          Ella: Fish
Word: Chocolate           Dani: Chips              Ella: Want
Word: Spank                  Dani: Yes, please    Ella: Me
Word: Music                  Dani: Pleasure         Ella: Full
Word: Pleasure             Dani: Me                   Ella: Man

Both Dani and Ella did these separately and they didn’t peek—isn’t it eerie how similar their answers were? *shiver me timbers*

Now to get down to the nitty gritty:

Q. Did both of you start writing at the same time? If not, who was first?

Dani: Ella started writing early in her teens, but I never thought about it—not until my oldest child was two. I knew right off I wanted to write romance, and it didn’t take much research to know I wanted to publish. Now we’re both published and a source of encouragement and accountability to each other that is invaluable.

Ella: I was first to dabble; Dani was first to take it seriously. I started writing as a teenager, but life got distracting and reading provided the escape I needed desperately. It wasn’t until my kids got a little older and I had more free time that I started my first complete book. Dani knew much sooner what she wanted to do with all the creativity flowing through our veins.

Q. What genres do you write? And who are your publishers?

Dani: I write contemporary romance for Harlequin Desire, and indie publish my erotic romantic suspense under the same name.

Ella: I write erotic, some of which is straightforward contemporary and some of which is more on the romantic suspense side. Right now I’m published through Loose Id, but I’ll release my first indie series beginning this September.

Q. Name one thing readers would be surprised to know about you.

Dani: I’m an avid horror movie fan. Even though I write romance, I can’t stand romantic comedies. LOL

Ella: I have second-degree black belts in karate, jujitsu, and kung fu.

I love the titles of both your new releases (Dani- Striking a Chord, Ella – Just a Little More). Tell me which comes first for each of you the title or the storyline?

Dani: Usually the story. Somewhere along the way, something will be happening on the page and ping! The idea for a title will come to me. That being said, then I have to work with it (by myself or with a group of authors) until it is just right.

Ella:  Definitely depends on the book. My second release, Naughty Little Christmas, didn’t have a title until about a month before it released. (It’s not so easy when your titles have to fit a formula—in my case, containing the word “little” in the middle.) This book, though, had a title before it had a plot! I knew Brad and Angel had been friends for years, and I knew they were both wanting “just a little more” from each other. Plus, we hadn’t planned on a novella in this series, so it’s kind of a bonus story—just a little more from the Secrets world.

Tell us three fascinating tidbits about Sean (hero of Striking a Chord) and Brad (hero of Just a Little More)

Dani: Sean is a sexy Irishman relocated to the US to become part of the hard rock band Solar Uprising. He’s their new drummer, but he learned to play a variety of instruments when he was growing up in an Irish manor. During the book he realizes that returning home after running away never turned out the way your think it will…

Ella: Brad’s favorite color is red (especially when it comes draped over Angel!), he plays Twenty Questions with his customers as he tends bar, and…he was never supposed to be a hero in one of the Secrets books. I didn’t realize he would have his own story until a reader asked what his story was, and I knew my charming bartender needed an Angel of his own.

Tell us three fascinating tidbits about Meghan (heroine of Striking a Chord) and Angel (heroine of Just a Little More)

Dani: Meghan is a former preschool teacher turned rock star assistant. She doesn’t sport the typical look for the music world—she’s a petite size 14 and scared her boss will judge her by her looks. Despite her innocent appearance, her sexual proclivities have gotten her banned from her parents’ church as a slutty sinner. That’s okay. Her life is starting to look up…

Ella: Angel has a tendency to leave her things lying around (for a reason you’ll discover when you read the book 😉 ), she earned a master’s degree in English as a second language, and she was the first character that spoke to me about this story. Ultimately, though I usually write for my heroes, this story centered on the heroine and her amazing struggle back from the brink of darkness.

Which do you prefer?

Denim or Leather on a guy? Dani: Definitely denim, worn thin and loving every curve under it.  Ella: Denim every time! Yum.

Chinese or Italian food?  Dani:  Italian, any kind of pasta with cheese has to be heaven on earth (just don’t mention it in front of Ella). Ella: Chinese, though since I recently found out I’m allergic to both soy and gluten, both are pretty much out for me. I miss potstickers! *whimpers*

Butt or Pecs? Dani: Both are awesome, but give me a high, tight butt and I might be tempted to swoon. Ella: Can’t I have both? He looks good coming and going!

Chiseled jaw line or Chiseled abs? Dani:   Jaw. It just speaks to strength and a firm hand, right? And my heroines love an extra firm hand… Ella: A strong jaw is important in an alpha hero, seriously. No weak chins! (Plus, there’s that tenderness under a strong jaw that is perfect for nibbling.)

What’s your favorite Male Body Part? Dani: Besides the obvious one? Definitely that high, tight arse I talked about earlier! Ella:  Um, the obvious one. 😉 Oh, and lips. Mmm-mm.

Do you have any WIP’s you can share? Any release dates you can tell us about?

Dani: I have the first of my Mill Town Millionaires series out in August 2014 from Harlequin Desire. Later this year, a Backstage Pass novella will hit the virtual shelves, along with the first of my sexy suspense series Small Town Secrets set in a rural Tennessee town with undercurrents deeper than anyone could imagine.

Ella:  I do, I do! I have a new series beginning on September 23rd, Southern Nights. The first in the trilogy is Teach Me, the story of a shy writer being stalked by her ex, and the lessons her bodyguard teaches her, both in self-defense and in love.

To celebrate their same-day new releases, Dani and Ella are giving away the following to one lucky commenter on the Naughty Girls Writing Nice blog: http://nicegirlswritingnaughty.wordpress.com/

The first 2 books in Ella’s Secrets series

The first 2 books in Dani’s Backstage Pass series

One commenter will win all four books.

Buy link for Striking a Chord by Dani Wade:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LESMLJK

Buy link for Just a Little More by Ella Sheridan:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Just-Little-More-Secrets-Hide-ebook/dp/B00LG74FCA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404301881&sr=8-1&keywords=Just+a+little+more+by+ella+sheridan
Loose-Id: http://www.loose-id.com/secrets-to-hide-3-just-a-little-bit-more.html

Dani Wade’s Contact Information:
Email: [email protected] Website: www.DaniWade.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dani.wade.1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaniWade1 Blogs: www.DaniWade.com

Ella Sheridan’s Contact Information:
Email: [email protected] Website: www.ellasheridanauthor.com  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ella.sheridan.9 Twitter: @AuthorESheridan Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7350508.Ella_Sheridan  Blogs: www.ellasheridanauthor.com

Thanks for being my guests today Dani and Ella. Come back and visit soon!

