Whoa! Is this amazing or not?
Prymal Lust Trailer
Updates & Kindle Fire Contest Reminder!
I can hardly believe June’s almost over. No kidding, it feels like it was just New Year’s. Shoot. Now, I have to be on fast forward for the rest of the year. Yikes!
Lately, I’ve had tons of emails or pokes about the status of books for the year. So, here’s an update on all the works in process:
That Pearly Drop
First version completed. Yay!!
Viking in Chains, Jomsviking Blood Brothers #1
Chapter 3 completed.
The Wolf with the Broken Smile, White Wolf #4
Chapter 2 completed.
Shift’s Bacchanal, Hades Squad #5
Chapter 1 still in progress.
Wolf Without, Ricky’s Landing Book #1
Chapter 1 completed.
Many of you know I always have at least two books going, but this is a record for me – four at once. I try to write a minimum of 2000 words a day, and, when I’m stuck on one, I simply move to another. It keeps my frustration level low and, a few days away from one work helps to ‘un-stick’ me.
The day for drawing my GRAND contest winner’s fast approaching – July 4, 2013. I’ll be tweeting and announcing the number of days left to enter the contest starting from today. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment – but see the contest page here to increase your odds of winning a:
The more comments, tweets, FB likes, and shares, the more you increase your odds of winning! Go for it. Check out the contest page for all the details.
Hope you had a great weekend!
Y is for Yin & Yang!
I’m so excited to join in the A to Z blog hop!!! Truly, I regard it as a terrific challenge and a wonderful kick-start to my new website. My topic for the entire 26 days will be romance, particularly erotic romance. My structure will be as follows: I am going to first list the pertinent words for the day and then discuss one of them in alphabetical order, of course.
Y: yummy, yielding, yin, yang, and yoni.
The above are my list of sexy and/or erotic and/or romantic Y words. Feel free to chime in with your own!
For the twenty-fifth day of the A to Z blog hop challenge – I choose the words Yin and Yang. Because the Chinese concept has always fascinated me and I’ve always wondered if we in the western world might not be better off paying more attention to balance in life. We all seem so obsessed with things – another pair of shoes, a newer better car. Shouldn’t we pay more attention to our inner selves? After all, we can’t take any of our stuff with us. On my deathbed, I don’t believe I’ll be contemplating how many houses I’ve owned. What’s your thoughts?
Yin and Yang: (in Chinese philosophy and religion) two principles, one negative, dark, and feminine (yin) and one positive, bright, and masculine (yang) whose interaction influences the destinies of creatures and things.
To continue on the hop, click on one of the links below or the badge at the top of this post:
Jing Well Acupuncture and Natural Medicine
X is for X-Rated!
For the next four days of the A to Z Challenge, I will be featuring posts from my books related to romance words beginning with the letter of the day.
I’ll also be offering a prize, a free copy of Deviant Devil, Hades Squad Book 3, to one lucky commenter.
To win the prize, all you have to do is leave a comment with your email address. Please put NO in the email if you do not want to hear about my new releases. Winners will be announced on May 1, 2013 on this site and Facebook. Winners must claim prizes within five days by emailing me at; [email protected].
I don’t believe there’s any need for an explanation for the X is for X-rated once you read today’s excerpt.
Devil pulled the auction card from the envelope and read, “One blowjob in a private room. Condom mandatory. Touching only on my part. This is what you didn’t specify. Clothing, position, restraints. Forty-five seconds have elapsed. I can keep you here as long as I want until I come in your mouth, latex covered, as specified.”
The last person Devil expects to see in a BDSM club is the best friend of his buddy’s new wife, Jessica Blaine. The all-American apple pie woman he wants so badly it’s her face he sees every orgasm for the last nine months. Is she playing? Exploring? Tough, she’s on his turf now, she’s put herself up for auction, and by God she’s his for the night.
Jess is scared spit less. She’s going to suck off the man who may have killed, Aung, the college student she mentors who vanished three weeks earlier. When the wrong man, a masked stranger, wins the auction, she has no choice but to proceed. Horrified when she not only responds to the masked stranger, but climaxes, Jess flees.
Devil lets her go fully intending to reel her in. His way.
As instructed, Demon had her kneeling on the soft carpet, blindfolded, arms stretched wide, and the silk bonds on her wrists connected to rings attached via a long arm to the walls. She had her head cocked to one side. Even in the dim lighting, the robe hid none of her charms, and the outline of her curves, the shadow between her thighs had his pulse doing erratic leapfrogs.
Adjusting the dimmer of the overhead lights so he could feast on Jess’s responses and fine-tune his strategy, Devil circled her kneeling form. The fury he’d managed to dam detonated and erupted. Molten lava replaced his blood. He stood there inhaling liquid fire, repeating SEAL breathing exercises until he regained control, and assumed his dom mode.
“I didn’t agree to this.” Her voice wavered, but she lifted her chin in defiance. “I agreed to a blowjob.”
Devil pulled the auction card from the envelope and read, “One blowjob in a private room. Condom mandatory. Touching only on my part.”
She exhaled, her uneven breathing a sonata to his ears.
“That’s right. Exactly right.”
He pulled out his switchblade, slit her robe down the middle, and stifled a hiss as the material parted to reveal creamy skin, the swells of her breasts, a flat belly he dreamed of, pale golden curls framing the treasure between slender thighs.
Squatting so their faces were level, he drank in the sight of her: the long, elegant neck, the delicate line of her jaw, the cock-stiffening perfume peculiar only to this woman. A finger’s width separated their noses. Devil knew she felt his closeness, waited for him to respond, and he let the silence stretch, relishing the short puffs of minty breath escaping her pouting mouth.
“What are you doing?” She tugged furiously at the silk bonds holding her arms wide. “I demand a witness. I’m allowed that. Those are the rules.”
“This is what you didn’t specify. Clothing, position, restraints.” Devil checked his watch. “Forty-five seconds have elapsed. I can keep you here as long as I want until I come in your mouth, latex covered as specified.”
She’d lost all color, and those porn-fantasy lips he lusted after quivered. When she opened her mouth, he said, “Listen carefully because there are two ways this can go down.”
Cutting the sleeves of the robe, he continued, “I can hold you to the literal translation of the card. You can invite a witness to make me adhere to the rules.”
What remained of the robe floated to the floor. Jess shivered; her nipples were a shade darker than her rose lips, and they pearled and puckered.
A shudder racked through him. He sat back on his heels, and the leather pants squeezed his cock and testicles harder than any vise he’d ever tried. Devil closed his eyes, went through the SEAL breathing sequence yet again until blood flow restored baseline brain functions.
Stick to the plan.
“I can and will keep you here for the rest of the night. I don’t have to let you out of this room until I get what I paid five thousand dollars for. A blowjob. I can go for hours without coming.”
Her sinful mouth tightened into a pucker. She snorted. “And the other way?”
“One fifteen-minute session in this position. My mouth and tongue only.”
Hope you enjoyed. To go onto to the next site on the blog, click on the badge at the top of this post.
W is for Wicked!
For the next four days of the A to Z Challenge, I will be featuring posts from my books related to romance words beginning with the letter of the day.
I’ll also be offering a prize, a free copy of Deviant Devil, Hades Squad Book 3, to one lucky commenter.
To win the prize, all you have to do is leave a comment with your email address. Please put NO in the email if you do not want to hear about my new releases. Winners will be announced on May 1, 2013 on this site and Facebook. Winners must claim prizes within five days by emailing me at; [email protected].
Here’s a another snippet from Deviant Devil.
Devil pulled the auction card from the envelope and read, “One blowjob in a private room. Condom mandatory. Touching only on my part. This is what you didn’t specify. Clothing, position, restraints. Forty-five seconds have elapsed. I can keep you here as long as I want until I come in your mouth, latex covered, as specified.”
The last person Devil expects to see in a BDSM club is the best friend of his buddy’s new wife, Jessica Blaine. The all-American apple pie woman he wants so badly it’s her face he sees every orgasm for the last nine months. Is she playing? Exploring? Tough, she’s on his turf now, she’s put herself up for auction, and by God she’s his for the night.
Jess is scared spit less. She’s going to suck off the man who may have killed, Aung, the college student she mentors who vanished three weeks earlier. When the wrong man, a masked stranger, wins the auction, she has no choice but to proceed. Horrified when she not only responds to the masked stranger, but climaxes, Jess flees.
Devil lets her go fully intending to reel her in. His way.
Taking the freebie she’d given him, Devil tucked a strand of hair behind Jess’s ear and focused on the charcoal falling off the grate. “After you told me where to get off that night at Sinner’s seven months ago, I went on a weeklong spree. Turns out screwing like a bull didn’t cure me of what I wanted. You.”
He saw the disbelief in her eyes. “What don’t you believe, Jess? That I’ve been celibate since then?”
She shook her head. “You’re not the kind of man who takes the time to lie. I don’t understand — why me? I’m so not your type.”
“What’s my type?”
“Women who love sex.” She rolled a shoulder. “I’m not sure I can be the kind of woman you normally want.”
He glanced down to find her studying the wine in her glass. Running a finger along the angle of her cheekbone, he murmured, “You are the woman I want, Jessica Mary Blaine. You.”
She traced the rim of the crystal and swallowed. “You’re a very sexual man. I’ve known that from the start. I don’t, as you put it, screw. I’ve had two prior relationships, and the main reasons they didn’t work is because I wasn’t interested in the physical parts. I’m not a very sexual woman.”
Jealousy went viral in his blood. The heat from the roaring flames couldn’t compete with the coal-hot tinders sparking his flesh. He splayed his hands to keep from grabbing her. Wanted nothing more than to kiss and screw the memory of any man other than him from her brain.
Then her words sank into his feeble mind.
Those two other a-holes hadn’t cut the grade.
She hadn’t had screaming orgasms with either of them.
Devil tried not to grin. Restrained from beating his chest, but only by turning a strangled howl into a coughed grunt.
He tilted her chin. “After tonight and last night, you can’t still believe that?”
“It’s true.” She lowered her eyelids and chewed her lip. “I hate even the thought of oral sex.”
“Jess –”
“No. Let me finish. Okay. I enjoyed what you did. It’s probably some sort of fluke. But you’ll expect me to reciprocate, and I don’t know if I can. Without gagging.”
And just like that, he fell in love.
He, Dominix Alexander Zubiri, was in love.
With a woman who gagged at the thought of sucking his dick.
The universe’s idea of a wicked joke.
Hope you enjoyed. To go onto to the next site on the blog, click on the badge at the top of this post.